• Post category:StudyBullet-16
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Infrastructure Server Deployment Azure Cloud Management with Terraform Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Azure DevOps Compute

What you will learn

Terraform Basics

Azure Provider

Resource Blocks

Virtual Machine Configuration


Image References

Data Disks

Variables and Input Parameters

Output Values


Terraform State Management


The “Terraform Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Azure Virtual Machine” course offers a comprehensive exploration of Terraform, focusing on its application in provisioning and managing Azure Virtual Machines. Participants will delve into Infrastructure as Code principles, understanding how to express and automate infrastructure configurations using Terraform. The course covers key topics such as Azure Cloud Management, Infrastructure Server Deployment, and Azure DevOps Compute, providing hands-on experience in defining, deploying, and scaling virtual machines in the Azure environment. Participants will learn to configure and manage the infrastructure using Terraform, gaining proficiency in specifying desired resource states, creating reusable modules, and implementing best practices for collaboration and version control. The course blends theoretical concepts with practical scenarios, empowering learners with the skills to efficiently orchestrate Azure resources using Terraform, ensuring consistency, reliability, and scalability in cloud infrastructure management.

Configuring Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) with Terraform offers several advantages, making it a preferred choice for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) in the Azure cloud environment:

1. **Automation and Consistency:**

Terraform allows you to automate the provisioning and configuration of Azure VMs, ensuring consistency across deployments. By defining infrastructure as code, you eliminate manual configurations, reducing the risk of human errors and creating a reliable, reproducible environment.

2. **Declarative Syntax:**

Terraform uses a declarative syntax, allowing you to define the desired state of your infrastructure. This makes it easy to express complex configurations in a clear and concise manner, promoting better collaboration among team members and providing a self-documenting approach to infrastructure management.

3. **Scalability and Flexibility:**

With Terraform, you can easily scale your Azure VM deployments up or down based on demand. The ability to define scalable configurations allows you to adapt to changing requirements without the need for extensive manual intervention.

4. **Modularity and Reusability:**

Terraform supports the creation of modular and reusable code through the use of modules. You can define reusable components, making it easy to share and maintain infrastructure code across projects. This modularity enhances code organization and promotes a consistent structure.

5. **Version Control Integration:**

Infrastructure code, when managed with Terraform, becomes versionable. Integrating with version control systems like Git enables tracking changes over time, facilitating collaboration, and providing a clear audit trail for modifications to the infrastructure.

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6. **Cross-Cloud Compatibility:**

Terraform is a multi-cloud IaC tool, allowing you to manage infrastructure across various cloud providers, not just Azure. This flexibility is valuable for organizations with a multi-cloud strategy or those considering future cloud provider changes.

7. **Parallel Deployment and Rollbacks:**

Terraform supports parallel execution of resource creation, enabling faster infrastructure deployment. Additionally, Terraform maintains state files, facilitating efficient rollback mechanisms in case of errors or undesired changes.

8. **Integration with CI/CD Pipelines:**

Terraform seamlessly integrates with Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This integration enables automated testing, validation, and deployment of infrastructure changes, promoting a DevOps culture and accelerating the release cycle.

9. **Enhanced Collaboration with Azure DevOps:**

Terraform can be integrated into Azure DevOps pipelines, providing a streamlined approach to managing infrastructure as part of the overall application lifecycle. This integration facilitates collaboration between development and operations teams.

10. **Cost Management:**

Terraform helps in managing and controlling costs by allowing you to define and optimize resource configurations based on specific usage patterns. You can easily adjust VM sizes, disk types, and other parameters to align with cost efficiency goals.

By leveraging Terraform for Azure VM configurations, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, agility, and reliability in managing their cloud infrastructure, ultimately contributing to improved development and operational workflows.



Terraform Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Azure Virtual Machine

About This Course
Terraform in Azure – Everything you need to deploy resources in Azure
Microsoft Azure Cloud and Accounts
Azure Virtual Machines – VMs
Creating a Virtual Machine – Azure VMs
Terraform and Azure
Lab Test 01 – Installation and Configuration on Windows
Lab Test 01 – Installation and Configuration on Ubuntu Linux
Local Test on Windows
Local Test on Ubuntu Linux
Lab Test 02 – Azure Resource Group Configuration with Terraform
Lab Test 03 – Azure Resource Group and Virtual Network Configuration
Lab Test 04 – Virtual Network and Subnet Configuration
Lab Test 05 – Azure Subnet and Public IP Address Resource Group Configuration
Lab Test 06 – Azure Security Group TCP UDP Protocol Port Number Configuration
Lab Test 07 – Azure Network Interface NIC with Dynamic IP Configuration
Lab Test 08 – Network Interface and Security Group Configuration with Terraform
Lab Test 09 Generate random text for a unique storage account name
Lab Test 10 Create storage account for boot diagnostics
Lab Test 11 – Create and display an SSH key
Lab Test 12 – Create virtual machine in Azure with Terraform
Lab Test 12 – Create a VM on Azure with Terraform on Linux
Lab Test 13 – Creating VM and Windows Server and IIS Installation with TF Files