• Post category:StudyBullet-6
  • Reading time:50 mins read

Complete Reiki Energy Healing Certification Includes: Level One, Two, Master, Distance, Crystal, Animal, Shaman, Symbols

What you will learn

How to become Reiki-Attuned and become the masters of their lives

How to become appreciated and respected in the Art of Reiki

Students can Become a Reiki Level One Practitioner

Students can Become a Reiki Level Two Practitioner

Students can Become an Advanced Reiki Level Three (ART) Practitioner

Students can Become a Reiki Master and Teacher

How they can preform reiki for virtually any purpose


✨✨The Complete 30+ Hour Reiki Certification: Secrets from A-Z includes over 30 hours of video lectures, including hand-drawn images of each of the Reiki symbols. Most of this course content is entirely original, with a brand-new approach to never-before-seen uses of Reiki. this is one of the most in-depth, longest, and comprehensive Reiki course you will find on the platform✨✨

Learn how to harness Reiki Energy Healing. Reiki is the universal life force healing energy that has been used successfully by people to heal physical, emotional, and mental energetic imbalances all across the planet. Learn how to heal yourself, family, friends, animals, plants, ancestors, objects, and even situations! Learn how to harmonize your mind, body, and heart. Learn how to draw love and gratitude into your life.

✨✨Become a Certified Reiki Master and Teacher✨✨

This is the Longest course on Reiki available on the platform and one of the most comprehensive, In-depth courses on Reiki in the world. It is the last course you’ll ever need to purchase on Reiki energy healing.

This course is self-paced and entirely virtual. You can go as slow or as fast as you like. What’s important is to take the path that feels right for your needs.

Every Single Level of Reiki is in here: Reiki level 1 (One), Reiki Level 2 (Two), and even Reiki Master level. you will learn how to be a fantastic Reiki practitioner, master, and teacher all-in-one. Additionally, You will receive all the attunements you need at a distance to access all Reiki levels.

This course doesn’t just teach you the techniques of Reiki––this course is about mastering the most in-depth mechanics of Reiki Energy Healing. Once you understand the Reiki Principles, you’ll excel in Reiki for a lifetime. This course has everything you could want out of Reiki and more!

Jake gives his students all the learning tools they need to gain everything. This course will not just help you become a Reiki master, but you can master your body, emotions, and mind at a quantum level. Jake doesn’t want you to just be a “great student” he’s empowering you to become the most advanced Reiki Level I, II,  master, and teacher possible. His greatest hope is that you become an even better teacher and master of Reiki than he is. Jake is dedicated to your complete success.

✨✨Here is what Students have to say✨✨ 

That’s a perfect match for me, one of the most comprehensive and amazing courses so far. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, you are a brilliant Reiki teacher, Jake!

––Oksana Budeykina ❤️

I was SO interested in Reiki and Jake increased my enthusiasm and interest tenfold. You can see he is so at peace, so calm and so eager to help us. His method of teaching is so nice and his teachings are so diverse. You might think that the sheer amount of lectures are the selling point of this course, but actually his way of teaching and his willingness to help us in that nice manner of his is.

––Snazzy Sensei  ❤️

“At first I was a bit skeptical, but I now see that Reiki and mindfulness go hand-in-hand. I didn’t really have a good grasp of what Reiki is going into it, but these videos are very easy to understand, even for a total novice like myself..”

–– Jace F. ❤️

I was super excited taking Jake Senn’s course. It has amazing amounts of info that he doesn’t just give in a PDF for you to read but is very involved in his q&as. He gives great insights on different forms of how Reiki works and the skills needed to continue to grow after taking the course. Thank you so much Jake!!!!!

––David Crider ❤️

I’m really enjoying the course. The instructor is clearly knowledgeable and easy to listen to. There’s a lot here, and my interest in Reiki has increased.

––Scott S. ❤️

I found the course novel, compelling, and interesting! I didn’t know this subject could be so accessible!

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Note➛ Make sure your 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart has only this course you're going to enroll it now, Remove all other courses from the 𝐔𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 cart before Enrolling!

––Gabriel ❤️

✨✨A sample of the Course Sections: Each section of the course is self-contained and a complete system in itself. You are getting the bonus of gaining more than a dozen-courses-in-one!✨✨

⭐️ Animal Reiki–– Enhance your connection to all living beings. Unlock the secrets of performing energy healing on Horses, Cats, Dogs, Birds, Rodents, and even Wild Animals. Learn how to heal animals at a distance so that you can always be safe.

