• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:60 mins read

10 in 1:Data Entry App, Visual Basic ADO .Net ,Search SQL in VB ,multi user,Image in SQL Server,Backup,Aggregate,Publish

What you will learn

10 Courses in one + 60 Hours + 10 Projects – Longest SQL in VB. Net course on Udemy!

Easily Learn Pro Database Apps with VB .Net and SQL: Data Entry Apps ,Phone Book, Image in SQL ,Searching and Filtering Data, Aggregates ,SQL CRUD, Multi User A

Build VB. Net Apps by SQL ADO .Net

Pro English Dictionary by 176,000 Words!

Start working With SQL Server

Search the SQL Data by VB. net App

Filtering data to find values quickly

Design Pro Data Entry Forms

Save Image in SQL Db by VB .net App

Create Phone Book Project in VB .net

Multi User App & Login Form in VB. net

Backup and Restore SQL Db in VB. Net

SQL Aggregates ( Sum, Avg, Max, Min) in VB

Publish VB .net Apps in SQL in Users PC

Load,Save,Delete & New By VB. net in SQL

Date,Time,Currency & Number in VB. Net

SQL CRUD : Insert, Update, Delete functions

Working with Oracle VirtualBox


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With my 20 years programming skills Im with you to share my knowledge with you


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If you try you will learn using SQL Server Database in VB  Net Application

If you are beginners or student looking for a tutorial to database app in SQL Server and create a application for that in VB  Net in simplest way

  • I started from beginning and show you how to
  • Start Working with SQL Server
  • Build VB Net Apps by SQL ADO  Ne
  • Search the SQL Data by VB  net App
  • Design Pro Data Entry Forms
  • Save Image in SQL Db by VB  Net App
  • Pro English Dictionary by 176000 Words
  • Create Phone Book Project in VB  net
  • Multi User App and Login Form in VB  net
  • Backup and Restore SQL Db in VB  Net
  • SQL Aggregates  Sum Avg Max Min in VB  Net
  • Publish VB  net Apps in SQL in Users PC
  • Load Save Delete and New By VB  net in SQL
  • Using Date Time Currency and Number in VB  Net
  • Working with Oracle VirtualBox

Dont hesitate to start learning SQL Server in vb  net

Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of fun within my course

Say Hi SQL and VB  net world and lets go




Course Intro
Download projects and files of this course

SQL Serverfor Beginners

Who should watch this section!
Download & install SQL 2014 on Windows 10 and Windows 7
Start using SQL server and SSMS
Working with SQL database
Using SQL Server configuration manager
Using SQL Server Table
SQL Numeric Data types
SQL English Text Data types
SQL Unicode Text Data types
GUID datatype in SQL
How to Attach, Detach and offline the SQL database
Identity and Auto Increment Column in SQL Server
SQL Date Time Data types

Basics – “Phone Book” Db in SQL

Section intro
Intro -Road map of Phone Book Db in SQL
Create “Phone Book” database in SQL
Select Query In SQL

Basics – Using SQL Database in VB

Intro – Using SQL ADO.Net in VB
SQL ADO.Net Introduction
Adding and debt and income columns to database
Create VB.Net Phone Book Project for SQL Server
Add Dataset to VB.Net project
Make a back up of our project
Add Table Adapter to Dataset
SQL Server Connection String in Depth
Using Manual Query editor in VB.Net
Using Diagram & Criteria to Create SQL Select Query
Finish Adding Table Adapter to Dataset
What is Dataset and Data table in VB.Net
What is Table Adapter in VB.Net
How to configure SQL Query in Table Adapter

Basics – Data Entry Form in VB

#### Section intro 1 ### – Add DataGridView
Add Datagrid view to Phone Book form
Resolve errors and create form again
What is Binding Source?
Add All Textboxes & Labels to Phone Book Form
Adding Textbox & Label one by one to Form
Configure New , Delete and Save Buttons in Form
Add Records to Dataset and save in SQL Server Database
#### Section intro 2 ### – Add Toolbar to data entry form
Upgrade to Visual Studio 2019 my Phone Book project
Add toolbar to data entry form
Add image to toolbar buttons
Enable|Disable toolbar buttons by VB.Net code
Create method for Enable|Disable buttons
Enable|Disable Datagridview & Groupbox by VB.Net code
#### Section intro 3 ### – VB.Net codes for data entry buttons
Write “Add New ” button code in VB.Net
Write “Save Changes” button code in VB.Net
Show message box after saving data to SQL
Write “Delete User” button code in VB.Net
Write “Edit” & “Cancel” buttons code in VB.Net
Add empty record guard to “Edit” & “Delete” Buttons
Disable groupbox Items when click the “Delete” button

