• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:6 mins read

MERN Stack Authentication And Deployment
Learn how to build a basic authentication application for full stack development.

What you will learn

Handling Authentication With JSON Web Token

Working with Unit Tests

Connecting to MongoDB and Handling Errors

Configuring a Redux Store

Configuring Tailwind CSS with ReactJS

Build api routes with express to handle interaction with a mern app

Validate request body payloads for api routes

Work with reducers and actions to manage component state in a mern application

Configure user authentication with react

Use json web token authentication in an mern application

Create and use middleware in a mern application


The MERN (Mongo, Express, React, and Node) stack is an excellent choice for building powerful and flexible data-driven web applications. In this 20-video course, leaners will discover how to employ different technologies that make up the MERN stack to build a basic authentication application for full stack development.

Begin by examining key considerations to observe when planning a MERN app, then create a MongoDB Atlas account and a working cluster for a MERN app. Connect to MongoDB Atlas and explore how to handle errors. Learn how to build data models for a MERN app by using MongoDB and Mongoose, validate request body payloads, and configure JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication. Next, you will learn how to create and use middleware, and create unit tests by using the Jest unit testing framework.

Examine how to configure React and Redux and use type checking with PropTypes, and how to manage state by using reducers and actions. The course concludes with a demonstration of deploying a MERN application to Heroku cloud-based platform as a service.

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Mastering the MERN stack opens up a world of possibilities for developers to create modern, scalable, and efficient web applications. MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js work harmoniously together to enable seamless data management, robust backend logic, captivating user interfaces, and high-performance server-side operations. By harnessing the power of the MERN stack, developers can unleash their creativity and build cutting-edge web applications that cater to the demands of today’s digital landscape.

Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting your web development journey, embracing the MERN stack can be a game-changer. Dive into the world of MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js, and embark on a journey of building modern web applications that will leave a lasting impact.





Preparing the Back End

Preparing the Backend Dependencies
Creating a MongoDB Atlas Account
Connecting to MongoDB and Handling Errors
Building Data Models
Building API Routes with Express Router
Validating Request Body

Implementing JWT Authentication & Authorization

Configuring JWT Authentication
Creating and Using Middleware
Working with Unit Tests

Preparing the Front End

Preparing Front-end Dependencies
Building Home Page and Nav Components
Configuring React Router 6
Configuring Registration and Login Forms

Preparing Redux Store

Configuring a Redux Store
Working with Reducers and Actions
Configuring React User Authentication

Styling our app using Tailwind CSS

Configuring Tailwind CSS with ReactJS
Styling Home and Navbar
Styling Register and Login

Preparing Deployment

Deploying an Application to Cloud