• Post category:StudyBullet-18
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Master the Art of Writing the Thesis Statement

What you will learn

What is a thesis statement?

Why are thesis statements crucial to success in college writing?

What are the characteristics of a great thesis statement?

How do you write a strong, powerful thesis statement?

What are some examples of well-written thesis statements?

How does a great thesis statement help you map out and write your entire essay?

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In this course, you will learn how to write a strong, powerful thesis statement for your college papers.  I will share with you the formula for writing thesis statements, the characteristics to include in your thesis, and examples of both good and not-so-good thesis statements.   You’ll soon discover that writing thesis statements is THE skill to master in learning to write for college, for once you master this skill, the rest of the essay falls into place!
