• Post category:StudyBullet-13
  • Reading time:34 mins read

50,000+ Students enrolled; 10 hours Piano & Keyboard Course & lessons ; Learn to play Songs, Chords, Jazz & Music Theory

What you will learn

Join over 50,000 students that have enrolled in this Course. You will have all the Knowledge that is required to be able to PLAY MILLIONS OF SONGS & ANY STYLE OF MUSIC on the Piano/Keyboard

You will know how to use Chords

You will be able to play Songs by using Chords

You will be able to play in all 12 keys comfortably

You will be able to play Songs by ear

You will know how to build many types of Scales and also use them

You will learn about Chord Progressions

This course will help you by giving you all the knowledge that you need in order to be able to play any song that you want to

You will learn about Music Theory too

You will learn about Arpeggios

You will learn about other musical topics too


Updates (April 2021): Many new updates have been applied to this Course

This 10 Hours Piano Course will help you to learn how to play Songs and any piece of Music. With many positive ratings and more than 50 thousand students and the amount of valuable course content, you will definitely not regret enrolling in this course.

This Course is part ofย my Seriesย of Piano Courses; all of my complete Piano Courses can be found on my website

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WITH 10ย HOURS OF CONTENT ,ย this course includes video content, PDF sheets and other lectures. This Piano & Music Course will help you to be able to play any style of music.ย This Piano Courseย is a thorough and structured course that has been designed to give you all the knowledge that you need in order to be able to play any song or any piece of music.

Below are the different sections that this Course consists of:

  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
  • Which Piano should you buy?
  • The Development of Independence between the Right Hand and the Left Hand
  • The logical explanation of how to play the Piano
  • Musical Intervals
  • Explanation of ‘Natural’ , ‘Sharp’ , ‘Flat’ and ‘Enharmonic Equivalent’ Notes
  • Scales and Major Scales
  • Minor Scales/Natural Minor Scales
  • Harmonic Minor Scales
  • Melodic Minor Scales and the Jazz Minor Scale
  • Scale Degrees
  • More about Musical Intervals
  • Chords (Triad Chords) and Harmony
  • Major Scale Triad Chords
  • Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
  • Melodic Minor Scale Triad Chords
  • Harmonic Minor Scale Triad Chords
  • The Triad Chord Patterns in each Major Scale & in each type of Minor Scale
  • Diatonic Chords
  • 7th Chords & Suspended Chords
  • The Seventh Chord Patterns in each Major Scale & in each type of Minor Scale
  • Scale Degree names for Chords & the Number System for Major/Minor Scale Chords
  • Pentatonic, Chromatic &ย Blues Scales
  • Chord Inversions & Arpeggios
  • The Primary and Secondary Chords in all Major and Minor Scales
  • How to Play Songs by ear and with Chords | Chord Progressions
  • Different Chord Progressions in all the 12 Keys
  • Conclusion

In this course, you will learn about how many scales and chords are built. You will learn how to be to play any song you want to play. Furthermore, you will also learn about how to figure out the chords of a song and how to play a song by using chords. Moreover, you will also learn about other topics.





Getting Started

The Layout of the Piano/Keyboard
Letters/Names of the Keys on the Piano/Keyboard
How the Udemy Review System works
Piano Fingerings & Hand Movement on the Piano/Keyboard
How to ask for help from your Instructor
Learn how to play a Fun Tune

The Development of Independence between the Right Hand and the Left Hand

Part 1 of Developing Independence between both hands (includes learning a song)
Simple Music Notation for Lecture 8
Part 2 of Developing Independence between both hands (includes learning a song)
Simple Music Notation for Lecture 10

Brief Overview of what is to Come in the Course

Brief Overview of what is to Come in the Course

Musical Intervals

Musical Intervals

Scales/Major Scales

Scales/How to build a major scale
C Major Scale
C# (Sharp) Major Scale
D Major Scale
E flat Major Scale
E Major Scale
F Major Scale
F# (Sharp) Major Scale
G Major Scale
A Flat Major Scale
A Major Scale
B Flat Major Scale
B Major Scale
Review of Major Scales
Tonic sol-fa

Practical Exercises that you can do to master all the 12 Major Scales

How to practise all the 12 Major Scales with your Right Hand
How to practise all the 12 Major Scales with your Left Hand

Minor Scales/Natural Minor Scales

Introduction to Minor Scales & Natural Minor Scales
C Natural Minor Scale
C# (Sharp) Natural Minor Scale
D Natural Minor Scale
E Flat Natural Minor Scale
E Natural Minor Scale
F Natural Minor Scale
F# (Sharp) Natural Minor Scale
G Natural Minor Scale
A Flat Natural Minor Scale
A Natural Minor Scale
B Flat Natural Minor Scale
B Natural Minor Scale
Fingerings for all the 12 Natural Minor Scales
The Natural Minor Scale’s Tonic sol-fa

