DietAthlon is a unique, pioneering, weight loss coach, based on C.B.T. (Cognitive Behavioural Treatment) methods and the Mediterranean Diet consisting over 200 lectures based on over 200 scientific references and related bibliography! It suits health Experts but also people who want to improve their health, weight, nutrition and psychology on the long run!
DietAthlon will coach you weekly and step-by-step to conquer your own Athlos towards a slimmer, healthier, fitter and happier you, or to help your clients to reach those goals!
DietAthlon uses a -one of its kind- interactive coaching series, daily coaching goals and extra goals based on conscious and mindful eating, along with a unique nutrition and diet “build up” knowledge that regards:
No calorie counting,
No “magic” foods,
No food measuring or weighing,
No specific recipe requirements
No food restrictions
No deprivation
No endless food directories
No extreme or prolonged exercise
So that you can become the Dietician of YOURSELF, skipping any diet that you had in mind. It’s all about FLEXIBILITY in eating! If you are a health expert, you will learn how to easily address and coach exactly upon your clients needs, breaking through any diet and behavioral issue they bring you.
If you are still wondering how can your diet and your habits affect you, well:
In order for your metabolism and homeostasis to work properly,
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In order to be satisfied with your eating (that is, to have satiety) since the portions will be specific,
In order to get rid of cravings (and not succumb to unhelathy snacks, etc.),
In order to improve your mood biochemically through food ( believe it will happen after 3-4 days with this diet)
In order to deminish emotional and/or psychological eating
And finally in order to fully nourish yourself (to get what your body needs and to work properly)
You will be inspired to progress through unique behavioural and diet tools based on training your mind and body through the features below:
Every Coaching (12 in total) consists of a set of unique video tutorials, quizzes, and texts, created to be fully interactive, comprehensive, and fun, preparing you to conquer its Weekly Coaching Athlos! So you had better meet their goals if you really want to lose weight!
In the same manner, your Daily and Bonus and Extra Athlos will be there for you to use daily, offering extra help and new tasks, contributing to your mindfulness and conscious training.
Having a hard time with all those Athlos and their conquering? All the necessary information you will need plus extra material for every Coaching Athlos in order to conquer your own Athlos will be waiting for you here. Except your Diet Menu, you will receive over 100 updated related articles and dozens of hand-outs for your transformation!
Know now that being fit, happy, and healthy isn’t a final destination; it is a way of life! Just like the 12 labors – 12 Athlos – were the means for Hercules to redeem himself, and not his journey’s end. So what are you waiting for? DietAthlon is here, your quest for the better YOU of a lifetime!
Introduction to DietAthlon
DietAthlon is a journey to a complete transformation campaign. ARE YOU READY?
1st Week: 1st Athlos: Conscious Eating
Let the Athlos… BEGIN!
1st Week: 1st Athlos: Conscious Eating
Lets begin with our first quiz!
Distinguish the differences
Understanding the differences
But “not being hungry anymore” is something else
The Hunger-Satisfaction Scale 0-5
Focusing on the Scale
Lets see what you make of the Scale!
Right then! Let’s review each stage, one by one: read about ‘0’ level again
Analyzing Level ‘0’
Off we go then! Now lets see ‘level ‘1’ again.
Off to level ‘2’
Now the tricky part, level ‘3’!
Oh, that level ‘3’!
Let’s say it out loud!
Right! On to level ‘4’.
“Feeling full” may be not right, unless you consumed low caloric food (veggies)
On to level ‘5’!
It’s all about Eating Consciousness
Three specific and very important key points in the Scale
Key points
Oops! now here is something new
Becoming the “Dietician of yourself”
Eating Slowly
Lets see what have you learnt so far!
Understanding the potential of the Scale
At which level are you now on the scale?
Listen to your body: Understand what it says, use the Scale!
Again, focus on the Scale
Focus on your stomach and realize…
Again… ask yourself:
Should you eat the rest?
At which level are you on the scale this time?
So what will you do?
So what will you do?
Well done! Keep going! We are almost done!
What should you have done earlier, at 12:00?
Time to conquer your own Athlos!
S.O.S.: Writing may be more important than reading…
1st Weekly Athlos Assignment: The AthloPedia Area
Athlopedia: First 6 fundamental Diet Athlos (12 in Total)
Athlopedia: Introducing your Daily Athlos
Athlopedia: Introducing your Extra Athlos
Athlopedia: Introducing your Bonus Athlos
Learn to become your own Nutritionist: YOUR DIET ATHLOS!