☘️ Plant Reiki –– Feel a pure joy that only a plant can provide. Jake shares little known techniques that will help you create a transformative connection with plants. Be transformed from the inside out as you discover the multidimensional nature of plant medicines you can access. You no longer need to ingest, cut, or burn plant materials to gain plant’s natural, energetic medicines. Be elevated by a shamanic connection to trees, plants, Mycelium, and mushrooms. Become connected to the wonders of nature by using the Schumann Resonance with Reiki. Experience a new fresh breath of air to your life that can be cultivated for a lifetime with your new plant allies.

⚜️ Ancestral Reiki –– Connect with your ancestors and learn to heal those who are no longer with us. Whether you believe in having a connection to ancestors or not, this section will enhance your understanding of healing people and animate “beings” outside of our normal perception. Gain a Shamanism level of knowledge of Reiki and gain new allies from subtler spheres of existence. From a Jungian perspective, we can release the unconscious tethers that bind us to the ego by relating to the world through archetypes and Animism. We can create an animist relationship to energetic patterns in our subconscious and our environment. we can then release energetic imbalances in ourselves and the environment. We then achieve the ultimate agency to heal ourselves using our minds.

⛳️ Personal Development Reiki –– Overcome Fatigue, beat procrastination, and turn on your inner sunshine. You’ll be feeling bright as a star in the night sky when you unlock these highly misunderstood ways of using Reiki as one of the best personal development tools. When you experience Reiki through personal development, you will be able to heal energetic imbalances in your body, spirit, and mind. You can have a personal breakthrough.

Reiki Symbols Masterclass–– Experience the secrets to unlocking all-new symbols never revealed before to humanity. You can be the first person in the world to receive your own personal Reiki symbols that will help you become a true Reiki Master/Teacher. You’ll gain the ability to tune into specific Reiki frequencies and attune others as a teacher. You’ll grasp new truths about Reiki symbols that have yet to be revealed before by discovering the color of symbols. By going through this section, you’ll learn to become one of the best Reiki experts in the world and become an original Reiki content creator.

☸️ Bodhisattva Reiki–– Gain the hidden abilities of one of the highest leverage spiritual healing tools in history. Discover the power to unlock the secrets of sacred spiritual texts like the Lotus Sutra. Boddhisattvas are individuals who dedicate their lives to serving others. You’ll get the exact recipes to have the most significant possible impact in life in no time. By focusing your attention on high-leverage activities to innovate, protect, and heal the planet on a massive scale, you can create the most meaningful life possible.

❄️ Crystal Reiki–– Feel and gain the unique qualities held in all crystals, gemstones, and rocks. Complete your understanding of using Reiki with stones, gems, and crystal energy. Experience Reiki 24/7 as soon as you discover the insights revealed in programming crystals. Learn how crystals can become our Reiki allies.

☀️ Reiki Meditation –– Begin to Truly understand yourself. Deepen your understanding of Reiki and how it will enhance your life experience. Experience the closest connection between Reiki and meditation and unfold the mystery of your being.

⚛️ Distance Reiki –– Preform Energy healing on anyone from anywhere, any time of the day! Discover the process of healing others from afar using energy healing techniques. Healing others for your Reiki practice at a distance can be done quickly now. You’ll also learn how to attune others at a distance, including large groups. You can perform Reiki workshops live at a distance or create your own course like this understanding this section.

✍️ The Secret to Exponential Mastery: Journal Reiki –– The most important practice to become a world-renowned expert on Reiki is revealed. The life-improving wisdom of journaling for a Reiki practice is finally unveiled. Here, the hidden aspects of the superpower habit of journaling are explained in detailed, easy-to-grasp videos. You’ll be both confident and competent that your progress in Reiki and in life will skyrocket! You’ll discover the hidden process behind having near-unlimited potential with your Reiki progress.


You’ll become joyful❣️ Improve your self-worth❣️Bring balance in your everyday life❣️ Live at a higher vibration❣️ Be in tune with synchronicity❣️ Naturally invite The Law of Attraction into your life❣️

Once you’ve completed the entire course, gone through all the lectures, and practiced when asked, you’ll be able to receive a Reiki Master Certification (PDF) ✅

Finally, Jake will continue to add additional content as long as you’re enrolled in this course – of which you’ll have lifetime access ✅.

If your heart connects with this course, join us. There’s a 30-day money-back guarantee

Sounds fair enough?

✨✨Looking forward to seeing you inside!✨✨

This Reiki course is ideal for anyone searching for more info on the following: reiki – reiki certification – reiki master – quantum reiki – crystal reiki – crystals – money reiki – energy healing. Plus, this course will be a great addition to anyone trying to build out their knowledge in the following areas: energy healing – spiritual healing – crystal energy – shamanism.



