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Mastering SQL Fundamentals and Oracle Database Management for Success in the 1Z0-071 Exam

What you will learn

Understanding SQL Fundamentals

Querying Data with SELECT Statement

Filtering and Sorting Data

Using Single-Row Functions

Grouping and Aggregating Data

Joining Tables, Controlling User Access

Subqueries, Managing Views

Manipulating Data, Creating and Managing Tables

Managing Schema Objects

Managing Data with DML Statements

Understanding Data Integrity

Optimizing Queries

Why take this course?

Unlock the power of SQL and Oracle Database management with our comprehensive preparation course for the Oracle Database SQL Exam (1Z0-071). Whether you’re a seasoned database professional or just starting your journey in the world of databases, this course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the exam and beyond.

What You’ll Learn:

  • SQL Fundamentals: Master the basics of SQL syntax, data types, and operators to build a solid foundation for querying and manipulating data.
  • Querying Data with SELECT: Learn how to write efficient SQL queries to retrieve data from one or more tables using the SELECT statement.
  • Data Filtering and Sorting: Understand how to filter and sort query results using the WHERE and ORDER BY clauses, respectively.
  • Single-Row Functions: Explore the use of single-row functions such as string, numeric, and date functions to manipulate data effectively.
  • Grouping and Aggregating Data: Discover how to group rows and perform aggregate functions like SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, and COUNT to analyze data at a higher level.
  • Joining Tables: Gain proficiency in joining multiple tables using various types of joins including INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN, and CROSS JOIN.
  • Subqueries and Set Operators: Learn how to use subqueries within SQL statements and apply set operators to combine query results.
  • Managing Tables and Data: Acquire skills in creating and managing tables, constraints, indexes, and manipulating data using DML statements.
  • Ensuring Data Integrity: Understand the importance of data integrity and learn how to enforce it using constraints such as NOT NULL, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, and CHECK constraints.
  • Optimizing SQL Queries: Explore techniques for optimizing SQL queries for better performance through indexing, query optimization, and other strategies.

Who Is This Course For:

This course is ideal for database administrators, developers, analysts, students, and anyone seeking to enhance their SQL skills and prepare for the Oracle Database SQL Exam (1Z0-071). Whether you’re looking to advance your career in database management, data analysis, or software development, this course will provide you with the essential knowledge and practical skills needed to succeed.

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Basic familiarity with databases and SQL concepts is recommended, but not required. Access to an Oracle Database environment for hands-on practice is beneficial.

Get Started Today:

Don’t wait any longer to take your SQL skills to the next level and prepare for the Oracle Database SQL Exam (1Z0-071). Enroll now and embark on your journey towards becoming a proficient Oracle Database professional!
