Overcome Your Excuses and Learn 6 Specific Ways of Partner Dancing Like A Great Dancer

What you will learn

Practice this 1 element of connection in dance to lead or follow anyone around the dance floor regardless of the style of dance.

Discover little known ways to style and add your own personality to your dancing.

Express confidence in your dancing and learn how to tell what your partner wants from the dance.

Demolish repetition and boredom. Uncover in musicality 1 thing to have a unique dance every time even to the same song.

Uncover the Dos and Don’ts of dance in technique. Explore the correct way to bring attention and elements of danger to your dancing.

See how you can eliminate your excuses from dancing in movement. 5 minutes of practice can change how you move forever.


At someone point you will have the opportunity to dance. And let’s face it. Unless you are physically disabled, anything other than taking the dance floor will come across as being shy, uninteresting and boring. I understand, You feel awkward. Have 2 left feet. Don’t have the 20 years experience. 

Listen, those are excuses and poor excuses at that. Dance is a language, and like a language you do not have to know every dip, flip, turn pattern, footwork trick, or technique to feel comfortable on the dance floor. This course is designed with structure to teach you principals of partner dancing so you’re comfortable on the dance floor. 

These principals: Connection, Style, Confidence, Musicality, Technique, and Movement applies to any type of partner dancing. And when you understand these principals, it makes understanding the different styles of partner dancing a lot easier. 

Understand, You won’t be auditioning for dancing with the stars. But you will be confidence enough and know enough about movement to never be afraid to walk on the dance floor again. In this course I’m going to show you specific ways to modify the movements you’re already doing and use it on the dance floor. 

We will explore 6 traits that all great partner dancers share: 

  • Connection 
  • Style 
  • Confidence 
  • Musicality 
  • Technique 
  • and Movement. 

And give you a specific action steps to accomplish a specific goal. Such as: 

  1. Being able to lead or follow anyone around the dance floor. 
  2. Creating your own dance expression based off your personality.
  3. Knowing when to keep things simple and when to challenge your dance partner. 
  4. Having a unique feel to your dancing even to the same song.
  5. Creating different layers and dynamics to your dancing in a lazy way.
  6. Changing your movements in 5 minutes to never be afraid to walk on the dance floor. 

Each trait has a single obtainable goal, and list: 

  • Exactly what it is
  • Why it is important
  • How do you do it
  • and What else you can do with it in your dancing. 





Introduction Video

Start Here: 6 Concepts Great Partner Dancers share

6 Concepts of Partner Dancing

Connection: The One Technique To Lead Or Follow Anyone Around The Dance Floor.

One Technique to Lead or Follow anyone on the dance floor introduction

What is Grounding?

Why is grounding Important?

How do you obtain Grounding?

What else can you do with grounding?

Style: Little known ways to create your own dance expressions.

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Little known ways to create your own dance expressions introduction.

What, Why, and How: Magic Between the Dots

What else can you do with Magic Between the Dots?

Confidence: Fulfill your partner needs without asking what they are

Confidence by tuning your connection introduction

Scenarios you will face on the dance floor when tuning connection is needed

What, Why, and How does tuning your connection works?

What else can you do with tuning your connection?

Musicality: 1 thing to have a unique dance every time?

Musicality and creating a story Introduction

What is creating a story and Why is creating a story important?

How to create a story?

What else can you do with creating a story?

Technique: Lazy way to add layers to your dancing and look different from others

Technique and using contrast introduction

What is contrast and Why is contrast important

How contrast works?

What else can you do with contrast?

Movement: In 5 minutes you can change how you move forever.

Movement and ease of movement introduction

What is ease of movement?

How is Ease of movement done?

What else can you do with ease on movement?