Begin your journey to a full stack JavaScript developer by learning how to store data using Mongo DB.

What you will learn

Create a Node/Express web application with Mongo Database and deploy to a staging server.

Why take this course?

πŸŽ‰ **Mastering MongoDB with Node & Express: Your Path to Full Stack JavaScript Mastery** 🌟Are you ready to dive into the world of full stack JavaScript development? Look no further! **MongoDB with Node & Express** is the ultimate course for beginners and intermediate developers who want to master MongoDB, the powerhouse behind many modern web applications.

### Course Headline:
🧠 **Unlock Your Potential in Data Handling with MongoDB**

### What You’ll Learn:
– **Understanding MongoDB**: Discover how this NoSQL database stores data differently than traditional relational databases and why it’s a game-changer for modern applications.
– **Node.js Basics**: Get acquainted with Node.js, the runtime environment that operates on JavaScript and is the foundation for your server-side operations.
– **Express.js Framework**: Learn how to use Express.js to simplify the process of building web applications and APIs.
– **MongoDB & Node.js Integration**: See how seamlessly MongoDB can be integrated with Node.js to create dynamic, data-driven web applications.
– **CRUD Operations**: Master Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations with MongoDB, enabling you to effectively manage your application’s data.
– **Data Modeling in MongoDB**: Understand the principles of modeling data in a document format, which is crucial for optimizing the performance and scalability of your applications.
– **RESTful API Development**: Build robust APIs that communicate with both clients and MongoDB databases efficiently.
– **Deployment & Staging**: Get hands-on experience deploying your Node.js & Express application using Turbo, a reliable staging environment.

### Course Structure:
1. **Introduction to MongoDB**
– What is MongoDB and why it’s essential for modern web development.
– Understanding the document data model.

2. **Setting Up Your Development Environment**
– Installing Node.js and MongoDB.
– Introduction to Mongoose (Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js).

3. **Building Your First Node.js & Express Application**
– Setting up a basic Express application.
– Connecting to a MongoDB database using Mongoose.
– Performing CRUD operations with real-world examples.

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4. **Data Modeling & Schemas**
– Designing effective data models for your applications.
– Understanding schema validation and best practices.

5. **Building RESTful APIs**
– Creating endpoints for your application.
– Handling requests and responses properly.
– Implementing authentication and authorization (JWT tokens).

6. **Deployment & Version Control**
– Deploying your Node.js & Express application to a staging environment.
– Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub.

7. **Advanced Topics & Best Practices**
– Scaling your application.
– Optimizing performance and security.
– Exploring the MongoDB ecosystem (aggregation framework, indexes, etc.).

### Why Take This Course?
– **Real-World Application**: You’ll build a complete project that showcases your new skills in a practical setting.
– **Hands-On Learning**: With step-by-step tutorials, you’ll learn by doing, ensuring you understand the concepts and can apply them directly.
– **Expert Guidance**: Led by industry expert Dan Kwon, whose extensive experience in full stack development will guide you through each concept.

### Who Is This Course For?
– Aspiring developers looking to become full stack JavaScript developers.
– Developers who want to expand their skill set into the realm of MongoDB and NoSQL databases.
– Current developers seeking to refresh their knowledge and stay up-to-date with modern web development practices.

Embark on your journey to becoming a full stack JavaScript developer today! Enroll in “MongoDB with Node & Express” and unlock the doors to endless career possibilities. πŸš€