Basics – Loading Data & DataGridView

TableAdapter section intro
Use default Fill method of TableAdapter
Add new Fill method for TableAdapter and use it
Add new BindingNavigator and using it
Customize default BindingNavigator
#### Section intro 1 ### – Working with DataGridView
Disable DGV edit,delete,column reorder,new row and …
Disable DGV column & row resize
Add and remove DGV columns
Change the width and visibility of columns in DGV
Change the text of Columns in DGV

Basics – Advance ADO.Net

#### Section intro 1 ### – Advance Topics of ADO.Net
Get the Row count by using DataTable
Get the Row count after deleting some records by using DataTable
Sort the records inside DataTable using Select query
Get the Row count by using BindingSource
Get the current record position using BindingSource
Using BindingSource to Sort the records inside DataTable
#### Section intro 2 ### – Create Custom BindingNavigator
Design custom BindingNavigator by normal buttons
Write the code to navigate between records
Adding “Current Record” & “Total Records” labels to custom Navigator
Disable “First” & “Previous” buttons in first record
Disable “Last” & “Next” buttons in last record
Using “Try” structure to protect VB.Net codes against errors

Basics – Saving Image to SQL

Intro – Saving Image to SQL
Steps to save customer image in SQL database
Add customer image picturebox and browse button
Write the code to load customer image in VB.Net
Add empty image guard to customer image
Add filter for selecting customer image
Add “No Image” picture for new customer image
Add customer image column to SQL Server database
Add customer image column to VB.Net project by Configuring TableAdapter
Save Image in SQL DataBase
Configure TableAdpter to load saved image in form

Advance – Searching data

Course intro
Intro – Searching data
Download projects and files of this course
Intro creating phone book database
Search SQL data : Review to Create “Phone Book” Db in SQL
#### Section intro 1 ### – “Phone book” project in VB.Net
Create VB.Net Phone Book Project for SQL Server
Overview of ADO.NET
Add Dataset & TableAdapter to Phone Book app
Bind datatable to Datagrid View on form
Load data in to form from the SQL database
#### Section intro 2 ### – Finding the Fix Values in SQL
Where Clause for Searching Data in SQL
#### Section intro 3 ### – Finding Fix Values in VB.Net
Write query to search fix last name in VB.Net
Write query to search last name from textbox
Write query to search numeric columns
Search Unicode text in SQL table by VB.Net
Use Not equal operator(<>) for searching in VB.Net and SQL
Use other operators for search in SQL numeric columns in VB.Net
#### Section intro 4 ### – Finding Similar Values in SQL
Simple like query
Like query with starting percent
Like query with ending percent
Search evrywhere by like
Unicode in where
Like query with other wild carts
Like query with not operator
#### Section intro 5 ### – Finding Similar Values in VB.Net
LIKE operator in table adapter for searching fix Last Name
Search words with common starting by WildCard ‘%’ with SQL Like
Searching words with common ending by WildCard ‘%’ and SQL Like
Searching words anywhere with WildCard ‘%’+ SQL Like
Use LIKE operator for searching Unicode Values
#### Section intro 6 ### – Finding Between Values in SQL
Between usage
Using between with numberic columns
Using between with text columns
Using between with date columns
Using between with not operator
#### Section intro 7 ### – Finding Between Values in VB.Net
Add Between operator to table adapter to search a rage of dates
Design form to use Between operator
Working with DateTimePicker control
VB.Net code to search between dates

Project -> Advance Search Form

Download project of: Advance Search Form
Intro – advance search project
Create the advance search project in VB.Net
Set form default setting and add dataset
Connect Project & Dataset to SQL Databse
Design search form and add controls to it
Write the code to show and hide controls
Add DataGrid View to form
Search data by date of birth between 2 dates
. Search data by last name and 4 operators
Show message box when search type is not selected
Search last name by between and not equal operator
Protect the code by try structure

