• Post category:StudyBullet-7
  • Reading time:6 mins read

An Introduction to the magical world of energy healing

What you will learn

Learn what exactly energy healing is and how you can use it for healing yourself and others.

Understand the history of Reiki.

Learn how Reiki benefits lives and what the principles of Reiki are.

Obtain a basic knowledge of the seven main chakras.

Understand the layers of the human energy field.

Explore what channeling is and how it plays a part in Reiki.

You will learn and experience the benefits of meditation.

An introduction to Reiki symbols.

Acquire a basic knowledge of how to live energetically clean.

Learn what common tools are needed to set up your energy healing room.

Understand how to identify professional and ethical issues that may arise in a healing session.

Understand how to ground yourself.


What you’ll learn

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  • The physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of Reiki
  • Understand Reiki’s origins and history
  • Learn examples of different energy healing modalities
  • Gain insight on what a reiki session feels like for the practitioner and the patient
  • Understand different experiences that may happen during some healing sessions
  • Understand what energy is and gain understanding of life force energy
  • Identify the energy layers of the human body
  • Detailed information of what are energy body is made of
  • Knowledge of why chakras are an important part of Reiki healing
  • Locate where the 7 chakras in your body are
  • Understand the purpose of each chakra
  • Gain insight on the colors associated with each chakra
  • Identify the five principles of Reiki and how they can benefit your life
  • An introduction of Reiki symbols
  • Learn techniques to protect your energy field to help you live energetically clean
  • Learn positive mantras and visualization techniques that raise your vibration
  • Understand what a Reiki attunement is
  • Learn what meditation is and how it benefits you
  • Understand instructions to practice meditating and learn why it is an important part of energy healing
  • Understand what channeling is and how it plays a part in energy healing
  • Identify what tools can be used in conjunction with Reiki therapy
  • Learn what can be beneficial to have in your healing room
  • Learn what grounding is and techniques you can use to stay grounded


Welcome to the course!

Reiki zero an introduction to the magical world of energy healing

Why should I learn about Reiki?

The benefits of Reiki

Understanding Energy and the layers of the human energy field.

What is energy healing?


Your energy body and the colors associated with them.


What is channeling and how does it pertain to Reiki?

The history of energy healing

Life Force Energy
The history of Reiki

Reiki Healing Sessions

Reiki Sensations

A Beginners Guide to Meditation.

How Meditation assists Healing.

The Five Principles of Reiki

Just for today…..

An introduction to symbols ❤

Reiki Symbols

Techniques to protect your energy field

Living Energetically Clean

A Reiki Healing Session

Tools In Conjunction with Reiki Therapy


Grounding an important part of healing.
Bonus Grounding Exercise

Congratulations! You have completed Reiki Zero an introduction

Closing words of Gratitude