Experience the Incredible Wonders of Reiki Level One:

Course Promotion Video: Watch it Anytime!
Here’s a Link to the Facebook group for Students
Reiki Level One Introduction
Have a Deeper Understanding and Stillness for Reiki Through Prayer
The Reiki Power Symbol Revealed: Cho Ku Ray
Aspects of the Reiki Power Symbol: Cho Ku Ray
Preform Self-Healing with tht Reiki level one Attunement
The Immediate Benefits and Effects You’ll Recieve After Attunement
Try Out These Simple Tasks Before Your Reiki Energy Healing Attunement
Have Fun: Setting up Your Enviroment for a Enjoyable Reiki Attunement Experience
Reiki Level One Attunement

Becoming a Reiki Superstar in By Getting a Grasp of Reiki Level Two

Prayer to Maximise the Impact of the Reiki Level Two Attunement and Learning
Level Two Introduction
Creating Reiki Sandwiches with the Power Symbol
Achieve Equilibrium : The Emotional / Mental Balance Symbol, Sei He Ki
Aspects of The Sei He Ki Symbol: The Emotional / Mental Balance Symbol
Use Reiki Energy Healing at Any Distance: Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Symbol
Aspects of the Reiki Timeless / Spaceless Distance Symbol: Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Important Guidelines for Preforming Distance Reiki Energy Healing
Heal the Past, Heal Our Future Timelines: Healing our Past Selves
Trust that You can Heal From a Distance
Teddy Bear Reiki: Using a Prop Get Comfortable Healing at a Distance
5x Your Progress: Secretly Preform Reiki on Everyone Throughout your Busy Day
Using Macro vs Microgestures and the Importance of Doing so Interchangeably
Extra Tips on Self Healing After Your Reiki Level Two Attunement
Heal Others With Your Reiki Level Two Attunement
Have Some Standards: Reiki Level Two and Maintaining Higher Ethics
Setting Up Your Ideal Enviroment For Your Reiki level Two Attunement
Reccomended Reading for Reiki Level Two Students, as Reccomended by Mikato Usui
Reiki Level Two Attunement Ceremony

Reiki (ART) Three/ Four Master Teacher

Introduction to the Master / Teacher Section
Prayer to Understand and Release the Full Potential of the Master Symbol
The Reiki Master Symbol: Unleash Your Fullest Reiki Potential When You Get This
The Various Aspects of the Dai Ko Myo Sign
Some Brief Overview about the Uses of the Master Symbol Dai Ko Myo
Using the Dai Ko Myo Sign During Reiki Attunement
As A Reiki Master, Preparing Students for Reiki Attunements is Important
Reiki Level Three Master Attunement Ceremony

Personal Development Reiki

You can Use Reiki as a Wonderful Personal Development Tool
A Short Introduction to the Wonders of Personal Developement Reiki
About the Instructor’s Experience With Personal Development Reiki
You can Join an Online Group of People Practicing Personal Development Reiki
Feel Energy for the Very First Time By Rubbing Your Hands Together
Have an Open Mind to Gain Mastery over the Process of Self Development
You can Use Reiki as One of the Ultimate Personal Development Tools
Improve Your Life Physically using Reiki
Physical Life Improvement Using Reiki Part Two
Improve Your Life Emotionally Using Reiki
Improve Your Life Mentally Using Reiki
Extra Beneficial Mediation Sessions Using Reiki
Using Reiki to Improve Your Levels of happiness
A Quick Reminder of The Five Principles of Reiki
“Just for Today, I will not Worry”
“Just for Today, I will not Be Angry “
“Just for Today, I will Be Grateful”
“Just for Today, I will Do my Work Honestly”
“Just for Today, I will be Kind to All Beings”
Find Quick Relief From Anxiety Using Reiki
Use Reiki to Soothe Any Sadness
The Many Benefits of Reiki Self-Treatment
Reduce the Stress in Our lives by Using Reiki
Overcome Burnout By Using Reiki
Using Reiki to Improve Your Quality of Sleep
Find Deeper Relaxation Using Reiki
Improving Our Moods Using Reiki
Using Reiki to Dissolve Energy Blocks
Feel Refreshed by Using Reiki to Cleanse Our Bodies Energetically
Enhancing our Experience and Awareness of the Body’s Healing Process with Reiki
Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth By Using Reiki
Using Reiki to Increase Your One-Pointed Concentration
Natrually Increase the Mind, Body, Spirit Connection Using Reiki

Intermediate Reiki Journal Practice

Creating and Maintaining a Reiki Journal Makes You a True Master of Reiki
PIcking the Type of Journal You’d like to Write in
Who is Your Journal Dedicated to?
Having Fun: Structuring a Journal Practice that Works Best for You
Metaphysics of the Journal: The Alpha Tuning Fork to Developing Reiki Qualities
Your Journal is Special: Defining the Physical Aspects of the Journal
Your Journal Carries Your Exact Energetic Signatures: The Astral Aspects
Your Journal Stays with you Indefinitely in Spirit: The Mental Aspects
Quick Reminder for Your Journal Practice
Enhance our Understanding and Commitment to A Journal Practice Through Prayer

