• Post category:StudyBullet-16
  • Reading time:5 mins read

If you want to fire up your metabolism and do not have any idea how to do it, you have come to the right place

What you will learn

Get out of your head the myth that you must accept the fact that your metabolism is going to slow down as you age

This course is all about boosting your metabolism, it’s as simple as that

You will learn three simple truths that, if practiced will boost your metabolism even as you age

And, the lovely secret is; once you master the three simple truths to boost your metabolism calories can become your friend!


Metabolism, in its most basic sense, is the body’s conversion of the calories from the food you eat into energy. It is a series of chemical reactions that give your body the energy to do what it needs to do to keep functioning – and consequently, for you to keep living. Without metabolism, you would not be able to move or think. Metabolism provides energy for your body and your individual organs to work smoothly.

To better understand the importance of metabolism, consider this: if your heart stops beating, you die. Likewise, if your metabolism stops, you die – because without metabolism, you will not have the energy even to breathe, or for your heart to beat!

Consider the act of eating. As you chew and swallow your food, it goes down to your digestive tract. Digestive enzymes then break down your food – carbohydrates to glucose, fats into fatty acids, and protein into amino acids. After the nutrients are effectively broken down, they are absorbed by the bloodstream and are carried over to the cells. Other enzymes plus hormones then work to either convert these nutrients into cells or building blocks for tissues or release them as an energy supply for the body’s immediate use.

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If you want to fire up your metabolism and do not have any idea how to do it, you have come to the right place. If you have tried to speed up your metabolism before but do not see visible results, you have also come to the right place.

This course will walk you through the basics of metabolism and all that you need to do to speed up your metabolism.  And, make calories your friend.  How exciting will that day be?





Your Metabolism– Mastering The Basics

Your Metabolism
What Affects Your Metabolism

How To Fire Up Your Metabolism

Why Fire Up Your Metabolism

The Right Mindset For Increasing Your Metabolism

Let’s Get Your Mindset Right

You Learned Why Now Learn How To Fire Up Your Metabolism

How To Fire Up Your Metabolism
Exercise Smart
Your Body’s Muscle Groups
Interval Training
Putting It All Together

Now We Just Need To Check In Before Proceeding

Age Does Not Matter
Eating Right
Nutrients To Avoid
Timing Is Key
Sample Meal Plan

Let’s Check In One Last Time

Another Check In
Stress and Metabolism
Ways To De Stress
Why Is Sleep So Important

Let’s Fire Up Your Metabolism Now

Firing Up Your Metabolism