• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:6 mins read

"Mastering Product Design: A Comprehensive Guide Concept
Real Time Case Study

What you will learn

Core Aspects of Product Design

Developing Customer Relationships

Market and Benchmark Study

Interactive Design Process

Integrating Form and Functionality

Usability Factors

Product Visualization and Presentation


“Embark on a transformative journey in our comprehensive course, ‘Crafting Design Excellence.’ Uncover the core principles of product design, from the initial stages of conceptualization and sketching to advanced 3-D modeling and effective communication. Learn the art of developing robust customer relationships, ensuring a seamless collaboration from project initiation.

Dive deep into market and benchmark studies, dissecting online and offline products, and drawing inspiration from award-winning designs. Experience an interactive design process, engaging in a back-and-forth with customers, adapting form expressions based on valuable feedback, and exploring multiple concepts for diverse user segments during marketing and sales.

Discover the delicate balance between form and functionality, understanding the technical core of each project. Delve into usability factors such as interaction, discoverability, affordance, and signifiers, aligning them seamlessly with technical functionality.

Cap off your journey by mastering the art of product visualization and presentation. Develop skills to showcase your designs with unparalleled detail, elicit effective feedback, and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Join us in ‘Crafting Design Excellence,’ where innovation meets technique, and your journey to becoming a proficient product designer begins.”

Core Aspects of Product Design:

Conceptualizing and Sketching

Research Ideation

3-D Modeling

Effective Communication and Data Mapping

Gathering Inputs and Feedback

Evaluating Concepts through Multiple Discussions with Customers

Final Rendering and Presentation Skills

Developing Customer Relationships:

Establishing Strong Customer Relationships from Project Initiation

Understanding Key Project Data and Its Impact on the Entire Design Process

Market and Benchmark Study:

Detailed Exploration of Market and Benchmark Studies

Analyzing Online and Offline Products

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Studying Award-Winning Product Designs

Extracting Expressions of Form Language from Exemplary Designs

Interactive Design Process:

Iterative Interaction with Customers

Adapting Form Expressions Based on Customer Feedback

Elaborating on Two or Three Form Language Concepts

Evaluating Expressions and Impact on Various User Segments during Marketing and Sales

Integrating Form and Functionality:

Understanding Technical Aspects as Core to the Project

Working with Form around Technical Constraints

Usability Factors:

Applying Usability Principles

Considering Interaction, Discoverability, Affordance, and Signifiers

Aligning with Technical Functionality

Product Visualization and Presentation:

Techniques for Effective Product Visualization

Presenting Products with Comprehensive Details to Customers

Gathering Effective Feedback and Making a Lasting Impression





What will you learn

What will you learn

Case Study

Case Study

What are the improvments

What are the improvments



Case Study

Case Study

Form Language

Form Language

What are the aspacts of Form Language

What are the aspacts of Form Language

Case Study

Case Study

Initial Posters

Initial Posters



3D Modelling

3D Modelling



Concept 2

Concept 2

Design Presentation

Design Presentation