Advanced / Master Reiki Subjects

Introduction to the Advanced Subjects Sections of the Course
Bessing Water with the Reiki Power Symbol: Cho Ku Ray
Blessing Food with the Reiki Power Symbol
The Little Known Technique of Reiki BreathL Learn How to Use Reiki Breath
Activate Your Clairvoyance sight Over time Using Reiki: Vision
Activate your Clairaudience Hearing Over time Using Reiki: Sound
Activate your Clairsentience Feeling / Sensing Ability Over Time: Touch
Reiki Activate your Clairolfactory Smelling Abilities: Smell
Activate your Clairgustatory Ability using Reiki: Taste
The Secret to Mastering the Crystal Ball by Using Reiki
The Little Known Way You can Charge Objects with Any Quality Using Reiki
Prayer to Understand the Advanced Topics of Reiki

Advanced Uses of the Reiki Power Symbol

Find New Secrets by Opening the Energetic Frequency Keys to Knowledge
Heal your Self and Others Using the Cho Ku Ray to Open People’s Aura
Charge People Without being Present: Charging Rooms with Energetic Frequencies
Empower other Reiki Symbols Using the Reiki Power Symbol: Cho Ku Ray
Clear the Negative Energies of a Space Using the Cho Ku Ray
Make Food more Tasteful and “Spiritually Nutritious” using the Power Symbol
The Law of Attraction Revealed: the Secret to the Power Symbol and LOA
Unlock New Advanced Possibilites of the Power Symbol Through Prayer

Advanced Uses of the Reiki Emotional / Mental Balance Symbol: Sei He Ki

Gain Emotional Equilibrium Using the Emotional Balance Symbol
Gain Mental Equilibrium Using the Sei He Ki Symbol
When Balanced, Memory Recall Improves: The Balance Symbol can Help you Remember
Get Rid of Bad Habits by Being Balanced and Finding Your Center
Balanced Inside, Balanced Outside: Imrprove your Relationships with Sei He Ki
Empowering our Daily Affirmations and our Subconcious Programming: Sei He Ki
Protecting Us From What Enters Our Mind: The Protective Quality of Equlibrium
Keep Your Cool, Remember Where You Last Lost Your Object with the Balance Symbol
Activate Harmony and Synchronicity in Your Life Now: Emotional / Mental Balance
Gain a Positive Outlook on Life: the Power of Automatic Reframing When Balanced
Gain Internal Stillness, Balance, and Equanimity Through Prayer: Sei He Ki

Advanced Uses on the Distance Symbol: Timeless and Spaceless

Heal Large Groups From Afar with this Amazing Symbol
Preform Distance Healing to Help Accelerate One’s Healing Experience
Emotionally Heal Yourself in the Past with this Simple Trick
Emotionally Heal the Future With the Distance Symbol
Healing Our Ancestrial Wounds: Creating Lasting Change For Generations to Come
Using the Distance Symbol to Heal From Any Distance
Setting an Automatic Timer on How Long Reiki is Channeled with this Simple Trick
Unlock more secrets Prayer: Understand the Advanced Uses of the Distance Symbol

Advanced Uses of the Reiki Master Symbol: Dai Ko Myo

Open Up all Channels During Reiki Attunements Using the Master Symbol
Attune Someone to Frequencies by Opening Up Thier Etheric Field: Get Permission
Draw Out Negative Energies form any Object By Using the Master Symbol
Free up Blockages in Yourself and Others: Preform Intuitive Surgery
Open Up Quantum Levels of Personal Growth Using the Master Symbol
Clearing Crystals By Charging Them Energetically
Increase Energy Throughout the body Using the Dai Ko Myo Symbol
Understand and Unlock the Master Reiki Key Through Stillness and Prayer

Immediately Enhance your Understanding of Reiki in this Section

The Laydown of What This Section is About
You can Absolutely Learn Reiki as a Beginner
There is an Online Group for Reiki Practitoners You can Join Right Now
How Reiki Will Benefit You
Reiki is Not What You Think it is: Defining What Reiki is Not
The suprise of Reiki: You can even Use it When no One Else is Around
You can be Attuned to Reiki and Preform it Regularly
The Massive Variety of People who Practice Reiki will Suprise You
No Matter What You Believe in, Reiki can Work for You (If you Allow it to)
You can Become a Student of Reiki When You make a Simple Commitment
Your Reiki Skills Can Always Improve when You Play with Reiki Everyday
Reiki feels Like the best day You”ve Ever had at the Beach
You can Expect the Best when Recieving a Reiki Treatment
How You can Use Reiki With Your Complimentary Healthcare Practice

