DOUBLE your chances of job interview success!

What you will learn

Formulate responses to the most common interview questions

Learn how to properly prepare for an interview

Learn how to end the interview and what questions to ask

Maximise success using our 10 most practical tips!

Why take this course?

My name is Arsany Attia, and I’m a medical doctor with a Masters of Surgery, and an undergraduate Bachelor of Pharmacy. I have worked, and successfully interviewed in the public and private sector within industry and government professions in the medical field.

After interviewing for multiple jobs, I came to the realization that interviewing is rarely taught or practiced – you’re sort of thrown in the deep end without anywhere to start from. My aim when making this course was to take out the difficulty of this process by sharing my insights from multiple successful (and some failed) interviews to make sure you maximise your odds of nailing that interview! Though this course is specifically targeted to early/mid-career professionals, the fundamentals are applicable across all disciplines and experience levels!

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This short course gives an effective, easy and practical guide into the job interview process. We will go over:

  • The most commonly asked questions of an interview and how to formulate responses for them
  • How to properly prepare for the interview, including research that needs to be done prior
  • Effective ways to end the interview, and asking the right questions at the end
  • The 10 most practical tips to maximise your chance of success
  • And more!

All of this, in less than 1 hour of content!
