Learn all core features in React JS and become an advanced React JS developer

What you will learn

Learn React from absolutely scratch

Master React Hooks and Context

Become a expert React JS developer

Learn How to build project using React JS


Congratulations! You’ve found the most popular, most complete, and most up-to-date resource online for learning React for beginners. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces and one of the most popular technologies in the world.

This course teaches you all React concepts, from the ground up, step by step by diving into all the core basics.

What’s in this course?

  • Introduction to React class based and functional components
  • Core basics: How React state works, how to work with lifecycle methods.
  • What is functional components in react
  • Props and state in react
  • State management using setState
  • Lifecycle methods in react
  • Handle events and work with forms
  • Fetch data from api
  • Learn how to render lists and keys
  • What is UseState and how to manage state in functional components.
  • UseEffect hook and handle side effects in functional components.
  • UseContext hook and Global state management
  • UseReducer hook and complex state management.
  • UseRef in Depth
  • Implement React Movie application from scratch

What do you need to succeed in this course?

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  • HTML and CSS knowledge required
  • General/basic understanding of JavaScript

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to develop scalable web-apps with React and want to become expert react developer.
  • Programmers who want to increase their value as web developers.
  • Anyone who wants to become a freelancer or an independent web app developer.

What you’ll learn

  • All react core features

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

  • Basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript knowledge

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for everyone who want to become a expert react devloper.



Create a react app
Understanding folder structure of a react project

Components and JSX in React

What is JSX in React
Class based component
Functional based component

Props in React

What is Props and pass data using props
Pass functions as props
Pass data from child component to parent component

State and State management using SetState

What is State in react and how to manage state using SetState

Lifecycles methods in React

ComponentDidMount , ComponentDidUpdate and ComponentWillUnmount – In Details

Handling events and Forms in React

How to work with forms and handle events in react

API integration , List and Keys in react

Fetch data from API and render as lists and understand keys

Hooks in React

UseState Hook
UseEffect Hook
Context and UseContext Hook
UseReducer Hook
UseRef Hook and DOM elements

Course Project – React Movie App

Project Introduction
Basic structure setup
Creating Global context and state
Calling movie API to get data and implementing movie list component
Implementing loading state while calling API
Implementing background theme
Implementing localstorage functionality