A Beginner’s Course to Microsoft Excel – Learn Excel Formulas, Charts, Sheets, XLOOKUP, Geo Map and Tips & Tricks
What you will learn
Learn one of the most powerful Microsoft Excel that exists today
Master on essential Excel formulas for data analysis
Learn to apply Excel data formatting for your real-world data
Aggregation results by applying Pivot table creations for analysis
Create eye catching visual charts using Bar charts, scatter plots, pie etc.
Develop skills on real-world functionality on Excel formulas on your sheet
Estimate project timelines and budget chart preparations with hands-on sessions
Master Excel’s most popular functions such as VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, index and match
Learn Trending XLOOKUP and wildcard match formulas to improve results for analytics
How to handle #N/A errors to approximate and match case
Import data from TXT, .CSV, PFD and from Website to Excel spreadsheet
Implement Business and Geo-charts for Business needs: stock, radar, surface charts etc..
Learn to Apply Named ranges and indirect named range functions
learn what is Generative AI for future learning