• Post category:StudyBullet-9
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Learn Electronic basics, Algorithms, C programming Language and Arduino

What you will learn

Electronic basics : Analog vs digital electronic, Tools and components, circuits and schematics, basic electrical laws

Algorithms and basics of C language

Most common sensors and how to use them

What is the Arduino? How is it build ? what it can do?

Write simple Arduino sketches to understand how to use Arduino IDE

Do different small Arduino projects


Do you want to learn Arduino programming from the beginning?

Do you want to write Arduino code that works, and that you can understand?

Do you want to really do things by yourself, instead of reading theory and copying/pasting some code?

Do you want to learn the basics of Electronics and Algorithms using C programming?

Then you are in the right place!

The goal of this course is to give you, step by step, the Arduino programming foundation that you need, along with a ton of practice, so you will be more confident to create much more complex and nice Arduino programs in the future.

You don’t need any special knowledge or programming experience to start this course, I will explain everything in detail.

Every line of code that you see in this course will be written in front of you. I will write code, and you will also write code. No copy and paste.

For every important step in this course, you will do a programming activity to practice and get a better understanding.

Along with the different activities, I’ll also give you some programming best practices that I’ve learned myself, so you’ll improve much faster than if you were just alone.

Who I am?

I am Hajar QAIBOU known as Hajar Ram on social media

I have a double degree in Embedded systems and Electronics Engineering.

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I have worked for different international companies since 2019

And I have around 7 years of teaching experience with a high level of student satisfaction.

Overview of this MasterClass

Here is an overview of what you will learn through the course:

First, we will start with Electronic basics where I will explain the difference between Analog and digital electronics, represent the most common tools and components used in ELectronics, How to build circuits and schematics, and of course, the basic electrical laws that you need to know.

Then in the second section, you will learn how to think like a Professional programmer by deeply understanding Algorithms and learn the basics of C language.

And of course, in each part, you will have exercises with their solutions and some quizzes to practice what you have learned.

Then we will cover the most common sensors in electronics and how to use them?

Next, we will start learning the Arduino

So you can understand What is Arduino? How is it built? And what it can do?

Then we will move on to give an overview of the most used functions, constants, and operators in Arduino and write simple sketches to understand how to use the Arduino IDE.

And in the last section, we will work on many useful projects which can allow you to be more independent when you want to work on specific projects.




Course Structure

Electronic Basics

Introduction – Difference between analog and digital Electronics
The most common tools used in Electronics
The most common components used in Electronics
How to determine resistance value using three different ways
Resistance value
What is an electronic circuit ?
The schematic diagram : how to create your projects designs?
Basic Circuit Laws
Create your first Electronic Circuit

Algorithms – C Coding Basics

Algorithms : what is an algorithm and how to create a Pseudocode?
How do computer work ? From a physical problem to a binary code
What is a variable and how to use it in C language ?
The basic structure of a C program
Input / Output functions and format specifier
What is a constant and how to use it in C ?
C Basics
Conditions : If else statements
Conditions : Switch case Statement
Loops : Introduction
Loops : For Loop
Loops : While Loop
Loops : Do While Loop
Functions : Part 1
Functions : Part 2
Abstract : the structure of a C program

Most commonly used Sensors and their applications

Introduction : what is a sensor ?
Why sensors are important for this course?
LDR : Light Dependent Resistor

Arduino Board Basics

What is Microcontroller and Microprocessor
Arduino Category and different types
Parts of Arduino Uno
Technical Specifications of Arduino Uno

Arduino IDE

What is an IDE?
Downloading and Installing the Arduino IDE
Preparing your computer
Parts of Arduino IDE
Simulator to use if you don’t have the hardware

Getting started with Arduino

Intalling Arduino Libraries
Getting started : Code structure
How to use the Serial Monitor
Digital Pin functions
Delay function : Blink LED
The most Important functions in Arduino IDE
The most important Variables/Constants in Arduino IDE
Operators and structure

Start with Arduino Projects

Traffic Light Controller
Control an LED using the serial monitor
Control an LED using a Bluetooth Module
Obstacle avoidance with ultrasonic sensors
Conclusion: how to go further and learn more about Arduino

Global test
