Learn the complete React-Redux front end system.

What you will learn

The Most Modern Version of React and Redux

Modern Authentication and Routing Patterns

The Knowledge and Skills to Apply to Front End Jobs

How React Works Under the Hood

The Knowledge to know how different Front End Technologies work together (enough knowledge to impress other engineers)

Modern ES5, ES6, ES7 Javascript Syntax.

Why take this course?

Master React with Redux, React-Router, Hooks & Authentication using Auth0 🚀

Why Choose This Course? 🤔

Up-to-Date Learning: Dive into the latest versions of React and Redux, ensuring you’re not learning outdated techniques that could leave you behind in a rapidly evolving industry.

  • Curriculum from 2019+: Ensures you’re working with modern code and techniques.
  • No Outdated Skills: Avoid the pitfall of learning obsolete practices that could make you seem outdated in job interviews.

Deep Dive Learning: This course doesn’t just skim the surface; it takes you into the depths of React and Redux, giving you a comprehensive understanding of these powerful tools.

  • In-depth Explanations: Understand the intricacies of how React and Redux work under the hood.
  • Skill Mastery: Gain the expertise to build any type of front-end application with confidence.

React’s Dominance: With its unparalleled popularity, React is a critical skill for modern web development.

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  • High Demand: React’s demand continues to skyrocket and will remain dominant in the foreseeable future.
  • Future-Proof Skills: By mastering React, you’re securing a place in the future of web development.

Support & Accountability: Get direct support from the author of the course, Mohammad Iqbal.

  • Personalized Assistance: Ask questions and receive answers from Mohammad within 1 business day.
  • Community Support: Engage with a community of learners in the forum to share insights and encourage each other’s learning journey.

Risk-Free Learning: We’re confident that this course will be valuable to you, and we back it up with a satisfaction guarantee.

  • Money-Back Guarantee: If you feel the course hasn’t lived up to its promise, we offer a full refund. 💸

Course Highlights ✨

  • React Fundamentals: Learn the core concepts of React that make it a powerful library for building user interfaces.
  • Redux Integration: Understand how to manage state effectively with Redux, ensuring your apps are predictable and maintainable.
  • Routing with React-Router: Master client-side routing in React applications to enhance user navigation and app structure.
  • Hooks Mastery: Get hands-on with hooks, which provide a more functional programming approach to state and lifecycle features in functional components.
  • Authentication with Auth0: Streamline the authentication process in your React applications using Auth0’s robust services.

What You Will Learn 🎓

  • The latest React hooks for stateful logic without classes.
  • How to create a single-page application (SPA) with React and React-Router.
  • Advanced Redux patterns for efficient and scalable state management.
  • Authentication flows in React applications using Auth0.
  • Best practices for structuring your React projects for maintainability and performance.

Join the React Revolution! 🌟

Ready to take the leap into mastering modern React development? Enroll now and unlock a world of opportunities with React, Redux, React-Router, and Auth0. See you inside the course, where your journey towards becoming a full-stack developer begins! 🎉
