Learn mindfulness, how to experience it in life, and how to build a daily practice that is enjoyable to do.

What you will learn

Learn different ways to build a mindfulness practice into daily life

Develop self-awareness and present space awareness

Use 1% or less of the day to boost health, happiness, and ease stress

Deepen and grow their meditation practice


An introduction to mindfulness that looks at the different ways you can build this practice into your daily life.

Each day there is a short daily video complete with a worksheet and mindfulness activity for the day. All together you can do it in less than 2% of your day (30 minutes), or spend a bit longer and journal about your experience. One thing to remember is that mindfulness is the practice of being completely present, but how you feel after and between that counts.

You will experience a mindful body scan meditation, as well as the benefits of mindfulness eating.

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To ensure you are successful, set aside some time in your day to complete this action. You may wish to do this all in the morning, or even watch the short video the evening before then complete your workbook and activity the following day. The main thing is to stay committed to your practice.

Don’t worry if you find some things easier or more enjoyable, that is completely normal. It is important to record the things that were more positive so you know what you can continue with easily. Just as the things you found harder and may need more support with.



Introduction to the next 7 days


Day 1: Introduction to Mindfulness

Introduction to Mindfulness

Day 2: Body Scan

Body Scan – What is it?
Body Scan Mediation

Day 3 Savouring

Be fully absorbed in a moment

Day 4: Mindful Eating

Take the time to enjoy your food

Day 5: Gratitude Meditation

Experience the benefits of gratitude
Gratitude Meditation

Day 6: Mindful Movement

It is time to move the body

Day 7: Mindfulness in the Moment

Time to enjoy everything

The next steps!

How to build these practices into a lifestyle