Project -> English Dictionary (+176,000 Words)

Download project files of: Pro English Dictionary
Intro – Pro English Dictionary with 176,000 words
How to download SQL Database of Dictionary with 176,000 words
Attach SQL database inside SQL Data folder
Attach SQL database inside custom folder
Create the English Dictionary project in VB. Net
Set the default properties of dictionary form
Design the English Dictionary main form
Add the dataset to VB.Net project
Connect VB. Net project to SQL Server
Write Select query in table adapter and add datatable
Bind data gridview and binding navigator to Datatable
Customize DGV columns (resize,column header, …)
Change the color of odd & even records in DGV
Change the row height & row header width of DGV
Add a textbox to show the definition completely
Add a query to search exact word in tableadapter
Write the code to search exact Word in VB .Net code
Add a query to search similar words in tableadapter
Add the search type combobox to form
Write VB.Net code to identify selected search type
Write the code to search similar Words in VB. Net code
Show the progress panel while searching the words
Sort the records after searching by table-adapter
Use the binding-source to sort the words after searching
Show message box when there is nothing to search
Add a button to show all words in dictionary
Finalize project by loading the default data in the startup

Advance – Filtering Data

Intro – Filtering Data
Project files of next sections
#### Section intro 1 ### – Build project for filtering data
Various methods to search data
Create the project in VB .Net to search data by filter
Add Dataset to VB.Net project
Connect the project to SQL database by adding Table-Adapter & datatable
Add the data-gridview to project and design dictionary form
#### Section intro 2 ### – Filtering Numeric Data
Search fix number by filter in numeric column
Other operators with filter to search numeric column
Using Logical operators with filter to advance search
#### Section intro 3 ### – Filtering Text Data
Using the filter to search exact text in text column
Filter & like operator to search similar values
Logical operators with text and numeric columns
#### Section intro 4 ### – Sorting records & remove filter
Sort the records by single column with the binding-source
Multi-column sorting with bindingsource
Remove the filter property of the bindingsource
Remove the sort property of the bindingsource
#### Section intro 5 ### – Filtering Date Data
Add phone book form to search the date column by filter
Add DateTimePicker and DGV to phone book form
Vb.Net code to search fix date by filter method
Effect of Windows regional format to search date by filter
Use DateTimePicker to search the date by filter method
Change DateTimePicker value by Vb. Net code

Project -> Fast English Dictionary

Download project files of: Fast English Dictionary
Intro – fast English dictionary
Prepare previous dictionary project to develop
VB.Net code to load the default records of dictionary
Use filter method to write “Show all” button code
. Search exact word by filter method
Search similar words in dictionary by filter method
Make Dictionary startup faster by timer control

Project -> Fast Search Phone Book

Download project files of: Fast Phone Book Search By Filter
. Intro – Fast search phone book
Prepare previous phone book project to develop
VB.Net code to load the all records of phone book in app startup
VB .Net code for “Show all” Button by filter method
Use filter to search exact last name in phone book
Use filter to search similar last name in phone book
Use Not equal operator(<>) with filter to search data
Auto search by filter
Search the date column by filter
Sort records after searching by filter

