Primavera P6 For Beginners
Project Management With Primavera P6

What you will learn

How to Create Organizational Break Down Structure In Primavera p6.

How to Create Enterprise Project Structure.

How to Create Calendar In P6

How to Create Project WBS And Activities In P6


Embark on your journey into project management with our comprehensive Primavera P6 Beginner Free Course. In this engaging program, you will gain fundamental skills in utilizing Primavera P6 for effective project scheduling. Learn how to create Organizational Breakdown Structures (OBS) and define Enterprise Project Structures (EPS) to organize and categorize your projects systematically.

Delve into the intricacies of calendar creation, understanding the critical role it plays in project scheduling. Master the art of establishing Project Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), breaking down complex projects into manageable components for enhanced clarity and control.

Our course guides you through the meticulous process of defining project activities, ensuring a thorough understanding of task intricacies and dependencies. Uncover the secrets of efficient project scheduling as we demonstrate how to use Primavera P6 to create and manage project schedules seamlessly.

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To reinforce your learning experience, our course includes practical exercises and practice questions. These hands-on opportunities will solidify your understanding and prepare you to apply your newfound Primavera P6 skills confidently. Join us on this educational expedition, and empower yourself with the knowledge to navigate the intricacies of project management effortlessly.

Immerse yourself in our Primavera P6 Beginner Free Course, where expert guidance and hands-on practice ensure a holistic learning experience for project management enthusiasts.




Critical Path Method (CPM) In Detail.
Resources To Download.

Enterprise And Organizational Break Down Structure In P6

How to Create OBS In Primavera P6.
How to Create EPS In Primavera P6.
Practice Question For This Module.

Calendar Project WBS And Activities.

Important Settings In P6 Before Creating Project.
How to Create And Assign Calendar In P6.
How to Create Project,WBS And Activities In P6.
Milestone And Relationship In Detail.
Scheduling Project.
Practice Question 1 For This Module.