Learn How to use Git on Windows, Automate some common tasks and work with other People on GitHub

What you will learn

What is Git

How to install Git

The Command Promth

How to use the Windows Command Prompth

How to use Git on Windows

The basic commands of Git

How to work with other people in Github

How to Automate some common Git tasks


Hi and Welcome to the Real-World Example: Git and GitHub on Windows – Basics Course.

My name is Daniel and I’m a Programmer and a small business owner.

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In this course you will learn:

  • What is Git
  • How to install Git
  • The Command Prompt
  • How to use the Windows Command Prompt
  • How to use Git on Windows
  • The basic commands of Git
  • How to work with other people in GitHub
  • How to Automate some common Git tasks


Hi and Welcome
Hi and Welcome to Real-World Example: Git and GitHub on Windows – Basics Course
Fast Examples of Why Git is Useful
Example 1 – To not lose your files
Example 2 – To work with other People in a Smart way
Getting Started with Git
What is Git?
How to Download and Install Git?
Getting Code from a Remove Git Repository
Getting Started with Windows Command Prompt
What is the Windows Command Prompt
Why do we need the Windows Command Prompt in this course
How to Open the Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) via Explorer
How to Open the Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) via Run
How to Change the Current Working Directory in Windows Command Prompt?
How to Easily Copy the Path of Every folder on Windows
How I move between directories in Windows Command Prompt
Windows Command Prompt vs Git Bash
What is the difference between Git Bash and Windows Command Prompt
Good things about Git Bash – Linux Interface
Bad things about Git Bash – Linux Interface
Good things about Windows Command Prompt – Good Windows Integration
Why I prefer using the Windows Command Prompt over Git Bash
Getting Started with GitHub
What is GitHub and Why it is Useful?
Creating a new GitHub Repository
Getting you GitHub repository to your PC (git clone)
Deleting repositories in GitHub
Creating and Deleting Organization Repositories
Creating and Setup of an Empty Repository
Working with GitHub repository via SSH
Setting up our Git Environment
Why I don’t Enter my GitHub Username and Password every time
The Git Config
Setting our Git user.name and user.email
Tell Git to remember our Passwords
Tell Git to push only the current Branch
Tell Git to support large files
Tell Git to Disable compression and use less CPU and more Internet
Tell Git to Commit without problems long paths and subfolders
Automating the Setup Process for New People
Our setup.bat
The Basic Git Skills
Getting Help for all Git commands (git help)
Getting a repository from the Internet to your PC (git clone)
Checking the Status of our Repository (git status)
Adding a file to a Git repository and Track it (git add)
Untracking added files for commit (git reset)
Commit your new file to your Local copy of the Git repository (git commit)
Send your changes to the Remote repository (git push)
Get the latest version of the Project and Sync your local copy (git pull)
Fixing Project Conflicts (By hand)
Repeat and have fun with friends
Automating Git tasks with Batch Scripts
Automatic Pull, Add, Commit and Push
Automatic Pull
Automatic Tracking of all files for Commit
Automatic Untracking of all files
Automatic Push to Remote repository
Next Steps
Collaboration, Teamwork, Quality and Processes