Pro – Date, Time, Currency & Number

Project files of Date,Time,Currency & Number with MaskedTextBox
#### Section intro 1 ### – Start Using MaskedTextBox
Add a new form and MaskedTextBox to the project
Using the MaskedTextBox by default masks
Main parts of the mask property for Date values
Change the prompt character of MaskedTextBox
Disable Space key on the MaskedTextBox
#### Section intro 2 ### – Using MTB for Date, Time, Number & Currency
Get the final Text of MaskedTextBox in VB.Net code
Using MaskedTextBox for Date and Time values
Using MaskedTextBox for Numerics values
What is the country based language code?
Using the MaskedTextBox for localized Currency
Using the MaskedTextBox for localized Date
Using the MaskedTextBox with Arabic language
Using the MaskedTextBox with Persian language
#### Section intro 3 # – Validating MTB for Date, Time, …
Validating MaskedTexbox Text as Date for LTR languages
Advance tips for Validating MaskedTexbox Text as Date for LTR languages
Validating MaskedTexbox Text as Date for Arabic & Persian & other RTL languages
Validating MaskedTexbox Text as Time
Validating MaskedTexbox Text as Number
Validating MaskedTexbox Text as Currency
. #### Section intro 4 ### – VB.Net project to save MTB values in SQL
Create a SQL database for using MaskedTextBox in VB.Net
Add customer info table to SQL database
Add sample data to SQL Server Table
Add 3 form to project for English,Arabic & Persian language
Set the form default properties and add the dataset
Add Table Adapter to Dataset and connect it to SQL
Add Datagrid view and items to form
Write VB.Net code to save data and load them back
#### Section intro 5 ### – MTB in VB.Net for Date and Time
Effect of Windows regional format of date column in VB.Net App
Change the culture of App by VB. Net code
Add MaskedTextBoxs to form and bind them to Datatable
Prepare MaskedTextBox for Date datatype
Change Application short date format in VB .Net code
VB code to Validate the Date inside MaskedTextbox for LTR languages
Prepare MaskedTextBox for Time datatype
Change Application short & long time format in VB.Net code
VB.Net code to Validate the Time in MaskedTexbox
#### Section intro 6 ### – MTB in VB.Net for Numbers & Currency
Prepare MaskedTextBox for Numeric datatype
VB.Net code to Validate the Number in MaskedTexbox
Prepare MaskedTextBox for Currency datatype
VB. Net code to change currency symbol in App culture
VB .Net code to Validate the Currency in MaskedTextbox
#### Section intro 7 ### – Data Validator Class & Method
Add class & method for data validation to Visual Studio project
Move our codes to validator method
Add parameter to our method
Add return value to validator method
Use the validator method in our form
Test and check the method by break point
#### Section intro 8 ### – Arabic & Persian Date, Time , …
Design Arabic data entry form with date,time , …
Change App culture to Arabic by visual basic code
Validate the Arabic date,time,number, …
Design Persian data entry form with date,time , …
Change App culture to Persian by visual basic code
Validate the Persian date,time,number, …

Pro – Amazing Data Entry Forms

Intro – Amazing Data Entry Forms
Download projects and files of this course
#### Section intro 1 ### – Add SQL Database for Goods
Create database and table for goods
Add sample data to SQL Server Table
#### Section intro 2 ### – Connecting SQL Db to VB.Net
Create new project in VB.Net
Add form for first data entry form
SQL ADO.Net Introduction
Add Dataset to VB.Net project
Add Table Adapter to Dataset and connect it to SQL
Simple working with query builder in Tableadapter
Advance working with query builder in Tableadapter
Finish Adding Table Adapter to Dataset
Datatable and Table Adapter in depth
Connection String & configuring Tableadapter query
. #### Section intro 3 ### – First data entry form type
Create data entry form by using first method
Working with BindingNavigator
Loading data with auto VB.Net generated codes!
Add data entry buttons in to top of form
Disable and enable data entry buttons by VB.Net code
Write the code for “New Record” Button
Write the code for “Save Changes” Button
Show message box after saving data to SQL
Write the code for “Delete Record” Button
Write the code for “Edit Record” & “Cancel” Buttons
Disable & enable DataGridView and group box
Prevent “Edit”&”Delete Button” empty record error
Working with DataGridView settings
#### Section intro 4 ### – 2nd data entry form type
Create data entry form by using second method
Design the main form of second method
Design the child form of second method data entry
Write the code to show the child form
Add status label to child form
Write the code for “New Record” Button
Write “Save Changes” button code in VB.Net
Reload the data after saving changes in SQL
Transfer selected ID from main form to the child form
Add the SQL query to load data by ID in TableAdapter
Write the code of “Edit Button” by using the “Fill By ID” query
Add the empty record guard to “Edit Button”
Write “Delete” button code in VB.Net
Sort records by “ID” column by 2 methods
Finalize second method forms
#### Section intro 5 ### – 3rd data entry form type
Add forms for 3rd data entry form
Design the main form of 3rd method
Show the child form of 3rd method data entry
Design the child form of 3rd method data entry
Write the code for child form of 3rd data entry form
Transfer selected ID from main form to the child form
load data by selected “ID” in child form
Correct the “Delete Button” code
Add the empty record guard to “Edit Button” & “Delete Button”
Add main form to show 3 data entry main forms
Using Try structure to protect code against SQL Errors

