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  • Reading time:6 mins read

Strategies for Effective Influence and Leadership

What you will learn

How “political savvy” is all about ethical and effective leadership….

The mindset needed to have IMPACT

Why Influencing in organizational settings is so different and difficult!

Self-imposed beliefs that stop us in our tracks

Savvy strategies that work

How to maximize your influence

How to write your own “success story”


This course is focused on a “must-have” skill of leadership that is rarely discussed – the ability to influence effectively behind-the-scenes in the organization. The intent is to empower you to move ideas and initiatives forward in your organization, and in doing so, enhance your stature and career potential.

If you believe that organizations must continually improve and innovate to survive and thrive in the future, the critical question becomes…

Where will those improvements and innovations come from? They don’t just happen.

Most likely many will occur through the efforts of employees who want to see their organizations – and see themselves – succeed. But, as we know full well, organizations are complex entities, and we often fail in our attempts to influence…. fail to have enough influence on the key decision-makers to make those proposed improvements, those potential innovations, ever take shape.

Most of us, when we meet such resistance, give up.  Chalk our failure up to “politics” or “the powers that be.”

This happens all too frequently.

Each time is a lost opportunity… a lost opportunity for the organization and a lost opportunity for you, the individual attempting-to-influence.

What to do about it?

We believe you minimize lost opportunities by learning how to maximize your influence.

That’s because being able to influence is arguably the most valuable asset you can have inside an organization. Think about it – if you can influence others, the sky is the limit!

So what makes for improved influencing ability??

Why do some individuals seem to have greater influence on decisions than others?

From what we learned, those who do exert greater influence have something extra – beyond having the data and facts – they have an understanding of how decisions get made and how to have impact on those decisions. It is a special type of influence called “political savvy”

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What we know about this “political savvy” ability we learned from the experts – those that actually have been shown to have it…. and we are passing what we learned on to you. Contrary to some popular misconceptions, those that have shown to have “political savvy” practice ethical and effective leadership.

What you will learn here will enable you to:
– Succeed more often when you attempt to influence
– Have greater impact
– Build critical mass of support for ideas you care about
– Feel more confident, empowered, effective
– Utilize more of your energy, intellect and creativity
– Raise your game

Political Savvy is also about being the ultimate team player but one who is willing to use influence when influence is needed to achieve outcomes good for the organization.

So don’t sell yourself short! You can move the needle. You can be

a leader

a difference maker

an impact player

right there in the organization you work for……How?

By improving that which will allow you to lead, make a difference and have impact….

Your political savvy.

Let’s get started!



The Savvy Mindset

Introduction: Origins of this Course
Political Savvy: It’s All About Ethical, Effective Leadership
The Politically Savvy Mindset: Getting Others on Board1
What Inhibits Us: I’m Not Political, It’s Not My Job, It’s Wrong!

The Toolset

Savvy Strategies Part 1
Savvy Strategies Part 2

Savvy Strategies in Action: The Extendor5 Project

Introducing Extendor5 Project
Recommended Strategy for Extendor5

Applying the Savvy Principles

Applying Savvy Strategies to Your Own Project
Your Mindset is the One that Counts!
Writing Your Narrative (Success Story!)


Revisiting “Testing Your Savvy IQ”