Mastering Redux: A Comprehensive Guide to State Management in ReactJs

What you will learn

Participants will delve into the fundamental principles of Redux, comprehending the interplay between actions, reducers, and the Redux store .

Enrollees will execute practical scenarios using Redux in conjunction with reduxjs/toolkit, an authoritative toolkit for Redux implementation.

Through hands-on projects, learners will construct a fully functional todo application employing Redux and React.

Upon completion of the course, participants will possess a comprehensive understanding of Redux principles, fortified with practical experience in building Apps


Discover the core of Redux and its integration with React in this dynamic course. Dive into Redux essentials, unraveling the intricate workings of actions, reducers, and the Redux store. Through practical exercises, you’ll grasp the art of Redux implementation, leveraging reduxjs/toolkit to streamline your coding experience.

Embark on a hands-on journey as you construct a robust todo application from scratch. Learn to craft components for adding, toggling, and deleting todos, seamlessly integrating them with Redux for efficient state management. Gain valuable insights into the nuances of traditional Redux versus Redux Toolkit, empowering you to make informed choices for your projects.Embark on a hands-on journey as you construct a robust todo application from scratch. Learn to craft components for adding, toggling, and deleting todos, seamlessly integrating them with Redux for efficient state management. Gain valuable insights into the nuances of traditional Redux versus Redux Toolkit, empowering you to make informed choices for your projects.

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By the course’s end, you’ll possess a comprehensive understanding of Redux principles and practical skills to apply them effectively in your React applications. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be ready to tackle diverse challenges, whether building simple todo lists or complex enterprise-level applications. Elevate your development prowess with Redux and React — enroll now and embark on a transformative learning journey!




About Instructor

Why to use Redux with ReactJs

Why to use Redux with ReactJs Part 1
Why to use Redux with ReactJs Part 2

Understanding Redux

Redux and it’s important parts

Project 1 : Todo Application

Project Explaination Part 1
Project Explaination Part 2
Project Explaination Part 3
Project Explaination Part 4
Add CSS in Project

The Complete Recape

Understanding the Code with flow diagram


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