Pro – Saving Image in SQL

Intro – Saving Image in SQL
Project files of this course
How to load the Project files after downloading
#### Section intro 1 ### – Build “User List” Database in SQL
Create SQL Database for users List
Add image column to table in SQL
Add Users sample data in SQL Database
#### Section intro 2 ### – Add SQL Database in VB.Net
Create Users List project in VB.Net
Structure ADO
Add Dataset to VB.Net project
Connect VB.Net project to SQL Server
Add Select query to Table adapter
Add Datatable to Dataset and Tips
#### Section intro 3 ### – Design User List Form
Add Datagrid view & Items to Users form
Add user picture box to form
Write code to load user image in VB.Net
Add empty image guard to user image
Add filter for selecting user image
Add “No Image” picture for empty user image
#### Section intro 4 ### – Data Entry Form Toolbar
Add toolbar to data entry form
Add image to toolbar buttons
Enable|Disable toolbar buttons by VB.Net code
Create method for Enable|Disable buttons
#### Section intro 5 ### – Data Entry Buttons VB.Net Coding
“Add New User” button code in VB.Net
“Save Changes” button code in VB.Net
Show message box after saving data to SQL
“Delete User” button code in VB.Net
“Edit” & “Cancel” buttons code in VB.Net
Save user image in SQL Database
#### Section intro 6 ### – Customize DataGrid View (DGV)
Set the size of Image column in DGV
Set the height of Image column in DGV
Disable DGV edit,delete,column reorder,new row and …
Customize DGV columns (resize,column header, …)
#### Section intro 7 ### – Save Image Manually to SQL
Convert Image to Binary or Byte array
Save image binary directly in SQL database
#### Section intro 7 ### – Save Image Manually to SQL
Solve the error when insert method not found
Show message box after saving image in SQL
Add Guard to prevent empty image error
Insert data into SQL by using textboxes

Pro – Multi-UserApps

Intro – Multi User App
Download projects and files of this course
#### Section intro 1 ### – Add “User Login” Db in SQL
Create SQL Database for Users Login
Create table for Users Login in SQL Database
Add Users Login sample data in SQL Database
#### Section intro 2 ### – Design Form of “Login Users List”
Create Users Login project in VB.Net
Add main form for project
Add top & bottom panels with buttons
Add image & text to toolbar buttons
Add Dataset to VB.Net project
Connect VB.Net project to SQL Server
Add Select query to Table adapter
Finish adding Datatable to Dataset and Tips
#### Section intro 3 ### – Design “Login List” Main Form
Add main login users list form to VB.Net project
Add Datagrid view to login users list form
Write the code to load user list data by TableAdapter
#### Section intro 4 ### – Design “User Register” Form
Add user register form
Design User Register Form
Add items to user register form
Write the code to disable & enable data entry buttons
Write the code to disable & enable items inside groupbox
#### Section intro 5 ### – Coding “User Register” Form in VB.Net
Write “Add New User ” button code in VB.Net
Write “Save Changes” button code in VB.Net
Show message box after saving data to SQL
Transfer selected ID from main form to the child form
Add the SQL query to load data by ID in TableAdapter
Write the code to load user data by selected ID
Write “Edit” & “Delete” button code in VB.Net
Write “Cancel” button code in VB.Net
Add empty record guard to “Edit” & “Delete” Buttons
Fill the data by last “ID” after saving in database
Refresh the records after closing user register form
Customize DataGrid View (DGV)
#### Section intro 6 ### – Saving User Image in SQL Db
Load the user image in picturebox
Add the guard for empty user image
Add filter for selecting user image
Saving User Image in SQL Database
#### Section intro 7 ### – Design User Login Form
Add login form to project
Design login form and adding controls to it
Bind user name combobox to data table
Add login info labels to login form
Bind user image picturebox to user image column
Write the code to verify user entered password
Limit password textbox chars and add guard to …
#### Section intro 8 ### – Using “Login” Form by Main Form
Show users list form within main form
Show login form at App startup
Write the “Exit Button” code in login form
Saving user login info in App settings
Show login user image & name in main form
Finalize login form coding!
#### Section intro 9 ### – Project 1: Data Entry Form with Login data
Create “Product List” database in SQL Server
Add sample data in SQL for Product List table
Add “Product List” table to dataset in our Project
Add Product List data entry form
Design the Product List form
Write the code for Product List form to save data
Add value to the “User Name” & “User Id” labels
Add value to the “System Date” & “System Time” labels
Connect Product List form to the main form
Add guard & protection to codes by “Try” Structure
Add the background image to the main form