Harmonic Minor Scales

Introduction to Harmonic Minor Scales
C Harmonic Minor Scale
C# (Sharp) Harmonic Minor Scale
D Harmonic Minor Scale
E Flat Harmonic Minor Scale
E Harmonic Minor Scale
F Harmonic Minor Scale
F# (Sharp) Harmonic Minor Scale
G Harmonic Minor Scale
A Flat Harmonic Minor Scale
A Harmonic Minor Scale
B Flat Harmonic Minor Scale
B Harmonic Minor Scale

Melodic Minor Scales

Introduction to Melodic Minor Scales
C Melodic Minor Scale
C# (Sharp) Melodic Minor Scale
D Melodic Minor Scale
E Flat Melodic Minor Scale
E Melodic Minor Scale
F Melodic Minor Scale
F# (Sharp) Melodic Minor Scale
G Melodic Minor Scale
A Flat Melodic Minor Scale
A Melodic Minor Scale
B Flat Melodic Minor Scale
B Melodic Minor Scale
Ascending and Descending Melodic Minor Scales explained

Scale Degrees

Scale Degrees for the Major Scales and the Natural Minor Scales
Scale Degrees for the Harmonic Minor Scales and the Melodic Minor Scales
The Number System

More about Musical Intervals

Major, Minor and Perfect Intervals
Diminished and Augmented Intervals
The Tritone

Chords (Triad Chords)

Major, Minor, Augmented and Diminished Triad Chords

Major Scale Triad Chords

Overview of Major Scale Triad Chords
C Major Scale Triad Chords
C# (Sharp) Major Scale Triad Chords
D Major Scale Triad Chords
E Flat Major Scale Triad Chords
E Major Scale Triad Chords
F Major Scale Triad Chords
F# (Sharp) Major Scale Triad Chords
G Major Scale Triad Chords
A Flat Major Scale Triad Chords
A Major Scale Triad Chords
B Flat Major Scale Triad Chords
B Major Scale Triad Chords
Pattern of the triad chords within each Major Scale
Sheet that shows all the Triad Chords in each of the 12 Major Scales

Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords

Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
An overview of what is to come
C Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
C# Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
D Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
E flat Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
E Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
F Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
F# Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
G Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
A flat Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
A Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
B flat Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
B Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
Pattern of the triad chords within each Natural Minor Scale
The Triad Chords in all the 12 Natural Minor Scales

Melodic Minor Scale Triad Chords

Melodic Minor Scale Triad Chords
The Triad Chords in all the 12 Melodic Minor Scales

Harmonic Minor Scale Triad Chords

Harmonic Minor Scale Triad Chords
The Triad Chords in all the 12 Harmonic Minor Scales

The Triad Chord Patterns in each Major Scale & in each type of Minor Scale

The Triad Chord Patterns in each Major Scale & in each type of Minor Scale

7th Chords, 6th Chords & Suspended Chords

Major 6th Chord
Minor 6th Chord
Major 7th Chord
Minor 7th Chord
What is a Suspended Chord? | Suspended 2nd Chord | Suspended 4th Chord
Suspended 2nd Triad Chord
Suspended 4th Triad Chord
Dominant 7th Chord
Diminished 7th Chord
Half-Diminished 7th Chord
Augmented-Major 7th Chord
Augmented-Minor 7th Chord
Minor-Major 7th Chord
Scale 7th Chords
All the 7th Chords in each Major Scale
All the 7th Chords in each Natural Minor Scale
All the 7th Chords in each Harmonic Minor Scale
All the 7th Chords in each Melodic Minor Scale
Added Tone Chord

The Seventh Chord Patterns in each Major Scale & in each type of Minor Scale

The Seventh Chord Patterns in each Major Scale & in each type of Minor Scale

Scale Degrees for Chords (Number System for Chords within a Scale)

Number System for Chords within a Scale
Number System applied to the triad Chords within each Major Scale
Number System applied to the triad Chords within each Natural Minor Scale
Number System applied to the triad Chords within each Harmonic Minor Scale
Number System applied to the triad Chords within each Melodic Minor Scale

Pentatonic, Chromatic and Blues Scales

Major Pentatonic Scale
Minor Pentatonic Scale
Blues Scale
Chromatic Scale

Chord Inversions & Arpeggios

Triad Chord Inversions
7th Chord Inversions
Practicing Different Triad Chords and their Different Inversions
Practicing Different 7th Chords and their Different Inversions

