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  • Reading time:6 mins read

Mastering Web Automation with WebdriverIO
A Comprehensive Guide to Automating Web Testing and Enhancing Your QA Skills

What you will learn

Tool Comparison and Setup

Element Management and Interaction

Timing and Synchronization

Advanced Element Handling


Are you ready to elevate your skills in web automation and become a proficient QA engineer? Dive into our comprehensive course, “Mastering Web Automation with WebdriverIO and Selenium,” and embark on a journey to become a web automation expert.

In this course, we cover everything you need to know to excel in web automation testing. Starting with a detailed comparison of WebDriverIO and Selenium, you’ll gain a solid understanding of the tools at your disposal. We’ll guide you through the installation process, ensuring you have a seamless setup for your automation projects.

As you progress through the course, you’ll unlock the secrets of effective element management and interaction. Learn how to perform various checks, from element presence to clickability, and master advanced techniques like focused elements and attribute checks. We also delve into the intricacies of inspecting elements, detecting shadows, and gathering crucial element properties.

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To make your automation scripts more robust, we explore different waiting and synchronization strategies, including explicit waits, hard sleep, and the “wait until” approach. You’ll be equipped to handle even the most complex web applications with confidence.

But that’s not all! Our course goes beyond the basics. You’ll discover how to configure timeouts, set capabilities, and generate Allure reports for comprehensive test reporting. Plus, we provide practical experience with a hands-on project involving the popular Orange HR application.

By the end of this course, you’ll be armed with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle web automation challenges with ease. Whether you’re a QA professional looking to upskill or a developer eager to enhance your testing capabilities, “Mastering Web Automation with WebdriverIO and Selenium” is your ticket to success in the world of web automation. Enroll now and take the first step toward becoming a web automation pro!



Getting Started with WebdriverIO

Node.js and WebdriverIO Installation
WebdriverIO vs Selenium

Understanding Web Locators and Advanced Locator Strategies

What Are Web Locators
IDs and Class Locators
Name Attributes, Tags and Links
CSS Query and XPath Locators
JS Function, Chain, React, and Custom Locators

Mastering Browser Automation and Element Interaction

Getting Browser APIs
Authentication and Element Management
Element Access Functions
Text to Input Field
Mouse Hovering
Web Page Navigation
Web Page Refresh and Restart
Minimize and Maximize Browser
Window Navigations
Drop-Down, Drag-Drop & Download

Element Verification and Interaction Checks

Check Element Presence
Check if Element is Enabled/Disabled
Check if Element is Visible
Check if Element is Selected
Check if Element is Clickable

Advanced Element Handling and Project Implementation: Orange HR

Focused Elements
Check Attributes
Project 1 : Orange HR

Advanced Element Inspection and Properties

Detecting Shadows
Getting Element Property
Getting Element Tag, Size and Location

Optimizing Element Waiting and Synchronization

Hard Sleep
Explicit Wait
Wait Until

Timeout Management in Web Automation with WebdriverIO

Getting and Setting Timeouts
WebdriverIO Timeouts

Element and Data Comparison Techniques

Check for Matching
Compare Elements and Arrays

Configuration and Reporting Essentials

Configuration File
Allure Report