Pro – Backup &Restore Data

Intro – Backup & Restore Data
Download projects and files of this course
Steps to add the backup & restore to VB.Net apps
#### Section intro 1 ### – Creating the sample database
Create the sample database in SQL Server
Add sample data and test our SQL table
#### Section intro 2 ### – Connecting SQL Db to VB.Net
Add new project in VB.net
Add Table Adapter to Dataset and connect it to SQL
Finish Adding Table Adapter to Dataset
Add Datagrid view to form
#### Section intro 3 ### – Backup Database in SQL
Simple database backup in SQL Server
Advance database backup in SQL Server
SQL script to make a database backup in SQL Server
#### Section intro 4 ### – Restore Database in SQ
Restore database from SQL internal backup list
Restore database from SQL backup file
Advance topics of database restore in SQL Server
SQL script to restore a database backup in SQL Server
#### Section intro 5 ### – Run SQL Backup Query in VB.Net
Add “SQL command” & “SQL connection” to VB.net code
Add 6 steps to run SQL Query in VB.Net code
Add backup script to run in VB.net
Change backup file name & path and … in VB.Net
#### Section intro 6 ### – Run SQL Restore Query in VB.Net
Add restore script to run in VB.Net
Advance topics about restore command in VB.net code

Project -> Pro Backup Form

Add backup form to VB.net project
Design backup form in VB.net
VB code for “Browse” & “Exit” Buttons
VB code to generate the backup file name
Add empty backup folder name guard to “Browse” Button
VB code for “Backup & Exit” Button
Add empty backup file name guard to “Backup” Button
Show message after creating the SQL backup in VB
Show backup progress panel while backing up database
VB.net code to exit the backup form after backup process

Project -> Pro Restore Form

Add restore form to VB.net project
Design restore form in VB .net
VB code for “Browse” & “Exit” Buttons
Add empty backup file name guard to “Browse” Button
Start writing the “Restore” button code
Complete “Restore” button code
Add database exist checker to “Restore” button
Show “Backup” & “Restore” forms from main form

Pro – SQLAggregates

Intro – SQL Aggregates
Download projects and files of this course
#### Section intro 1 ### – Sample Database in SQL
Create the sample database in SQL Server
Add sample data and test our SQL table
#### Section intro 2 ### – Connecting SQL Db to VB.Net
Add new project in VB.net
What is SQL ADO.Net technology?
Add Table Adapter to Dataset and connect it to SQL
Finish Adding Table Adapter to Dataset
Add Datagrid view to form
Connection String & configuring Tableadapter query
#### Section intro 3 ### – COUNT Aggregate Function
Using COUNT aggregate function in SQL Editor
Add new aggregate query to tableadapter
Add COUNT function to tableadapter in VB. Net
Using the COUNT query in VB.Net form
Working the “GetvalueorDefault” method
#### Section intro 4 ### – SUM Aggregate Function
Using SUM aggregate function in SQL Editor
Add SUM function to tableadapter in VB .Net
Using the SUM query in VB.Net form
#### Section intro 5 ### – AVG Aggregate Function
Using AVG aggregate function in SQL Editor
Add AVG function to tableadapter in VB
Using the AVG query in VB.net form
#### Section intro 6 ### – MIN Aggregate Function
Using MIN aggregate function in SQL Editor
Add MIN function to tableadapter in VB
Using the MIN query in VB.net form
#### Section intro 7 ### – MAX Aggregate Function
Using MAX aggregate function in SQL Editor
Add MAX function to tableadapter in VB.net
Using the MAX query in VB. Net form
#### Section intro 8 ### – Condition in Aggregate for Numeric Columns
Add condition to aggregate in numeric columns in SQL editor
Add condition to aggregate in numeric columns in TableAdapter
Use condition with aggregate query in VB form
#### Section intro 9 ### – Condition in Aggregate for Text Columns
“Equal” & “LIKE” operators with aggregate in text columns in SQL editor
“Between” operator with aggregate in text columns in SQL editor
Logical operators with aggregate in text columns in SQL editor
Add condition to aggregate in text columns in TableAdapter
Use condition with aggregate query in VB.Net form

