• Post category:StudyBullet-14
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Smart Buying from China

What you will learn

1. Processes to find suitable suppliers for your product

2. Calculate the landed cost

3. How to save money on product/shipping/importing

4. Get familiar with importing documents



  • Processes to find suitable suppliers for your product
  • Calculate the landed cost
  • How to save money on product/shipping/importing

What you will possibly get from this course:

You will be guided to create manage your product information in a worksheet.

You will know better the process of buying from China than a trader of 5 year-experience in your region

You will be a problem solver and deal with international trading issues with ease.

I will also start a LED project and meet learners on Zoom once a week.

The LED project:

  1. Learn: you will be guided through the whole process of buying from China.
  2. Do: When you start your own outsourcing journey, a help-buddy group will be created on skillshare and gets your questions answered. These Q&A will also be archived, updated and available to your learning.
  3. Educate: Teaching others what you’ve learned is one of the best ways to enhance your learning. Answering the questions from other learners will be rewarding to you. I will offer free supplier assessments and access to our outsourcing workflow dashboard.

First Hand Resources:

Payment method and transaction fee

Check the landed cost

Check the importing tax

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Note➛ Make sure your 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart has only this course you're going to enroll it now, Remove all other courses from the 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart before Enrolling!

Miro Flowchart


– Mission

To make cross-border communications easier by creating a transparent environment that put honesty and trust at first.


– Vision

Our vision is to build a place where people can do international trading with ease and achieve work-life balance.


– Values

Real connection, sustainable living, self-actualisation

真实联结, 绿色生活, 自我实现




Case study (Optional)
Incoterms Basics
Automate your workflow
Automate your workflow

Find Suppliers

Aiqicha Most straight forward way to find suppliers
Alibaba Most straight-forward ways to find factories in China in 2022
Product Management Worksheet 1.0

Payment and Shipping

What are the best payment methods of oursourcing to China in 2022?
The landed cost calculator


Information and documentation for import
Things to avoid and do to save importing costs


Chrome web scraper
FOB – Get your first-hand information