Learn to memorize shlokas easily

What You Will Learn

1. Why to Memorize Gita ?

2. Different Techniques to Memorize Verses

3. Lots of online quizzes to understand theme better

4. Story which will elaborate shloka better


  • No software is needed
  • No skills are needed
  • Just carry open Mind to learn new things


Memorizing these 700 shlokas causes a significant spurt in the memory power. As such children who memorize Bhagavad Gita will excel in any branch of studies that they choose to specialize in.

Regular chanting of Bhagavad Gita inculcates a sense of discipline in children. It teaches them human values and how to live as a proper human being.

Irrespective of where they reside and what positions they hold in future, Bhagavad Gita will remain as an eternal friend and Guru for those children who memorize it completely. Memorizing Bhagavad Gita is akin to storing a huge treasure permanently in your account.

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Chanting even one chapter, one verse or even one word of Bhagavad Gita has immeasurable merit. Even listening to Bhagavad Gita bestows the merit of conducting Ashwamedha Yaga. Chanting or listening to Bhagavad Gita has the power to grant liberation as well.

Try to understand the meaning of the verses as they contain solutions for every problem that a person faces in life. More importantly, understanding the meaning paves the way towards liberation thus rendering human birth fruitful.

Bhagavad Gita teaches the ultimate supreme essence in simple worlds. It contains the entire essence of the Upanishads.

Knowledge pertaining to every subject is contained, be it Yoga, comforts (bhoga), kingly matters, worldly knowledge, dedication, dispassion (vairagya), the ideal relationship between Guru and disciple etc. Knowledge of inner world as well as outer world is contained in minute detail.

Knowledge contained in Gita is useful across all the four yugas.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to improve quality of his or her life
  • Any student, Housewife or working professional