Pro – Advance ADO.Net &ComboBox

Download projects and files of this course
What is ComboBox and SQL in VB.Net?
#### Section intro 1 ### – Build ComboBox Db in SQL
Create SQL Database for combobox
Add table and sample data for combobox in SQL Db
#### Section intro 2 ### – Connect ComoBox Db to VB.Net App
Create ComboBox Project in VB. Net
Add Dataset to combobox project in VB .Net
Add Table Adapter to Dataset and connect it to SQL
Create Select query with query builder in table adapter
Configure SQL Query in Table Adapter & connection string in depth
#### Section intro 3 ### – Simple ComboBox in VB.Net & SQL
Main parts of ComboBox
Simple binding of combobox to database
VB.Net code to load the data by tableadapter
Binding multiple combobox to database
Using Selected text and Selected index of combobox
Using the selected value in combobox
#### Section intro 4 ### – Advance ComboBox in VB.Net & SQL
Add group id column to combobox items table in SQL Db
Add advance combobox form to VB .Net windows form project
Add group id column to datatable inside the VB projec
Bind multiple ComboBoxes to datatable by the bindingsource
Filter multiple ComboBoxes items by group id
In depth filtering the combobox items
Sort the items of combobox by the bindingsource
Sort & Filter the Combo Items by VB.Net code
Speed up form load by excluding unused combo items in form load
#### Section intro 5 ### – ComboBox Items Form in VB.Net
Add combobox items manager form to VB .Net project
Add and Design DataGridView in Combo items form
Write VB. Net code for save button
Show message after saving records
Add delete button to DataGrid View
Send selected combo group id to Combo items form
Load the combobox items based on selected combobox
Manually “Add,Delete,Update” the combobox items by combo items form
#### Section intro 6 ### – Advance ADO.Net & Datatable
Datatable structure in depth
Get the row and column count of datatable
Get single record Rowstate in datatable
Get multiple records Rowstate in datatable
Using “AcceptChanges” method of datatable
Get the value of single row and column
Get the value of multiple rows and single column
Write the value inside single row and single column
Write the value inside multiple rows and single column
#### Section intro 7 ### – Add New Item to ComboBox
Add the new item to combobox by VB .Net code
Close the form after adding new combo item
#### Section intro 8 ### – Binding ComboBox to the Db
Add customer info table to SQL database
Add customer info table to VB.Net App
Add controls on form to customer info datatable
Bind ComboBox text to datatable
Bind ComboBox selected value to datatable
Advance topic of ComboBox binding


Download projects and files of this course
#### Section intro 1 ### – SQL CRUD operations in SSMS
What is the Crud operations?
Using the SQL INSERT query in simple method
Using INSERT query without column list
Advance topics of INSERT query ( Adding Date,Text,Numbers)
Add NULL values by INSERT query
Auto generate Insert query in SQL Management Studio (SSMS)
Using the SQL Update query in simple method
Advance topics of UPDATE query & Auto generate it
Use UPDATE method with custom column list
Using NULL value with UPDATE method
Using the SQL DELETE query
#### Section intro 2 ### – Build VB.Net App for SQL CRUD
Add & design CRUD form in VB. Net project
Bind the DGV to datatable and load the data from SQL db
#### Section intro 3 ### – SQL CRUD in VB.Net App
Use default INSERT query of TableAdapter to add the new record
Add new INSERT query to TableAdapter and used it
Get the last inserted ID in DataBase after inserting the new record
Use default DELETE query of TableAdapter to delete the record
Customize the default DELETE query of TableAdapter
Add our new DELETE query to TableAdapter and use it
Show confirm Message box to user before deleting a the record
Show the InputBox to user to edit the value in edit button
Use default UPDATE query of TableAdapter to save changes
Customize the default UPDATE query of TableAdapter
Add new UPDATE query to TableAdapter for updating the record
#### Section intro 4 ### – Finalizing the VB.Net CRUD Project
Reload the data after : New,Edit and Delete operations
Connect the “Combo items CRUD” form to the main form
Finalize connecting the “Combo items CRUD” form

