Achieve Peak Performance, Happiness, Fulfillment, Sense of Belonging and Clarity with Science, Yoga and Spirituality.
What you will learn
Live inspiring examples of people who overcame different kinds of addictions
6 Key Tools for Combating Addictions
6 Phase Formula for Overcoming Addictions
The Myths of Breaking addictions
Richard Attenborough’s Failure in combating addictions
Role of NLP, Yoga, Counselling, Meditation and Breathworks
A customized consultation call on completing the course
· Most entrepreneurs and working professionals lack mastery over their mental, emotional and spiritual self.
· Which is the number one reason for experiencing mental, physical and emotional burnouts.
· Due to which stress, anxiety, addictions, loneliness, depression and health issues are occurring to 8 out of 10 working professionals and entrepreneurs.
· Leading to unhealthy relationships, low performance, medications, poor social connections, unfulfilled lives and being happiness deprived.
· We have intrinsically curated systems, methods and processes to help entrepreneurs and working professional transform and have mental, spiritual, physical and emotional well-being.
· Helping working professionals and entrepreneurs find peak performance, happiness, clarity, fulfillment and a sense of belonging.
Breakthrough experiences will reflect within 6 weeks of daily practices of our guided practices. Since this is an introduction to the Conscious Living Mentorship Program.
Your Take Aways
· Break all addictions and compulsive behaviours
· Overcoming negative emotions, doubts , fears, procrastination, low self esteem
· Discover your life purpose with clarity
· Learn how to manifest your visions and goals
· Take charge of your life with total control
· Develop intuitive and creative abilities
· Manifest financial abundance
· Unleash your true potential and become the new version of You
Most people have been living unconscious lives without taking charge of what they actually desire in doing, creating, having, being, experiencing, and contributing to this world. With conscious living, you will understand how to create the ideal life you desire with clarity, happiness, fulfilment, sense of belonging and peak performance. Realize the things that are shaping your current life and how you could turn it around with some frameworks, blueprints and game-changing practices that have worked for millions of people. We lead our clients through a step-by-step journey to discover how transformation happens and the elements that prevent us from moving forward in life. Recognize the significance, nuances and tricks of our belief systems, mindset, emotions, and life energies in our overall development for a conscious life.
Conscious living is a personal transformation organization building a global community with an intention of making people aware of tools for designing and living their lives consciously. Most people are suffering with compulsive behaviors that are controlling their lives in a way they don’t desire to. Our mission is to break those bondages and make them manifest the life they desire. We use ancient traditional yogic practices, coaching, therapy, counseling and experiential learning methods to unlock their peak performance.