Sharps & Flats Explained Further and Tasks for you to do

Further explanations of Sharps & Flats
Further explanations for naming the Notes and Chords within a Scale. | Tasks
Further Explanations of Natural Minor Scales and their Relative Major Scales
Each Natural Minor Scale with its Relative Major Scale

Circle of Fifths

What the Circle of Fifth is and How to build one
How to build a Major Triad Chord using the Circle of Fifths
How to build a Minor Triad Chord using the Circle of Fifths
How the Circle of Fifths shows how many sharps & flats are in 12 Major Scales
How to find the relative Major & Natural Minor Scales via the Circle of Fifths

How to Play Songs by ear and with Chords | Chord Progressions

Introduction of How to play Songs
How to play Songs by ear (Part 1)
How to play Songs by ear (Part 2)
What to play with your Left Hand
Getting used to playing with both hands on the Piano (includes learning a Song)
An example of a Left Hand Pattern for accompanying Songs
Introduction of how to play Songs by using Chords
How to play Songs by using Chords (Playing by ear) – Part 1
Continuation of How to play Songs by using Chords (Playing by ear) – Part 1
Check different Voicings for different Chords
How to play Songs by using Chords(Part 2) & How to identify the Chords of a Song
Write down the chords of the song you want to play
Using Different Left Hand and Right Hand Combinations to play Chords (Part 1)
Part 2 of Using Different Left Hand and Right Hand Combinations to play Chords
Chord Progressions | 4 popular Chords that a lot of Chord Progressions have
How to arpeggiate Chord Progressions
Examples of Chord Progressions
How to recognise certain Chord Symbols
More Chord Symbols
Different approaches that can be used to play Songs

The Primary and Secondary Chords in all Major and Minor Scales

The Primary and Secondary Chords in all Major and Minor Scales
How to master all the Primary Chords in each Major Key
How to master all the Primary Chords in each Natural Minor Key
Extending each Primary Chord into a 7th Chord
The Primary and Secondary Chords in each Major Scale
The Primary and Secondary Chords in each Natural Minor Scale
The Primary and Secondary Chords in each Harmonic Minor Scale
The Primary and Secondary Chords in each Melodic Minor Scale


More on Transposition
Another example that shows what it means to Transpose

Developing the ability to be able to play comfortably in all 12 Keys

Developing the ability to be able to play in all 12 Keys
Part 1b of developing the ability to be able to play in all 12 Keys
Part 2 of developing the ability to be able to play in all 12 Keys

Different Chord Progressions in all the 12 Keys

The I iii vi IV I Chord Progression
The I ii vi V I Chord Progression
The 1 5 2 4 1 Chord Progression
The 2 3 7 5 1 Chord Progression
The 3 6 2 5 1 Chord Progression
The 4 2 6 5 4 1 Chord Progression
The 1 6 5 4 1 Chord Progression
The 4 1 2 5 6 Chord Progression
The 6 4 3 5 1 Chord Progression
The 1 3 4 2 5 1 Chord Progression
1 2 3 4 5 1 Chord Progression
4 3 5 1 Chord Progression

Rhythms & Improvisation

How to Create Melodies & Tunes with Arpeggios
Rhythm (Another example of a Rhythm)
Improvising through Arpeggios and Inverted Chords
Improvising by using Pentatonic Scales
Using the Blues Scale to Improvise
Improvising with the Major and Minor Pentatonic Scales
More on the topic of ‘Improvisation’
How to play Songs by using Arpeggios

What is a Grace Note | How to use a Grace Note

What is a Grace Note | How to use a Grace Note

Passing Chords | Using Diminished & Augmented Triad Chords as Passing Chords

Passing Chord/Chords and How to use a Diminished Triad Chord as a Passing Chord
How to use an Augmented Triad Chord as a Passing Chord

How to use Diminished 7th Chords and the uniqueness of Diminished 7th Chords

The uniqueness of the Diminished 7th Chords
How to use Diminished 7th Chords

How to use an Augmented Triad Chord & the uniqueness of an Augmented Triad Chord

How to use an Augmented Triad Chord & the uniqueness of an Augmented Triad Chord

Using 7th Chords in Chord Progressions

Using 7th Chords in a Chord Progression

How to use Secondary Dominant Chords to add Flavour to your Chord Progressions

Using a Secondary Dominant Chord (Dominant 7th Chord) in your Chord Progression
An example of how to use Secondary Dominant Chords as Passing Chords
Using a Secondary Dominant Chord as a Passing Chord for different Chords

