• Post category:StudyBullet-16
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Experience Deeper Intimacy and Connection in Your Relationships Whilst Exploring the Fundamental Nature of Being

What you will learn

How to practice eye-gazing meditation

How to enhance levels of intimacy in your relationships

How to establish deep connections with others using an integrative eye-gazing meditation system

How to heal relational traumas through eye-gazing meditation

How to help other people experience more intimacy in their relationships

How to lead eye-gazing meditation workshops and groups

How to use eye-gazing meditation for spiritual growth, insight, and self-knowledge


This course presents an integrative and systematic approach to Eye-Gazing Meditation (EGM). The approach is simple, straightforward, and can be enjoyed by just about anyone!

Eye-Gazing Meditation is a uniquely interpersonal and relational approach to meditation that, very quickly, produces profound experiences of intimacy, connection, and insight for those who engage in it. Somehow it has gone largely unnoticed by both the general public, academic researchers and clinicians: I hope this course will change that!

The course takes the format of a ‘Question & Answer’ workshop and between each of the twenty videos is a quick learning activity that will help you to get the most from the course.

This approach to Eye-Gazing Meditation allows you to:

· Create experiences of deep intimacy with your partner

· Foster an authentic connection with your partner

· Gain profound insights into the nature of Being

· Heal relational traumas that block genuine intimacy

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This course is most suitable for:

1. Couples seeking to strengthen their relationship

2. Those hoping to run group workshops and group therapy work

3. Use as a therapeutic intervention in counselling and therapy work with couples and families

4. Individuals who seek a deeper ontological understanding

It is also my hope that this approach to meditation (which is so focussed on creating a sense of connection) might have massive untapped potential when it comes to healing some of the divisions that we see emerging in our communities, societies and species as a whole.

To this end I invite you to join me in experimenting with this innovative approach to interpersonal healing so that you can not only enjoy more intimate and meaningful connections in your own life but share this powerful meditation system with people in your life and your community.

By the end of this course you’ll be able to approach Eye-Gazing Meditation with confidence, help others couples to discover the benefits of the practice, and have sufficient knowledge to run your own Eye-Gazing Meditation workshops.



An Introduction to Eye-Gazing Meditation

What Is Eye-Gazing Meditation? (An Introduction to Eye-Gazing Meditation)
Learning Activity (A) – Introducing Eye Gazing Meditation
Why Practice Eye-Gazing Meditation?
Learning Activity (B) – Introductory Reading

Exploring Eye-Gazing Meditation & Understanding The Integrative Approach

How Can I Practice Eye-Gazing If I Have No Partner or My Partner Won’t Join Me?
Learning Activity (C) – Practice Videos for Solo Eye-Gazing Contact
How Did You Discover Eye-Gazing Meditation & Develop This System?
Learning Activity (D) – Learning From The Experiences of Others
What Is Your ‘Integrative Approach’ to Eye-Gazing?
Learning Activity (E) – Personal Reflection Questions
What Is Mindfulness Meditation & How Do I Do It? (The Mindfulness Phase)
Learning Activity (F) – The Mindfulness Meditation Phase
Why Integrate Mindfulness Into Eye-Gazing Meditation Practice?
Learning Activity (G) – Metta (Loving-Kindness) Meditation Instructions
What Is Loving-Kindness Meditation? (Cultivate Metta In The Eye-Gazing Process)
Learning Activity (H) – Eye Gazing as a Tantric Exercise for Couples
How Should One Respond To Difficult Emotions In The Eye-Gazing Meditation?
Learning Activity (I) – Overcoming Awkwardness
Can Eye-Gazing Meditation Help To Heal Relational Traumas That Block Intimacy?
Learning Activity (J) – Personal Reflection Activity
How Can Eye-Gazing Help Us To Understand Projection & Transference?
Learning Activity (K) – Paying Attention To Projection
What Should One Do When One Needs To Terminate A Session In An Emergency?
Learning Activity (L) – Reflecting On Best Practice When Organising Group Work
What Experiences Tend To Arise During The Eye-Gazing Meditation Process?
Learning Activity (M) – Practicing Emotional Awareness
Is It Better To Be More Ritualistic or More Casual With This Practice?
Learning Activity (N) – How Could This Practice Potentially Change The World?

Eye-Gazing Meditation As A Therapeutic Intervention

Eye-Gazing Meditation – An Intervention In Couples Therapy & Clinical Psychology
Learning Activity (O) – Reflection Activity
What Are The Potential Clinical Applications of Eye-Gazing Meditation?
Learning Activity (P) – Reflecting On The Significance of Eye Contact in Therapy
How Can Couples Therapists Use Eye-Gazing Meditation In Their Work?
Learning Activity (Q) Connecting EGM To Broader Ideas Around Intimacy & Bonding
Is Eye-Gazing Meditation Suitable for Group Work, Therapy & Workshops?
Learning Activity (R) – Organising Your Own Group Workshop: Practical Reflection

Final Thoughts

Eye-Gazing Meditation: Spiritual & Philosophical Reflections
Learning Activity (S) – Learning From Different Perspectives on Eye-Gazing Work
Concluding Remarks – Tips & Advice