Precepts to Attract Massive Growth: The Power of Precepts and Higher Principles

The Power of Precepts: the Five Reiki Principles Revisited
Attract the Life That You Want: How You can Create Your Own Precepts
Become Like a Magnet: Creating Precepts as an Alpha Tuning Fork
Try it Out Now: Writing Down Our Precepts
The Hidden Keys To Exponential Growth: The Quantitative and Qualitative Keys
Curious Levels of Growth: The Quanitative Key
Understanding the Fundamentals of the Qualitative Key to Reiki
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: Using Both the Quanitative and Qualitative Key
The Amazing Power of Your Words: Short Introduction to the Reiki Journal
Always being In Sync With are Precepts can Be Easy: A Short Prayer for Balance
Ampliphy Your Service: Create a Reiki Journal In Dedication to Future Clients

Reiki is Different: How Reiki Is Special Versus Other forms of Energy

Reiki is not What you Think it is: Reiki is a Safe Form of Universal Chi Energy
Being Big and Strong Enhances Your Reiki: Defining Physical, Vital (Jing) Energy
Astral (Chi) Energy: The More Balanced you are, The Better Your Reiki Practice
Mental (Chen) Energy: Improve Your Intellect Everyday –– The Universe is Mind
Akasha (Wuji) Energy: The Secret Etheric Fabric That Holds Together Reality
Non-Dual Light (Tao) Energy: Unmanifested Universal Light at the Highest Scale
The Intrinsic Quality of Timelessness
The Mind-Blowing Quality of Spacelessness
Releasing From What Hold you: Timelessness and Spacelessness Together
The Qualitative Key of Reiki: The Listening Quality of Energy
The Qualitative Key of Reiki Part Two: the Feeling Quality of Energy
The Quanitative Key of Reiki: The Ampliphying Quality of Energy
The Quanitative Key of Reiki Part Two: The Concentrating Quality of Energy
Prayer to Understand the Different Forms of Energy for Our Reiki Practice

Psychic Awareness Reiki

Open Up the Possibilities of Psychic Awareness Using Reiki
You can Open up Your Psychic Awareness Using Reiki
About this Course
You can Feel Kinesthetic Energy by Rubbing Your Hands Together
Remember to Have an Open Heart During this Process
Become Aware of the Psychic Body Through the Reiki Glove Exercise
Getting Aare of the Psychic and Mental Bodies Through the “Body Lag” Exercise
Heal Yourself and Others: Preform Intuitive Surgery Using this Simple Technique
You Know this Section is Perfect for you If you Fit this Criteria
If You Have this one Qualitiy, then This is not the Right Course for You
Develop Your Abilities at an Exponential Rate Using this Simple Device
Physical Aspects of Journal Creation for Psychic Awareness
Astral Qualities of the Journal Creation Process for Psychic Awareness
Mental Apsects of Journal Creation for Psychic Awareness
10X Results: Recieving Energetic Transmissions is the Best thing You can Do

Animal Reiki

Animal Reiki is Easy, Safe and Fun As Soon as You Watch This
Animal Reiki Will be Easy and Natrual for You Soon Enough
The Truth about Working with Animals Using Energy Healing and Reiki
The Instructor’s Experience with Animal Reiki
You can Join an Online Community of Animal Reiki Practitioners
Quick Win for Animal Reiki: Feel the energy of your hands
One Crucial Component When Working with Animals: Keep Your Heart Open
You can Get Started in Using Reiki With Animals as Soon as You’re Started
The Immediate Benefits of Exploring Reiki and Energy Healing With Animals
Relax, Enjoy! Getting Pets Comfortable with Reiki
Become a Known Pet Reiki Expert By Positioning Yourslef on Video
Getting Testimonials for Your Pet Reiki Practice
Creating Different Marketing Channels for Your Pet Service
Preforming Reiki Energy Healing at a Distance with Animals
“But I Just want to work with kittens and puppies..” Working with the Pet Owners
Improve the Relationship between Owners and their Pets Using Reiki
10 Dollars or 1,000,000 Dollars?! Ethical Pricing for Your Reiki Service
How You can Set Up Your Pet Reiki Business
Energy Healing Rats and Gerbils: Rodent Reiki
Energy Healing Horses: Equestrian Reiki
Energy Healing with Puppies and Dogs: Canine Reiki
Using Reiki with Kittens and Cats: Feline Reiki
Using Reiki with Birds: Avian Reiki
Using Reiki with Wild Animals
Prayer to Tune into the Energy Healing Needs of Animals
Helping Animals Feel More Comfortable over Time

