Powerful Tools For Leadership
What You Will Learn
The difference between those who are successful and those who aren’t.
The main types of beingnesses people can have.
Find out what happens when you are not certain.
Look at the one quality that, if you don’t have it, you will not have income.
What prevents people from leading?
Who can help you?
Understand what is happening when people resist being led.
And so much more!
No prerequisites.
You cannot be optimistic if your mind is not in order. You cannot be optimistic while you are insane. And when it comes to an organization, your mind is your records; and the insanity is the losing of money.
And the handling is what we cover when we recover your EDGE. This edge applies to your business, friendships, relationships, and life in general.
To have this edge is a must – without it you are stuck wandering around without a clear path and direction. That leads to wastes of time, money, effort, etc. Once you recover and develop your edge, you are guaranteed to succeed in any are you choose to.
In this very special live edition recording you have the opportunity to participate in the first free lesson of the Edge delivered by Gal Ezra.
This lesson was delivered in person to a select group of individuals that you now get to join completely free of charge. It is a great opportunity to get a look into the Edge, get a taste of what is to come, and get some amazing new points of view.
As long as you fully participate – do the drills, answer the questions, be a part of the group – you will already start to see changes and results.
Don’t hesitate! Sign up right away – it’s completely free.
Who this course is for:
- Those who want an EDGE in their business and life.