• Post category:StudyBullet-13
  • Reading time:4 mins read

A course on how to deliver good internal organisational reporting for your company / client.

What you will learn

Organisational reporting

Internal reporting

How to build a good reporting approach

Steps to good reporting


Data presentation



Utilising data effectively and being able to present this in a way that your business leaders can understand and use to make decisions is vitally important. Organisations pump out data every day from every process, so knowing how to present this in an effective way is crucial. Sadly, many organisations are not utilising their data in an effective enough way to enable their teams / leaders to make well informed decisions.

In this course, we will look at the techniques and steps required to deliver good organisational reporting to the internal operation. If you are seeking to deliver good reporting to key internal stakeholders who need to know how your operation is performing, this course is for you.

We will cover:

–Β What is reporting, its importance and purpose.

– Good reporting vs. bad reporting – things to look out for.

– 10 step process to delivering good organisational reporting.

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– A case study of a live example.

– A breakdown of some of the key things you could look to include in your reporting.

– Resources to utilise to understand current and future state requirements.

– Hints and tips on things to think through when building your reporting.

We will then review all learnings, discuss hints and tips and close out.

This approach is tried and tested, and has delivered successful organisational reporting for a number of companies, large and small.





The fundamentals of organisational reporting

The fundamentals of organisational reporting

Overview of the process

The process
Step 1: Current state
Step 2: Review data
Step 3: Define requirements
Step 4: Survey key stakeholders
Step 5: Gap analysis
Step 6: Build the first report
Step 7: Get feedback
Step 8: Amend the reporting
Step 9: Roll out
Step 10: Continuously improve

Case study

Case study

Close out

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