Learn to master the core transferable life skills.

What you will learn

How to perceive accurately at the macro and micro levels simultaneously

Overcome disempowering triggers and reactions

Learn how to optimise your circle of influence

Learn how to take ownership of your life


WITHOUT learning and applying the principles in this course, you will:

Continually feel at the effect of things

Play the victim in your own story

Continue to put effort into the controllables

Live a life of frustration, disappointment and anger

Become emotionally numb

WITH learning and applying the principles in this course, you will:

Get to the root cause of your issues

Learn skills and tools you can apply across a range of sectors

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Learn how to disarm old habits

Create empowering patterns of behaviour

Enjoy more peace of mind

Be more enjoyable to be around

Become more comfortable in your own skin

Put your energy into the battles that make a difference

If you do not apply the principle of solving the root/core issue, you will forever remain at the β€˜effect’ of things. You will continually look outside of yourself for the solution, believing that your environment or outside world needs to be fixed or blamed in order for you to get what you want. The consequences of this attitude are far reaching. Spending large amounts of money that do nothing to fix the solution, investing unnecessary emotions into minor things, blame shifting, strained and toxic relationships, potential drug abuse, emotional numbness, self-blame, self-loathing, potential self-harm. Inner frustration and anger. Passive aggression. Making unnecessary tectonic changes in life where none are necessary.

If you do apply this principle, you will gain greater clarity and peace of mind. You will ensure increased levels of confidence and self-esteem. You will begin to make real life progress. You will cease hoping for an outside force to come and β€˜save’ you or β€˜fix’ you. You will develop greater health self-pride. You will experience more positive emotions effortlessly and spontaneously. Life will just be better!





The Circle of Control

Circle of Control

The Red Pill (Take Responsibility)

Take Responsibility

The META Tool

The Meta Tool

The Pickaxe

The Pickaxe