• Post category:StudyBullet-4
  • Reading time:5 mins read

The beginner’s guide to personal finance. Learn about compound interest, risk, stocks, bonds, index funds & mutual funds

What you will learn

Learn how to EARN compound interest instead of PAYING it

Learn HOW you can afford something

Intuitively grasp the concept of RISK vs RETURN

Understand the difference between a stock, bond, index fund, and mutual fund

Explore the various popular portfolio investment philosophies

Have a better understanding of the risk in your portfolio

Make better decisions to grow your wealth

Learn the steps for total financial freedom


I had wished for a course like this when I had graduated college. I ended up making a lot of rookie mistakes that really could have been avoided. Now looking back, it seems so obvious.

If you google important questions like β€œwhat is a stock” or β€œwhat is a bond”, often what comes up are articles that are written in financial language for people already in the financial industry. I found simple explanations on how money worked, how to think about finances, how to think about assets or liabilities and how to invest to be so much harder to find than necessary.

We’ll discuss some very important personal finance topics such as compound interest, the risk return tradeoff, what is a stock, bond, or fund, and go over some popular investment philosophies. By the end of the course, these concepts should be intuitively familiar to you. You will additionally be able to identify risks and previously unforeseen issues in investment opportunities that are presented to you.

Come join me on this course and get a jump start on your personal finance journey!

Legal Disclaimer: Performance, calculations, tax, and returns shown in the course are for representation & educational purposes only. The numbers are based on approximate historical data and may fluctuate unexpectedly in the future. All investments are subject to market risks where substantial or total loss of capital is possible. While this course is meant to be educational, I am not a financial advisor and this is not meant to be financial advice, nor is it meant to be solely relied upon to make investments. 

References & Additional Resources:

Get Instant Notification of New Courses on our Telegram channel.

“Rich Dad, Poor Dad” – Robert Kiyosaki

“The Intelligent Investor” – Benjamin Graham

“The Millionaire Next Door” – Thomas Stanley

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Fundamentals I – Compound Interest

Understanding Compound Interest
$1M Habits

Assets vs Liabilities

What would you do with $50k?
What does it mean to afford something?
Financial Freedom

Risk vs Return

Understanding the Risk-Return Tradeoff

Stocks & Bonds

What is a brokerage?
What are stocks and bonds?
Risk Profile of Stocks and Bonds


Index Funds vs Mutual Funds
Bond Index Funds


Popular Investment Philosophies