ELT 2040: Teaching on Preply in the 2020s

What you will learn

Identify the key features and benefits of the Preply platform for both teachers and students.

Recognize the requirements and qualifications needed to become an Preply teacher.

Navigate the application process and successfully set up a teacher profile.

Set up and optimize a compelling teacher profile.

Understand the booking and scheduling system on Preply.

Utilize various teaching materials and resources.

Implement strategies for creating a productive online learning environment.

Identify and highlight unique skills and specializations.

Understand the advantages of using Preply as an online language teaching platform.

Recognize common challenges faced by online language teachers.

Develop strategies to address and overcome these challenges.

Identify the limitations and potential drawbacks of the Preply platform.

Develop strategies to mitigate the impact of these limitations on teaching.

Access and utilize a variety of teaching resources available for online teachers.

Integrate multimedia tools and educational technologies into your teaching practice.

Understand current trends and innovations in online language teaching.

Why take this course?

Hello teachers!

Welcome to ELT 2040: Teaching on Preply in the 2020s!

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This is a FREE crash course on becoming and developing as a language teacher on the platform Preply. This course has been created for and by independent, freelance, passionate language teachers. We are in no way affiliated with Preply. This is an unsponsored, no BS, cut-to-the-chase introduction to online language teaching through Preply. The creation of the course content has been informed by the real teaching experiences of hundreds of teachers and by dozens of official Preply resources on Preply’s website and beyond.

This course is meant for both new Preply teachers, experience Preply teachers and people who are considering a future in teaching on Preply. The program is organized into ten sections, each with a lecture and an accompanying comprehension task. There are also complementary resources linked to the modules which will help you with applying to the platform, setting up your profile, planning your classes, assessing your students and finding a sense of belonging in our teaching community. By joining this course, you will also gain access to Teach Ahead’s language teacher community.

We at Teach Ahead hope that this helps you to launch or continue your online language teaching career. Happy learning and happy teaching!
