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Shamanism 101 | Theory, Tools, Practices, Meditations

What you will learn

The different types of shamans and what makes them unique

The tools shamans use for journeywork and personal vision quests

Shamanic meditation & practices

Theory of shamanism

How to bring out the shaman within


Welcome to Shamanic Essentials Shamanism 101 | Theory, Tools, Practices, Meditations

Are you curious to know what type of shaman you are?

In this course you will learn everything required to uncover your inner shaman including the following:

Shamanic theory: learn the theory behind shamanism and why different cultures practice in different ways

Shamanic tools: Learn the tools that shamans use to reach their deepest levels of insight

Different types of shamans & who the shamans are: Learn the different types of shamans and how they are classified

– How the shamans practice their work: Learn how to approach shamanic practices for best results

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– How to approach shamanic meditation for the best results: Learn & recieve shamanic music for your meditations

Do you typically get courses and not complete them?

Well, it’s not your fault!

While going through this course you will be happy to find that our course instructor/ facilitator Gabriel Castillo is very straightforward & informative. This will allow you to get through this course with ease, learn some new information, receive shamanic meditation music & recommendations to use for your personal practice, and receive a certificate of completion upon completion.

When going through this course it is important to keep an open mind and to remember that your journey to uncover the shaman within is not one to be rushed. If you are willing to embark on the journey of stepping into your true authentic expression then this course is for you!

This course is for any beginner, intermediate, or advanced shamanic practitioner!




Welcome To Shamanic Essentials

Chapter 1: Introduction To Shamanism

Learning Objectives
Definition of Shamanism
Definition of Shamanism Continued
Characteristics of Shamanism
Types of Shamans
Black Shamans (Diving a bit deeper)
Roles of Shamanism
Introduction To Shamanism: Quiz

Chapter Two: Shamanic Tools

Introduction: Shamanic Tools (Learning Objectives)
Shamanic Tools
Chapter Two: Quiz

Chapter Three: Principles/Theories Of Shamanism

Learning Objective
Theories Of Shamanism
Chapter Three: Quiz

Chapter Four: Shamanic Practices

Learning Objectives / Types Of Shamanic Practices
Chapter Four: Quiz

Chapter Five: Shamanic Meditation

Elements Of Shamanic Meditation
Importance Of Shamanic Meditation
Chapter Five: Quiz

The Path You Were Meant To Walk

The Fire In All Of Us
Finally Detached | The Path You Were Meant To Walk

Shamanic Meditation Music

How To Approach The Following Meditations
Shamanic Meditation for Grounding
Shamanic Meditation For Love
Shamanic Meditation For Connecting To Water
Shamanic Meditation – Remove Limiting Beliefs

Bonus Lecture

Bonus Material