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Meditation Practitioner/Teacher Training Certificate
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Approved

What you will learn

Explore the significance of meditation in modern life and its impact on mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Delve into the origins and historical development of meditation practices and understand how meditation has evolved across different cultures.

Break down the components of a meditation practice and understand the inner workings of the mind during meditation.

Learn how to achieve and maintain a comfortable and sustainable meditation posture. Explore sitting, lying down, and other meditation positions.

Explore various breath control methods for enhancing meditation. Understand the role of breath in mindfulness.

Develop techniques to cultivate focus and concentration during meditation and explore methods to overcome distractions.

Deepen your understanding of mindfulness as a core meditation skill and learn how to integrate mindfulness into daily life.

Experience and practice guided meditation sessions. Understand how to guide others effectively in meditation.

Dive into concentration meditation techniques, including mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation. Explore their applications and benefits.

Engage in movement-based practices such as walking meditation and yoga. Learn to incorporate movement into meditation sessions.

Explore the power of mantra repetition as a meditation technique and understand how mantras can deepen your practice.

Practice body scan and progressive relaxation techniques. Learn to guide others through these relaxation methods.

Learn how to plan and structure effective meditation sessions.

Learn techniques for tailoring meditation to beginners, advanced practitioners, and seniors. Address specific needs and challenges of diverse groups.

Explore techniques for creating a welcoming and safe environment for meditation. Foster inclusivity and diversity in your meditation sessions.

Learn how to incorporate props and aids to enhance meditation experiences and explore the benefits of props in specific meditation techniques.

Discuss the ethical responsibilities of meditation teachers.


Journey to Inner Peace: An Online Meditation Course

Unlock the Profound Benefits of Meditation

Welcome to the online meditation course that is set to be a life-changing exploration of meditation and mindfulness. In this course, I invite you to embark on a transformative journey that deepens your understanding of meditation and equips you with the tools to become a skilled meditation practitioner and teacher.

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For Yoga Alliance Teachers: This course qualifies for 17 Yoga Alliance continuing education points.

  • We will delve into the significance of meditation in the modern world. We explore how meditation positively impacts your mental, emotional, and physical well-being, providing a profound understanding of the benefits of meditation in daily life.
  • We journey through time to understand the origins and historical development of meditation practices, discovering how meditation has evolved across different cultures. This journey enriches your appreciation for this timeless practice.
  • You’ll explore a tapestry of meditation traditions, ancient and contemporary, and be introduced to a wide array of meditation techniques, each with its unique qualities, providing the flexibility to choose the approach that resonates with you.
  • We will break down the components of a meditation practice and unveils the inner workings of the mind during meditation, establishing a strong foundation.
  • You will learn to achieve and maintain a comfortable and sustainable meditation posture, exploring various positions to discover the one that suits you best.
  • Discover breath control methods that enhance your meditation experience and understand the central role of breath in mindfulness.
  • You will be equipped with techniques to cultivate focus and overcome distractions, allowing you to dive deeper into your practice.
  • Deepen your understanding of mindfulness as a core meditation skill and learn to integrate it into your daily life, enhancing inner awareness.
  • Experience and practice guided meditation sessions, understanding how to guide others effectively, a powerful tool for self-discovery and leadership.
  • Dive into concentration meditation techniques, including mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation, and explore their applications and benefits.
  • Engage in movement-based practices such as walking meditation and yoga, learning to incorporate movement into your meditation sessions.
  • Explore the power of mantra repetition as a meditation technique, deepening your practice.
  • Practice body scan and progressive relaxation techniques and learn to guide others through these relaxation methods.
  • Learn how to plan and structure effective meditation sessions, understanding the importance of pacing and sequencing for a transformative experience.
  • Discuss techniques for tailoring meditation to diverse groups, ensuring inclusivity and addressing specific needs and challenges.
  • Explore techniques for creating a welcoming and safe environment for meditation, fostering inclusivity and diversity in your sessions.
  • Develop skills in leading group meditation sessions and understanding the nuances of guiding individuals in meditation.
  • Learn how to incorporate props and aids to enhance meditation experiences, exploring their benefits in specific techniques.
  • Discuss the ethical responsibilities of meditation teachers, addressing ethical dilemmas and conflicts in teaching, ensuring your role as a compassionate and responsible meditation guide.

This course will empower you with the knowledge and skills to embrace meditation fully and share its profound benefits with others. Join me on this transformative journey towards inner peace and self-discovery.



Module One

Prelude to Presence: Setting an Intention for this Meditation Course
Understanding the Importance of Meditation
The Historical and Cultural Context of Meditation
The Transformative Power of Meditation
The Diverse World of Meditation: Exploring Traditions and Techniques
Mindfulness Meditation (Practice)
Mindfulness Meditation (No Background Sound Effects)
Vipassana Meditation (Practice)
Vipassana Meditation (No Music)

Module Two

The Inner World: Exploring the Anatomy of Meditation
The Art of Finding the Perfect Posture
The Breath of Life: Enhancing Meditation with Breath Control
Belly Breathing (Practice)
Belly Breathing (No Music)
Box Breathing (Practice)
Box Breathing (No Music)
The Power of Concentration: Techniques to Sharpen Your Mind in Meditation
Developing Mindfulness: A Journey of Inner Awareness
Body Scan Meditation (Practice)
Body Scan (No Background Sound Effects)
Morning Abundance Meditation (Practice)
Morning Abundance Meditation (No Music)

Module Three

Guided Meditation: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Compassionate Leadership
10 Minute Guided Lake Visualisation for Positive Transformation (Practice)
10 Minute Guided Lake Visualisation for Positive Transformation (No Music)
The Transformative Power of Loving Kindness Meditation
Loving Kindness Meditation (Practice)
Loving Kindness Meditation (No Music)
The Dance of Stillness: Exploring Movement Based Meditation
Gentle Movement Meditation: Body and Mind Warm-Up (Practice)
Gentle Movement Meditation: (No Music)
Discovering Mantra Meditation
A Mantra Meditation: Your Personal Path to Inner Peace (Practice)
A Mantra Meditation: Your Personal Path to Inner Peace (No Music)

Module Four

Crafting Tranquillity: The Art of Structuring Meditation Sessions
Adapting Meditation for Different Populations
Nurturing Hearts and Minds: Creating a Safe and Inclusive Meditation Space
Guiding the Inner Journey: Leading Group and Individual Meditation
Elevating Inner Stillness: The Art of Using Props and Aids in Meditation

Module Five

Nurturing the Ethical Heart: The Role of Ethics in Meditation Teacher Training
The Path Within: Meditation’s Role in Spiritual and Personal Growth
Building Serenity into Success: Nurturing a Thriving Teaching Practice
Sample Student Waiver
Support and Resources for Mental Health: Reach Out and Find Help

Module Six

Certificate Request
Step by Step Guide to Lodging Your Yoga Alliance CE Points