Pro – Oracle VirtualBox

Intro VirtualBox
What is Virtual Machine?
Download and install Oracle VirtualBox
Quick tour of VirtualBox environment
Add new Windows 7 virtual machine to VirtualBox
Working with the settings of Virtual Machine
Delete virtual machine and settings from VirtualBox
Preparing Installing Windows 7 64 bit in VirtualBox
Host key in virtual machine
Installing Windows 7 64 bit in VirtualBox
Quick working with Virtual machine and menus
Installing Guest addition in virtual Windows 7
Share folder between your windows and virtual windows part 1
Share folder between your windows and virtual windows part 2
Share folder between your windows and virtual windows part 3
Share clipboard between our Windows and virtual machine
Backup & Restore Virtual Machine part 1
Backup & Restore Virtual Machine part 2
Backup & Restore Virtual Machine part 3

Pro – Publishing SQL&VB.Net Apps

Intro – Publishing SQL & VB.Net Apps
Download projects and files of this course
#### Section intro 1 ### – Build Sample Project to Publish
Create SQL Database for shop
Add sample data in SQL for product list
Create shop project in VB. Net to use SQL Database
Add Dataset and table-adapter to VB .net project
Working with query builder in Tableadapter
Add Datagrid view to shop form
Using the VirtualBox for VB.net App testing!
#### Section intro 2 ### – Test an App in VirtualBox
Open shop project for publishing
Copy App files in virtual windows 7
How to Install .Net framework 2.0 on virtual machine
Install .Net framework 4 on virtual Windows 7
Change application .net framework version to 4
#### Section intro 3 ### – 1st Method -> Manual Publishing
Different methods for publishing Apps With VB. Net & SQL
Method 1 – Download SQL Server 2014 express with SSMS
Method 1 – Copy SQL installation file to Vbox & start installation
Method 1 – Define dedicated SQL name & user & pass
Method 1 – Install SQL 2014 express & SSMS in Windows 7
Method 1 – Using SQL management studio in virtual machine
Method 1 – Using SQL Server configuration manager
Method 1 – What is Application config file?
Method 1 – Use dot (.) in SQL Server name
Method 1 – Copy shop SQL Database to Vbox
Method 1 – Attach Shop SQL Db in Windows 7 to SQL
Method 1 – Finalize publishing of VB.Net App
Method 1 – Protect SQL login info in Users Pc
Method 1 – Add new connection to Application settings
Method 1 – Change connection of tableadapter in VB code
Method 1 – Switching between Connections in VB code
#### Section intro 4 ### – 2nd Method -> SQL User Instance
Add New VM & Install .net framework 4 and …
– Download SQL Server 2014 express
Add dedicated SQL Server name & user & pass
Prepare Installing SQL Server Express
– Install SQL 2014 express in Windows 7
Move VB.Net project to Drive “E”
Copy SQL Db inside VB.Net project
SQL Connection String in Depth
SQL Connection String in Depth
Connection string to use SQL user instance
– Finish connecting SQL Db file to SQL user instance
What is “|DataDirectory|” in connection?
New connection string with TableAdapter
Solve “database already exist” err for connecting to SQL user instance
Get the list of SQL user instance in SSMS
Connecting to SQL user instance in SSMS
Detach & delete Db from SQL user instance
Attach SQL Db file to SQL user instance by initial catalog
Attach SQL Db file to SQL user instance by empty initial catalog
Solve in depth “database already exist” error by initial catalog
Solve in depth “database already exist” err by empty initial catalog
Different types of initial catalog in connection string
Empty initial catalog for publishing SQL app by SQL user instance
Not empty initial catalog for publishing SQL app by SQL user instance
Make easier 2nd method publish steps & development
#### Section intro 5 ### – 3rd Method -> Normal SQL Instance
Add connection to SQL normal instance
Adding permission to SQL Db folder
Check effect of auto connecting Db to SQL normal instance
Publish App with SQL authentication and SQL normal instance
Method 3 – Publish App with Windows authentication and SQL normal instance
Method 3 – Make easier 3rd method publish steps and development