• Post category:StudyBullet-17
  • Reading time:12 mins read

Mastering Intermediate Python: Dive Deeper into the Language
Master Python Concepts & Python Subjects such as Object Oriented Programming, Exceptions, Generators , Closures & more

What you will learn

In this course students will learn advanced programming concepts such as Object-Oriented Programming, Exceptions ( Error Handing), Lambda function

In addition this course covers a wide range of topics such as inheritance, Modules & Packages, reading/writing to files, Generators, List comprehension and more

Students will further enhance their knowledge and skills in python programming language

After completing this course students will be prepared for advanced topics in Python and should be proficient in creating and writing complex codes


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  • Ready to take your Python programming skills to the next level? Look no further than our Intermediate Python Course. Designed for beginners eager to take the next step. This comprehensive course will propel you forward in the world of programming. empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle more complex projects and challenges.
  • Dive deep into advanced topics like object-oriented programming(OOP), exceptions, generators ,closures, lambda function, modules, list comprehensions and students will also learn about reading and writing to files and more. With hands-on exercises and real-world examples, you’ll gain the confidence to write efficient, elegant Python code like a pro. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to level up your programming game, and unlock endless possibilities with Python! Enroll now!
  • The intermediate course in Python programming language focuses on building on the fundamentals of the language and introducing more advanced topics. Students who complete this course will have a solid understanding of the language and will be able to create more complex programs and applications. This course is recommended for individuals with some prior experience with Python or programming in general.
  • I as you instructor will guide you through practical exercises and real-world projects, giving you the hands-on experience you need to become a proficient Python programmer with skills and knowledge


Additional operators & useful functions

end & sep keywords
Incorporate the end keyword within your string data type
Separate a text with the sep keyword
\n newline character
Solve the puzzle by using the new line character
and, or statements
Guess the correct answer
3. float data type ,shortcut operator &,comments
input() function
Regular div, integar div & modulo operator
Simple calculator
Inner list : copy & independent copy
Independence with little bit of slicing
We can apply the for loop on a string
What operators & methods we can and can’t use on strings

String methods

capitalize(), center(), endswith(), find(), isalnum()
isalpha(), islower(), isspace(), isupper(), lower(), lstrip()
replace(), rfind(), rstrip()
upper(), title(), swapcase(), strip(), startswith(), split()
upper-case & lower-casa
Find a specific character and check if it’s a string value
Back to original
split() part 2
How to combine strings

Encoding & ASCII & UTF-8 , code points

Introduction to encoding
UTF- 8
ord(), chr functions
Find the correct representation
min(), max(), list(), index(), count()
How many ?

List comprehension

Introduction to list comprehension
List comprehension part 2
List comprehension part 3

Functions and scopes

Scope of a function part 1
Scope of a function part 2
global keyword
global keyword part 2
del keyword
Master a function

Modules & Packages

Introduction to modules & packages
import keyword
from, as keywords
randrange(), choice()
dir() function
platform module
How to import a module and utilize its contents
path variable
How to create a module


Introduction to exceptions
List of exceptions
Practical example of an exception
try, except block
General exception vs specific exception
else block
2 except blocks
Exception is a class
args property
raise instruction
Empty raise instruction
Prevent python from terminating your code
Handle more than 1 exception

Object Oriented Programming ( OOP )

Introduction to OOP
Class & object creation
__init__ constructor, self parameter
instance variable
life of an instance variable
Class variable
Access a class variable through an object
Invoke another class method through a class method
__dict__ part 2
Object is independent
__str__ method
Private instance variable
__name__ attribute
__module__ property
Private method
Access a private property through a method
Introduction to inheritance
Inheritance part 2
Overriding a method
Inheritance : How to override the instance variable of a superclass
super() function
Inheritance: Ways to access a class variable
Inheritance : Access instance variable of a superclass
is operator
Multiple inheritance
How Python looks for data In multiple inheritance
__bases__ attribute
hasattr() function
issubclass() function
isinstance() function
procedural approach vs object approach
Class , properties and an object
Access superclass properties and override

Generators & Closures

Introduction to generators
yield statement
yield statement part 2
List comprehension vs generator
lambda functions
map() function
filter() function
Function assigned to a functions parameter
lambda used as anonymous function
Closures part 2
Closures part 3
lambda + a regular function
functions within functions

Processing Files

Introduction to data processing
open() function
Different open modes
close() function, IOError & errno property
errno property part 2
errno module
strerror() function
read() function
read() function part 2
read() function part 3
readline() method
readlines() method
for loop on open() function
write() method
Introduction to bytearray
bytearray part 2

Factorials & Fibonacci

Recursive function
Factorials part 2