• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Using Epigenetics & the Science of Quantum Embodimentยฎ to Reduce Stress and Turn it Into Positive Growth

What you will learn

Able to lower their stress levels and feel more at relaxed and at peace to think clearer and make better decisions

Decrease stress and boost your happiness

Learn how to minimize stress symptoms like tension, overwhelm, worry, irritability, insomnia, and emotional eating

Learn how to maximize your joy

Addressing immediate stressors

Reducing long-term or daily stress


Stress IS the number one cause of illness, depression, ADHD, ADD and so many diseases because it causes the immune system to shut down. This predisposes the body to be attacked by cancer cells, viruses, and all sorts of harmful biochemicals that it would otherwise have defenses against. To reverse stress properly it must be addressed on the many areas of the mind, body, and emotions that interfere with well being and burden relationship with tension and acting out. This is why the course helps students so much, using the Science of Quantum Embodimentยฎ the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects are addressed that reduces the constrictions and returns wellness and empowerment by redirecting your inner pharmacy and creating new neural networks in your brain. This in turn reopens the immune system as the parasympathetic nervous system engages the endocrine and respiratory systems to rerun homeostasis and empowerment. Fortunately, by using the alchemy based tools and strategies of Quantum Embodimentยฎ the “lead” of your negativity and stress can be transformed into new reservoirs of empowering energetic “gold.”

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Stress poisons the joy of life. Stress turns living into a struggle and is the number one reason people are which predisposed people to illness, depression, ADHD and unsatisfying relationships.





Stress Management

How and Why Stress Causes illnessing and How To Reverse The Process Class 1
How and Why Stress Causes illnessing and How To Reverse The Process Class 2
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Twist and Release
Get Off my Back
In Case of Emergency Use this
Quickly Changing Your Emotional State