• Post category:StudyBullet-16
  • Reading time:6 mins read

(Oxford Diploma) The Economy of India – now and in the future – let’s discuss Economics! (2 textbooks free!)

What you will learn

Impact of Ukraine on the Indian economy

Policies on inflation, unemployment and growth – their success…or not

Forecasts for India’s economy – short-term

Forecasts for India’s economy – long term

Evaluation of government economic policy during and after the pandemic



The Indian economy in 2022

Key economics areas of India


28th April : 9 mini-case studies added covering:

1. Inflation

2. Unemployment

3. Population growth

4. External threats

5. Green economy

6. Forecasts

Remember the key components of this course:

  • 22-3 hours of lectures on the Economy of India
  • 187 lectures split into 22 sections to allow for regular breaks – then return
  • Workbooks on the Economy of India
  • An active Q/A section – high participation rate – from students of the Indian Economy
  • Regular Educational Announcements about the Economy

India, officially the Republic of India, is a country in South Asia. It is the second-most populous country, the seventh-largest country by land area, and the most populous democracy in the world.

– Wikipedia

Learn about the economy here, on this course!

What makes this course unusual:

1. A very heavy emphasis on Instructor interaction – do NOT just watch videos…join in! Bring your knowledge of Economics in India!

2. Current workbooks (July 2021)

3. Current assessment of Economic policy in India (July 2021)

4. No economic knowledge assumed and yet we immediately engage in discussion

5. Rapid learning as the Economics is all current and supported by references.

6. The Oxford Diploma (free) on meeting the criteria

7. Two textbooks and two workbooks are included – everything you need! (Textbooks and workbooks on Economics are free) Therefore you will also learn core Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.

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Noteβž› Make sure your π”ππžπ¦π² cart has only this course you're going to enroll it now, Remove all other courses from the π”ππžπ¦π² cart before Enrolling!

This course is split into five sections:

1. The current state of the Indian economy

2. Provocative points – a series of lectures designed to stimulate discussion

3. The Indian economy in the short and medium term future – under the pandemic

4. The views of experts

5. The Economy of India in 2024 – and the impact of the war in Ukraine

Throughout the course economic theory and practical examples are explored. We look at:

  • Impact of the war in Ukraine on the Indian economy
  • Indian economy : 2022
  • Unemployment – demand deficient in particular
  • Budget deficit
  • Inflation – the impact of oil
  • Healthcare – a disaster?
  • Infrastructure – promises kept
  • Economic growth – and recession
  • Exports as an injection – but what of Bangladesh?
  • Agriculture – labour intensive
  • NMP

Of course I am hoping that students from India in particular, will join in the many discussions. The course asks questions; homework is set. We look at the work of current economists, current data (expressed in charts) and economic forecasts. No attempt is made to ‘judge’ merely to explore the situation as it now is, how it is projected – and then ask for comments.

The course is several hours long but not so long that you’ll never finish! The homework too is such that you’re encouraged to research and then report back via the Q/A – hence the title ‘Let’s talk about – Economics Economics and then more Economics!’

So if you are interested in:

a. Economics

b. Global economics

c. The economy in India

d. Microeconomics (as I also mention theory)

e. Macroeconomics (as we deal with inflation, growth etc)

f. Anything and everything Economics (as this course is developing)


If you do not like participating, do not like homework, do not like being asked questions – then this course is NOT for you. But if you want really current information, in-depth discussions, examination of the economy in India – then enrol!




Please watch this first!
The Oxford Diploma – compulsory

India’s economy: currently (July 2021)

About the Instructor
Three promises
Economic growth and inflation (Part 1)
Economic growth and inflation (Part 2)
Economic growth and inflation (Part 3)
Unemployment (Part 1)
Unemployment (Part 2)
Bank accounts
Healthcare spending (Part 1)
Healthcare spending (Part 2)
Healthcare spending (Part 3)
Agriculture (Part 1)
Agriculture (Part 2)
Agriculture (Part 3)