• Post category:StudyBullet-18
  • Reading time:4 mins read

This course will help know TIMERS, Counters, Relays, Coils and Ladder Logic and build you FIRST PLC Program From Scratch

What you will learn

Build a fully functional PLC Program

Use different type of relay that exist inside PLC

Understand the Working principle of Relays and how they interact with Contacts

Differentiate between PIC Microcontroller and PLC

Use Different methods for programming PLC

Why take this course?

🌟 Build Your First PLC Program from Scratch: A Comprehensive Guide to Timers, Counters, Relays & More 🌟

Course Overview:

Embark on a journey to master the world of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) with our step-by-step course. Designed for beginners and enthusiasts alike, this course will guide you through the fundamentals of PLCs, focusing on their application in industrial automation. You’ll learn about timers, counters, relays, and various other components essential to PLC programming, all while gaining hands-on experience with real-world applications.

What You’ll Learn:

PLC Basics: Understand the role of PLCs in automation and industrial control systems.

Component Familiarity: Get to know timers, counters, relays, and other critical components.

Programming Skills: Acquire the skills to program a PLC using practical, step-by-step examples.

Troubleshooting & Debugging: Learn how to troubleshoot and debug your PLC programs effectively.

Real-World Applications: Apply your knowledge to solve real-world problems through various projects.

Who This Course Is For:

👩‍🎤 Beginners with no prior knowledge of PLCs.

👨‍💻 Enthusiasts interested in industrial automation and microcontroller projects.

📚 Anyone looking to learn about PLCs and ladder logic programming.

Course Requirements:

Get Instant Notification of New Courses on our Telegram channel.

⏫ No prior knowledge of PLCs is required.

💻 A computer with internet access to access course materials and practice.

🚀 Enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and apply new concepts.

Instructor Info:

Led by the Educational Engineering Team, this course is crafted by a team of skilled engineers with over 13 years of experience in teaching and practical projects. Our instructors have been at the forefront of the microcontroller industry since 2007, sharing their expertise through over 100 courses on Udemy alone.

About the Instructor:

👤 Ashraf, the founder of Educational Engineering Team and Chief Educational Engineer, brings over 13 years of experience in teaching complex technical subjects in an accessible manner. His passion for electronics, programming, and education has been instrumental in guiding students around the globe to achieve their career goals.

With a mission to explore new trends and technology, Ashraf’s courses have already helped over 250,000 individuals enhance their skills in fields such as Circuit Design, Arduino, PIC Microcontroller, Raspberry Pi, Programming, PLC Industrial Programming, Automation, 3D Design, Simulation, and IoT.

Course Features:

📚 Comprehensive video lectures covering all aspects of PLC programming and applications.

🛠️ Hands-on projects to reinforce learning and apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios.

🤝 Personalized support from the Educational Engineering Team, with a community of students and educators.

📚 Detailed course materials for reference and future study.

Join us and transform your understanding of PLCs and industrial automation! 🚀

Enroll now to start your journey towards mastering PLCs with the guidance of industry experts. Dive into the world of automation and emerge with the skills needed to tackle complex problems and excel in the field of microcontrollers and robotics. Let’s embark on this learning adventure together! 🤓🚀