Feeling Energy For Beginners

Increase Your Sensitivity Greatily by Building a Chi Kung Ball
Part Two: Increasing Sensitivity Greatly with the Chi Kung Ball
Part Three: Building the Chi Kung Ball
Rubbing Your Hands to Increase Sensitivity
Hypnosis Suggestability and Sensitivty Test
Establish a Connection with Nature by Preforming Tree Chi Kung

Defining the Qualities of How Reiki Manifests

Reiki Manifests itself Intelligently, With or Without Our Direct Influence
Defining the Submodality of Sight and How Reiki Manifests
Defining the Submodality of Sound in Relation to energy and Reiki
Defining the Quality of Kinethetics in Relation to Reiki Energy: What You Feel
Defining the Quality of Scents: for Reiki and Energy Sensitivity
Defining the Quality of Tastes For Reiki and Energy Sensitivity
Prayer to Understnad How We Experience Reiki and How it Manifests

Ancestor Reiki

Ancestor Reiki: How you can Heal Your Ancestors and Spirit Familiars
Heal Your Ancestorial Wounds Using Reiki
The Instructor’s Experience With Ancestrial Healing
Feel Free To Join the Online Group Section of this Course
Quick Win: First Step to Feeling Energy
Gain the Most out of Your Connection with Anscestors by Having an Open Heart
It’s okay if you Don’t Believe in “Woo Woo” Stuff: Permission to Play with Reiki
How you Will Benefit Massively by Using Reiki with Ancestors and Spirits
How You can help the Deceased: Why some Ancestors and Ghosts Stick Around
Blast Negative Energy Away from your Space: Turning Bad Mojo back to Light
A Hidden Technique: Detect Spirits, Familiars, and Anscestors in Your Presence
Creating a Conductive Personal Setting for the Presence of Ancestors and Spirits
Super quick Clairvoyance Tips to Supercharge Your Awareness of Ancestors
Super quick Clairvoynace Tips Part Two: Supercharge your Awareness
Using the reiki Power Symbol when Working With Spirits
Using the Balance Symbol When Working With Spiirts
Connect With Ancestrial Healing Using the Timeless/Spaceless Symbol of Reiki
Using the Reiki Master Symbol When Working With Ancestors and Spirits
Attract Positive Spirits and Familiars Using these Tips
Things that Repel Spirits and Ancestrial Connections
The Attributes of Positive Spirits Versus Negative Spirits
Enhance Your Connection to your Ancestors by Connecting With your Higher Self
Protect Your Mind from Influence Using the Balance Symbol
Become an Instant Pro: Invite Your Higher Self to Help Fascilitate Sessions
Helping Lost Spirits and Ancestors go back to Light Using Reiki
Heal Your Own Ancestrial Wounds Using Reiki
Provide Nourishment for Lost Hungry Spirits Based on a 2,000 Year-Old Practice
Creating Anchors that Help Beings Go Back to Light
How you can Create Reiki Anchors for Spirits While Traveling the World
Tune into the Needs of all Ancestors and Beings Using this Prayer
Thank You for Joining me on this Section of the Course
Conclusion to the Reiki Ancestor Section

Plant Kingdom Reiki

A Quick Introduction to the Amazing World of Plant Reiki
Quick Introduction to the Basics of Plant Reiki
Quick Win Exercise For Plant Reiki
Working with Plants Using Reiki Will be An Absolute Game Changer
My Relationship with Plant Reiki
Another Opportunity to Introduce Yourselves to Fellow Plant Reiki Practitioners
Secret: Open Heart and Expand Your Field of Conciousness to Connect with Plants
The Mystery of Using the Reiki Power Symbol to Connect to Plants
Using the Balance Symbol to Connect with the Highest Qualities of Plants
Plant Distance ––Using the Distance, Timeless/Spaceless Symbol of Reiki
Make Amazing Results Happen Using the Master Reiki Symbol With Plants
Plant Kingdom Reiki Exercise: Connect With Plants in Your Own Backyard
Make Food Taste Better and Get “Spiritual Nutrition” With the Reiki Power Symbol
Enhance Your Gardening Experiences Using Plant Reiki
Special Reiki Symbols: Create Reiki Symbols From Plant Relationships
Enhance Your Reiki Atmosphere with these Original Reiki Incense Techniques
The Transformative Secret of Connecting to the Immortal Spirit of Plants
Asking Permission: Using Reiki When Urban Foraging
The Unique Way to Use Reiki to Connect to Different Plant Species
The HIdden Secret to Connect with the Collective Conciousness of Plants
Think in Terms of Frequency and Vibration: Unlocking The Schuman Reasonance
Finding Peace: Enter the Collective Conciousness of Plants in your Local garden
A Shaman’s Call: Bridging a connection with the Collective Conciousness of Trees
The Secrets of the Fungi and Mushroom Kingdom Revealed: Enter the Old Kingdom
Tune into the Immortal Spirit of Plants, the Wise Imortal Aspects of Every Being
Tune into the Frequency of Service to Plants with a Prayer
Plant Kingdom Journal Part 1: Precepts, Dedications and Acts of Service
Plant Kingdom Journal Part 2: Secrets to Expanding Your Field of Conciousness
Plant Kingdom Journal Part 3: Nourishing Your Network of Forests for Empowerment
Plant Kingdom Journal Part 4: Expand Mind Awareness to Experience True Freedom

