• Post category:StudyBullet-14
  • Reading time:4 mins read

addition and subtraction of integers, Multiplication and division of integers, BODMAS

What you will learn

This course will explain the different types of numbers. The students will learn the operations on integers.

After completing the course, the students will learn to solve the complex problems within minutes. This will help to avoid maths phobia.

The course will explain he basic concept of integers to add, subtract, multiply and division.

The most important concept BODMAS will help them to solve the questions easily and in interesting manner.


This is the basic course of mathematics for the students to learn the basic concept. The students will learn the operations of integers. They will also learn the basic concept of BODMAS. This course will boost the confidence of the students to solve mathematical questions and they will learn to solve the problem easily. The students from standards 6 to standard 10 will learn the basic concept the would be able to get good marks in Mathematics. They will learn different types of numbers. operations of integers. They will learn to add and subtract the integers. The course will explain to multiply and divide integers. After completing the course they will solve the problem easily and in an interesting manner. This is an essential course for all students and they should learn this basic concept.

The course is divided into three sections. After every section, you will find a pdf to solve questions. download the pdf and solve the questions. After that, download the second pdf which will provide the answer key. Check your answer and if there is any mistake correct it.

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If you have any doubt, you can ask me. I will try to solve your doubt and if necessary I will take  two or three doubt session online.

All the best



Different types of numbers


Addition and subtraction

Addition and subtraction of integers
Solution with example
Solution of questions

Multiply and Division

Multiplication and division of integers
Answer Key




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