• Post category:StudyBullet-9
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Foundation for digital electronics

What you will learn

Introduction to Binary world

Language of machines

Binary algebra

Binary to decimal conversion and vice versa

Other number systems


Welcome everyone,
Are you also pondering the language of machines??

In this short course i am going to take you on a journey of Binary world. Where we are going to learn how binary language works. How do we use that and how we convert decimal number system into binary number system and vice versa.

The toolbox that we use as the conversation medium from simplest of the machine to the most complex one everything follows the basic binary principles and that’s what we are supposed to learn in this course.. and our attempt to make it logically convertible in our language thats the whole purpose of Binary.

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Their arithmetic and all the basics used in algebra of binary also called as Boolean Algebra.

In this course we are gonna learn about:
*Binary Introduction
*Conversion of Binary to decimal
*Conversion of Decimal to Binary
*Binary addition
*Binary substraction
*Binary complement
*Other number system in bit box

This course will give you foundational knowledge of binary so that you can use this knowledge in understanding higher concepts of digital electronics, computer science and logic maths etc..
This course is beginners friendly and no previous knowledge is required. So you can jump on and start learning now.
So join now to learn this amazing world of Binary..
Keep on learning keep on growing.
Happy learning to you..
See yaa in the course..




Binary to decimal

Arithmetics of Binary numbers

Addition in Binary
Practice question on Binary
Binary subtraction

Complement and De-morgans law

De-morgans law for Complements
Other number systems and why we use them.