React Components and JSX

What you will learn

Basics of React

Understanding what is React

Creating Simple Web App using React

Why take this course?

This is the React course for beginners which covers basics of React.

You will understand the following topics:

  • Introduction to React
  • Creating React App
  • Creating React Components
  • Rendering data in React Components
  • Virtual DOM
  • Load Bootstrap in React
  • Update React Component State

Since free courses can be of maximum of 2 hrs, we can’t cover more topics in this course.

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If you need a comprehensive course of React, you can checkout my React Premium course called “React for Busy Developers”, which covers all essentials of React with a Live e-Commerce project along with React Hooks.

Important Points about this course:

  • This course doesn’t cover any live projects.
  • You can’t access Q&A in free courses. If you enroll in paid course, you can access Q&A; so that you can get help from the Instructor if you stuck up at coding problem or if you have any other doubts.
  • This course doesn’t provide any live project.
  • This course doesn’t provide any assignments / exercises.

If you demand Premium content for free, please stay away.