Gemstone Reiki

Introduction to Reiki Crystals, Rocks and Gemstones
You Can Become a Master of Crystal, Rock, and Gemstone Reiki
Super Quick Overview of the Reiki Crystl, Rock and Gemstone Section
How to Join the Reiki Crystal Group on Facebook
Reiki Experiences With Crystals Gemstones and Rocks
Connecting With a Reiki Rock Quick Win
Prerequisites for Reiki Rock Gem and Crystal Section
Using Rocks as Apart of Your Reiki Practice
Utilizing Gemstones with Your Reiki Practice

Reiki Symbols Masterclass

Empower Your Life Using Reiki Symbols
How Reiki Symbols can Change Your Life
About the Instructor’s Experience with Reiki Symbols
Join an Online Community of Reiki Symbol Practitioners
Recieve Symbols and Gain The Most Out of This Section By Keeping an Open Mind
Gain Access to these Different Types of Reiki Symbols
The Secret of Color and Symbols that Nobody Talks About
The Secret Western Way of Making Symbols
Must Watch Video: Getting Permission to Share Attunements is Essential
Unlocking the Hidden 99% of Reiki Symbols With this SIMPLE Technique
Become a True Master of Reiki Symbol Knowledge by Using this One Little Trick
Get Immediate results by Making Symbols Work Like A Contact Book: Just Dial
The Easiest way to Connect to the Micro and Macrocosmic Qualities of Anything
Identify and Create the Energetic Signature of Ancestors, Spirits, and Familars
All Symbols Being Equal: How no Reiki Symbol is more Powerful than Another
Empower all of your Connections to Symbols Similtaneously: Using a Reiki Journal
Attune Yourself and Others to Any Symbol Using Dai Ko Myo: The Master Symbol

Bodhisattva Reiki

Use Reiki To Accelerate Your Spritual Growth Using The Secrets of Bodhisattvas
The Secret Massive Benefits of Having A Servants Heart
Ensure Your Success Forever by Entering the Boddhisattva Stream
Create the Life You want Materially by Entering this Stream of Practice
Nourish Your Heart and Soul with Boundless Joy by Entering the Emotional Stream
P1 Boundless Mental Capacity and Agency by Entering This Special Mind Stream
P2 Boundless Mental Capacity and Agency by Entering This Special Mind Stream
A Quick Introduction to Boddhisattva Reiki
Quick Introduction To Boddhisattva Reiki Part Two
About My Experience With Bodhisattva Reiki
Improve Your Feedback Loop By Joining the Online Bodhisattva Reiki Group
Feel Energy For the First time By Rubbing Your Hands
Have an Open Heart to gain the most out of Bodhisattva Reiki
Supercharge your Path of Service by Creating a Bodhisattva Reiki Journal
Structure Your Heart and Mind By Structuring Your Journal
Cultivate Talents and Skills Using this ONE method
Create Massive Impact on Your Life and Others By Following This One Principle
Generate Wealth by Creating Greater Units of Value at Scale for Others
Become a Healer by Studying and Innovating within Eastern And Western Medicine
Become a Protector by Defending The most Vulnerable People and Beings
Become a Boddhisattva of Business by Innovation and Producing for all Beings
Become a Champion of Charity by Serving Suffering Communities
Unlock the Secrets of the Lotus Sutra Using the Reiki Power Symbol
Increase Your Life’s Merit by Helping Lost Beings

