Overview of Microservices Architecture – Fundamentals, Benefits, Design Patterns, Technologies, Limitations & Adoption

What you will learn

Fundamentals of Microservices Architecture

Core Principles to Design and Model Microservices

Spring Boot & Spring Cloud based sample implementations

Service Interactions: Patterns like Circuit Breaker, Service Mesh and many more

Deployment Models, Docker, Kubernetes

Test Strategies – Blue Green Deployments, Canary Releasing

Monitoring Strategies

Key Mantras for Successful Implementations


Microservices Architecture is helping to transform the ITΒ landscape and the businesses around the world. Early adopters like Netflix, Amazon, Paypal, Uber have already demonstrated the benefits of it.

It helps in defining large systems with increased independence and autonomy. At the same time, the topic of Microservices Architecture is broad and difficult to comprehend in one go.Β This course provides an end-to-end understanding of this topic, keeping it crisp and concept-oriented.

Here are the sections I will be focussing on as part of this course –


We will see how to define microservices architecture. We will get to know its characteristics, comparison with monolith, benefits and supporting ecosystem.

Modeling Microservices

We will understand how to model the services, their boundaries based on the core principles.

Managing Data in Microservices

In this section, we will understand how to manage data, transactions, and reporting aspects.

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Integrating Microservices

We will understand the service interactions more in detail. This includes multiple design patterns and technologies including service discovery, circuit breaker, API gateway, service mesh, and many more.

Deploying Microservices

We will understand the continuous integration and continuous deployment aspects of microservices architecture along with the hosting models, hosting options, and container technologies.

Testing Microservices

We will understand “How to test services”, “What are the different strategies and mindset”. We will look into the validation strategies like blue-green deployments, canary releasing, etc.

Monitoring Microservices

We will cover aspects like logging, monitoring, and alerts. We will discuss the patterns like log patterns log aggregation, distributed tracing. We will also discuss the monitoring of infrastructure, services, and user journeys in this section.

We will also check out the key mantras to successfully implement this architecture.



Introduction to Course

Introduction to Course

Microservices Architecture – An Overview

Monolith Systems
Supporting Ecosystem
Microservices Architecture Overview

Modeling Microservices

Modeling Microservices
Single Responsibility
High Cohesion
Loose Coupling
Modeling Microservices
Sample Implementation – First Microservice

Managing Data in Microservices

Managing Data in Microservices
Basic Data Management
Managing Data in Microservices
Sample Implementation – Enabling Database

Integrating Microservices

Integrating Microservices
API Technologies
Event Driven Architecture
Service Discovery
Sample Implementation – Service Discovery
Circuit Breaker
Sample Implementation – Circuit Breaker
API Gateway
Sample Implementation – API Gateway
UI Interactions
Service Mesh
Integrating Microservices

Deploying Microservices

Deploying Microservices
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
Hosting Options
Container Technologies
Deploying Microservices

Testing Microservices

Testing Microservices
Test Pyramid
Post Production Tests
Testing Microservices

Monitoring Microservices

Monitoring Microservices
Metrics & Alerts
Log Management
Sample Implementation – Distributed Tracing
Monitoring Across Environments
Monitoring Microservices


Concluding Microservices