Self Care For Mental Health
A practical approach to long term healing and growth

What you will learn

Learn how to take care of yourself

Focusing on long term growth

Positive habit and routine building

Personalised self care options the work for you


Learn how to take care of yourself.

In order to perform at our best, we need to know how to care for ourselves. To rest and recover, to grow and to ultimately thrive.

Self-care means deliberately taking care of your mental, emotional, and physical health. This is vital because if we are compromised in any way, we are of little use to ourselves or others.

In order to be the best parent, partner, employee or friend possible, we need to be healthy. Self-care helps to ensure that you are.

This course splits self-care into short and long term approaches.

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Short term self-care is the β€˜stop gap’ approach. The in the moment responses to chaos, trauma, confusion and stress designed to keep you functioning and healthy until the next day.

Long Term self-care serves a different purpose. It is designed to improve your situation over time through good habits and routine. Small daily incremental progress leads to long term changes.

By the end of this course, you will have access to a multitude of short term self-care options to try, as well as a practical approach to instilling the long terms self-care into your life.

Your best self awaits, so lets get into it!





Self Care For Mental Health

Why Self Care
Short v Long Term
Short Term Self Care
Check In
Long Term
Instil Habits
Diet & Finances
It Won’t Be Easy
Attitude Changes
Class Project

Recap & Review

Quick Recap