Reiki Journal Mastery

Use Reiki Journals to Accelerate your Growth
How you can Use Reiki Journals to Change Your Life
Why I use reiki journals and how the will boost your progress massively
How you Can Join the Online Group to Share Your Reiki Journal Experience
Use a Daily Planner to Win Everyday at Improving Your Reiki
Best Reiki Tip in the World: Your Ultimate Reiki Reacher is Your Reiki Journal
Winning at Creating a Reiki Journal: How Much You Write Matters
Be a tech wiz & try out the Hybrid Method Using Electronic and Print Journaling
Make Karma and Merit Your Best Allies: Cause and Effect of the Journal Practice
Journaling for Selfish Reasons Can’t get you too Far: Dedications Matter
Journaling for the Benefits of others Supercharges your Practice
Journaling for all of Humanity Will make you Unstoppable: Extra credit for life
Become a Master Journal Writer in as Little as one Minute a Day
Become A Competant Reiki Master in as Little as one Minute a Day
Charge Your Journal With the Power Symbol To Supercharge your Results
Experience Equanimity When Writing Using the Balance Symbol
Quicken Your Journal Practice by Typing up to 10,000 wpm using one little trick
Pictures are Worth 1000 words: Creating a Video Journal Practice
This One-Minute Daily Jounral Practice Will Make you A Reiki Authority
Sharing Will Exponentially increase your Reiki Abilities: Use Social Media
Boost Your Preformance Everyday Using a Reiki Accountability Buddy
Boosting Your Creativity Instantly with Reiki Morning Pages
Journal Section Conclusion

Reiki Chakras: a Quick Primer

Quick Introduction the Reiki Chakra Section
Channeling Reiki Through Our Eyes
The Difference Between Channeling Reiki Through Our Hands Vs. Our Fingers
Reiki Pore Breathing: Projecting Reiki Through Our Skin
Reiki Breath: Using Our Breath as a Reiki Conduit
Root Chakra: Our Survival and Base Center
Sacral Chakra: Our Sacred Energetic Center
Solar Plexus Chakra: Our Center of Command Presence
Heart Chakra: Our Center of Equanimity and Authentic Power
Throat Chakra: Our Center of Creation
Third Eye Chakra: Our Center of Processing Extrasensory Information
The Crown Chakra: Our Connection to Etheric Fabric of Reality and Non-Dual Light

The History of Reiki

Reiki Stories: The Story of Mikato Usui
The Brief Story of Hayashi, The Japanese Naval Officer
The Important Story of Hayata and Modern Reiki Today
The Importance of Tendai Buddhism and Vajrayana Buddhism in Reiki
Vajrayana, Reiki, and the Esoteric Buddhism Cultivation Path
Knowing the Unknown: Exploring the Hidden and Unknown History of Reiki Energy
Using Prayer to Unlock the Exoteric and Esoteric Secrets of Reiki
How Reiki is a Universal Energy, not a “Buddhist” Energy
Prayer to Awaken the Hidden Streams of Knowledge of Reiki WIthin Ourselves

Distance Reiki

The Value of Being Great at Distance Reiki and How You can Energy Heal Anywhere
Distance Reiki is Easy, Fun and You are Ready to Try it Out
You can find People to Practice Distance Healing With on the Online Group
Feel Free to Introduce Yourself and Connect with Students Here to Practice With
Quick Win Exercise to get Comfortable Feeling Energy
Always Keep an Open Mind When Preforming Distance Reiki
One Great Reason Why You Should Use Distance Reiki
How You Can Hold A Sacred Space to Conduct Reiki in
How You can Invite Your Higher Self For Sessions
Use the Reiki Power Symbol with Distance Healing: Cho Ku Ray
The Wonders of the Sei He Ki when Used at a Distance
The Gateway to a Distance Energy Healing Practice: The Timeless/Spaceless Symbol
Performing Distant Attunements with the Dai Ko Myo Master Symbol
Walking Friends, Family and Clients Through the Distance Energy Healing Process
Walking Students Through a Distant Atttunement
If You Don’t Trust Distance Healing or Attunements, Try this Out
How to Prepare Family, Friends, and Potential Clients Before a Session
Releasing Expectations of Our Reiki Sessions to Recieve Extra Benefit
Restoring Our Energy After Session By Burning Sage
Step-by-Step Walkthrough for A Distance Reiki Healing Session with an Individual
Step-by-Step Walkthrough of A Distance Group Healing
Being Adapative and Responsive to Different Personalities, wants & Needs
Helping People Manage an Immeditate Challenge on Short Notice at a Distance
You Will Know You are Successful After A Session By Using This One Trick

Reiki Meditation

Introduction to Reiki Meditations Section
About the Instructor’s Reiki Meditation Experience
There’s an Online Community Of Reiki Meditators You can Join
You can Use Reiki When Meditating
Feel Free to Introduce Yourselves to Other Reiki Meditators Here
There are Aways Different Ways to Apply Reiki to Meditation
A Reminder of How and Why Reiki is Related to Meditation

Old Introduction to the Course

How to Best Use this Course
Treat this Course as a Teacher
Prayer And Reiki
The Story of the Blind Village and the Elephant: What it has to do With Reiki

The Three Reiki Attunements (Incase You Want a Refresher)

Level One Reiki Attunement
Level Two Reiki Attunement
Reiki Level Three Attunement