How to use Suspended & Diatonic Chords to add Colour to your Chord Progressions

How to use Suspended Chords to add Colour & Interest to your Chord Progressions
How to use Diatonic Chords to add Colour & Interest to your Chord Progressions


Definition of Modulation & Using the 5 and 1 Chords to Modulate
How to use the Dominant 7th & 1 Chords to modulate from one Major Key to another
How to use the Dominant 7th & 1 Chords to modulate between Major and Minor Keys
Using the 2, Dominant 7th and 1 Chords to modulate from one Major Key to another
How to use Common Chord/Chords between Keys to Modulate
How to use the 2-5-1 Chords in a Key to Modulate


What is a Cadence & What is the Imperfect Authentic Cadence
The Perfect Authentic Cadence
The Plagal Cadence
The Deceptive Cadence
The Half Cadence

How to use Suspended Chords and Diminished Chords

How to use Suspended Chords
How to use a Diminished 7th Chord to modulate into a new Key
How to use a Diminished Chord and a Diminished 7th Chord

Improvisation (filling the empty Spaces in Songs with Piano runs, Licks & Riffs)

How to use Licks, Riffs and Arpeggios to fill in the empty spaces in Songs
How to use Piano runs to fill in the empty spaces in Songs

Using non-diatonic Chords to add colour to your Chord Progressions

Using non-diatonic Chords to add colour to your Chord Progressions
More on using non-diatonic Chords to add colour to your Chord Progressions
Using a non-diatonic Augmented Major 7th Chord to add colour

Slash Chords

Slash Chords

The Sustain Pedal

How to use the Sustain Pedal

How to use Music to create different Atmospheres

How to use Music to create different Atmospheres
Part 2 of How to use Music to create different Atmospheres
Diminished Triad Chords Create Tension

How to find the key of a song

How to find the key of a song (Part 1)
How to find the key of a song (Part 2)
Part 3 of how to find the Key of a Song
More on finding the Key of a Song

Extended Chords

Extended Intervals
9th Chords
11th Chords
13th Chords
Playing an extended Chord without playing all the notes that make up the Chord
Using Both Hands to play 9th, 11th and 13th Chords
More about 9th, 11th and 13th Chords

Chord Voicings and How to use 9th, 11th and 13th Chords

Chord Voicings and How to use 9th, 11th and 13th Chords

Altered Chords

What is an altered Chord?
An example of how to use an Altered Chord


Definition of Modes
The Ionian, Dorian and the Phrygian modes
The Lydian and the Mixolydian modes
The Aeolian and the Locrian modes

The Classification of Modes into Major and Minor Modes

Part 1 of the Classification of Modes into Major and Minor Modes
Part 2 of the Classification of Modes into Major and Minor Modes
Using Modes for Songwriting

Improvising with Modes

Improvising with Major Modes
Improvising with Minor Modes

Other types of Scales

The Whole-Half Octatonic Scale
The Half-Whole Octatonic Scale
The Altered (or Super Locrian) Scale
The Whole-Tone Scale
Lydian Dominant Scale



Music Theory Documents that follows the rules of Music Theory (Go through them)

Augmented Minor 7th Chords
Augmented Major 7th Chords
Blues Scales
Diminished 7th Chords
Dominant 7th Chords
Half Diminished 7th Chords
Harmonic Minor Scales
Harmonic Minor Scale 7th Chords
Harmonic Minor Scale Triad Chords
Major 6th Chords
Major 7th Chords
Minor 6th Chords
Major Scales
Major Scale Triad Chords
Major Scale 7th Chords
Minor 7th Chords
Suspended 2nd Triad Chords
Suspended 4th Triad Chords
Minor-Major 7th Chords
Melodic Minor Scales
Melodic Minor Scale Triad Chords
Melodic Minor Scale 7th Chords
Natural Minor Scales
Major Pentatonic Scales
Minor Pentatonic Scales
Natural Minor Scale 7th Chords
Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
Major 9th Chords
Minor 9th Chords
Dominant 9th Chords
Diminished 9th Chords
Augmented-Major 9th Chords
Augmented Minor 9th Chords
Half Diminished 9th Chords
Major 11th Chords
Minor 11th Chords
Dominant 11th Chords
Diminished 11th Chords
Augmented-Major 11th Chords
Augmented Minor 11th Chords
Half Diminished 11th Chords
Major 13th Chords
Minor 13th Chords
Dominant 13th Chords
Diminished 13th Chords
Augmented-Major 13th Chords
Augmented Minor 13th Chords
Half Diminished 13th Chords
The Ionian modes
The Dorian Modes
The Phrygian Modes
The Lydian Modes
The Mixolydian Modes
The Aeolian Modes
The Locrian Modes