Sustainable consumption

What you will learn

Familiarise ourselves with sustainable fashion industry, social norms and personal values of society.

Identify perceived value and sustainable consumption.

Appreciate social representation in the context of sustainable consumption.

Discuss functional value and sustainable consumer behaviour.

Appreciate the role of emotional intelligence in the context of circular consumption.

Why take this course?

Welcome to a captivating journey into the fascinating world of consumer behaviour and its impact on our planet. This lecture series looks at our buying decisions, explores how social norms, personal values and emotional intelligence influence what we consume. In the face of a pressing environmental crisis, understanding these external and internal psychological factors is more crucial than even before.

The power of social norms: the first leg of our exploration will uncover the profound influence of social norms on sustainable consumption in the context of second-hand goods. From the latest trends plastered across social media feeds to the unspoken expectations within our communities, these norms dictate what we perceive as ‘fashionable’, ‘trendy’, or even ‘successful’. We will analyse how these norms can lead to a desire to purchase the newest clothing lines. However, we will also look at the power of challenging social norms and redefine the concept of ‘cool’ to include sustainable practices and mindful consumption.

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In terms of personal values and ethics, we will explore the role of personal values in shaping our consumption habits. As consumers become more environmentally conscious, and increasing number prioritise ethical production practices and the environmental impact of their choices. The lecture series will help you identify your own values and how they align with your buying habits. Understanding an internal conflict between wanting a new piece of clothing and a concern for the environment can empower you to make informed and values-driven purchasing decisions.

The emotional intelligence and consumption will also be investigated and the role of emotional intelligence in informing our choices will be explored. We will look into the emotional connection we form with our clothing and how it influences our buying habits. Understanding your emotional trigger can help you avoid impulsive purchases and foster a more mindful approach to consumption that aligns with your values and environmental responsibility.

Throughout this series, you will gain the knowledge and tools to make a positive impact on the world through your sustainable consumption habits. On a personal level, you will gain the confidence to challenge societal pressures to make choices that reflect your values and environmental consciousness. Professionally, this knowledge can be invaluable. Whether you aspire to a career in marketing, business, or even social work, understanding consumer psychology is a valuable asset. This series will place you at the forefront of a shift towards sustainable business practices and empower you to contribute to a more responsible future.
