• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Learn to develop Test Automation Scripts using Selenium WebDriver(Java)

What you will learn

Write Efficient Test scripts using Selenium(Java)

Understand and implement TestNg Framework

Effective use of Locator strategies

Learn how to develop Test Automation Frameworks

Latest features of Selenium 4

Test data management using Apache POI library

Test report management

Java OOPS concept and other concepts required to excel in Test Automation career


Manual testing is not dead but Manual testers are!

In today’s technology landscape, it has become necessary for every QA professional to know Test Automation .As more and more activities are getting digitalised, we can see more web applications getting developed. Hence, the demand for testing the web applications has also increased greatly.

Today, almost all Job roles for QA professionals demand that the candidates have a knowledge of any Test Automation framework of which selenium has a major market share.But learning selenium has its own set of challenges.

We have designed this course to simplify the overall learning of Selenium. Whether you are a Graduate looking for a Job in the job market or you are a functional/Manual QA looking to make a transition into Automation, you have found the perfect course!

I myself started my career as a Manual QA and over the time switched into Automation testing through self learning four years ago. Over the years, I have tried many ways to learn automation testing and figured out the best way to learn. This course is an outcome of years of learning experience. Something that I wish I had!

This course is based on Java programming language. But do not worry! Even if you know nothing about Java, I will hand hold you to know enough java to start your career in Selenium WebDriver.

What do we learn?

Fundamentals of Java for Test Automation

Selenium Architecture

Locator Strategies

Test Data Management with Selenium

Screenshots using Selenium

Action Classes

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How to develop Test Automation Framework

Data driven Framework

Hybrid Framework

Keyword driven framework

Page object Model

Action classes

Browser configuration using selenium

Cross browser testing

TestNg Framework

Parallel execution

Selenium 4 Latest features

Who is this course for?

  1. Beginners
  2. Those who want their first job in Test Automation
  3. Manual/Functional QA who want to switch to Test Automation



Selenium Architecture
Setting Up_1
Setting Up_2
First Script

Selenium Basics

FindElement and SendKeys methods
Output of Click
Getting the Text
Select Class
Select Class Demo
Select By Index
Find Elements
Find Elements part 2
Find Elements Demo

Xpaths and CSS Selectors

Introduction to XPaths
Xpath Examples
Xpath Contains
Complex Xpaths
Xpath Axes
Xpath Demo
Introduction to CSS Selectors
CSS Selectors Demo

Selenium Advanced topics

Screenshots in Selenium
Screenshots in Selenium : Demo
Browser Configurations in Selenium
Browser Configurations in selenium: Demo
Read Data from Excel
Apache POI Framework
Apache POI Demo
Action Class
Action Class Demo

Selenium Waits

Introduction to Selenium Waits
Implicit Waits
Explicit Waits

Test Automation Frameworks

Introduction to Test Automation Frameworks
Data Driven Framework
Keyword Driven Framework
Page Object Model
Hybrid Framework


Introduction to TestNg
TestNg Demonstration
TestNg Priority
TestNg Groups
TestNg:Re-Execute failed Test cases
TestNg Parallel Execution

Selenium 4

Introduction to Selenium 4
Selenium4 Setup
Selenium4 WebDriverManager
Selenium4 Screenshots
Selenium4 Relative Locators
Selenium4 Relative Locators Example
Selenium4 Tabs