Building the nation by developing the Nation- First spirit in its citizens.

What you will learn

Leadership Skills

Personality Development

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The Nation-First Program is a two-week initiative designed to help participants understand that their progress is linked to the progress of the country in which they reside. If they want to progress in society or nation, they have to change their thinking on positive lines and inculcate patriotism, national character, and unilateral ethics in themselves. Patriotism is the feeling on the part of the individual or group that their progress and future are linked with their country. National character is the spirit of compromise and cooperation for the common good of the nation, and the willingness to endure short-term setbacks for the long-term good of the nation, and society. Unilateral ethics means to follow such principles in life that can help us to develop individually, and work together despite differences, so we become contributors to social and national development. The tree shows us how to develop national character in ourselves: first consolidation and then expansion. Just as a tree rises tall and extends its branches toward the sun only when its roots are firmly anchored in the soil, we, too, must cultivate a strong inner foundation to shine brightly like the sun in society or as a nation. To achieve this, we must first develop our character on positive lines by imbibing ethical principles, and educating and preparing ourselves to become conscientious, responsible citizens.