Learn to eat perfectly in the simplest way: Master the main 3+1 Food Groups
It’s all about flexibility, Master the Starch portions and exchanges easily
Master the Fresh Group portions and exchanges easily
Master the Protein Group: Easy Measurement and Exchanges
The notorious Triads (Tripples) and Dyads (doubles)
Keeping track of your progress regarding weight loss
SOS: Writing is important!
Athlopedia: Diet Tools
Athlopedia Area: The rest 6 fundamental Diet Athlos (12 in Total)
2nd Week: 2nd Athlos: Mindful Eating
Mindful Eating: Taking care not only WHAT you eat, but HOW you eat…
Food is sacred
Just… take your time
Did you know?
It’s proven by many studies
The French Paradox (regarding food consumption)
Les ”savoir-vivre”
Less is MORE!
Another reason your metabolism is negatively affected when you eat rapidly
Insulin and Blood sugar metabolism gets affected
Eating faster brings imbalance.
It’s all about HOW we eat…
Being in harmony with food
Leaving your cutlery (i.e. yourfork) on the table between bites (HARD STUFF)…
Cinema without Popcorn? Oh no…
When overeating…
When walking and eating streetfood… (probably you have done it)
A Taco can consist of a TRIAD of healthy foods, but the way you ate it, well..
Now, conquer your own Mindful Eating Athlos!
2nd Weekly Athlos Assesment
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Daily Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Extra Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Bonus Athlos
3rd Week: 3rd Athlos: Alert Eating
Get to know the term “Caloric Density”
The “Toxic Triangle”
Cravings or addiction?
You will never binge on apples, right?
Trigger Foods
Recognizing Trigger Foods
Trigger Foods or Red Foods are a complex problem. But with a “clean” solution
Can you enjoy these foods in smaller portions frequently and still lose weight?
Remeber the King left to starve on an island?
What? Less is MORE? AGAIN?
Remember, you have the control
Did you pay attention to the video?
It is crucial for you to fix your surroundings
It’s not that hard
Fixing your surroundings
Learning to resist
Which three basic food categories aren’t usually missing from a household?
An Obesity inducing industry
Now it’s time to conquer your own Alert Eating Athlos!
3rd Weekly Athlos Assignment: The AthloPedia Area
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Daily Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Extra Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Bonus Athlos
4th Week: 4th Athlos: Social Eating
Social Eating isn’t a problem, its an Athlos you should conquer!
What should you consider?
Again, WHAT you eat is just the result
The problem with processed foods or ready meals
A deeper look into those 3 factors
So, what to do?
Choose your Strategy for this Athlos!
Social… pressures to eat!
So again…what should you do?
Be prepared, you know what’s coming, don’t you?
The misconception with portions
Adjusting the portions to your needs
The misconception with portions, part 2
A TRIAD in your plate will always be a right choice
Less is MORE, by utilizing the 7 rules of Social Eating
Analyzing the 7 rules of Social Eating
Now, conquer your own Social Eating Athlos!
4th Weekly Athlos Assignment: The AthloPedia Area
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Daily Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Extra Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Bonus Athlos
5th Week: 5th Athlos: Choosing the right Physical Activity
How important is physical activity?
Physical Activity helps in many ways
Inactivity leads to weight gain
Type and level of activity
Using Activity Trackers
A step counter may come in handy
Don’t try to be the next super athlete. At least not yet.
Step by Step
A tiny step, a huge leap!
The benefits from systematic physical activity are countless!
You don’t have to spend endless hours on your treadmill or in the gym
The cent vs the million (na to ftiakso
Move the mountain lifting one rock each time
Remember, we all started from somewhere
Its easier than you think
Discovering your unique, BETTER SELF
A perfect body for a perfect face… Yours!
Unleashing the power within
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Daily Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Extra Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Bonus Athlos
6th Week: 6th Athlos: The Way to Longterm Weight Loss
A lower weight loss rate, or even a stoppage…
Loosing weight really fast… or not?
Taking into account every factor
Achieve a lower but STEADY weight and avoid having large fluctuations
An achievable, sustainable, healthy and feasible Goal… Your own ATHLOS!
Let’s make everything clear
Whatever it Takes
A broader perspective
An Athlos is not measured in numbers, but in overall improvement of the factors
The studies are clear
THe right way to do it
Like in a marathon run: You have to go far, not fast.
The weight Scale doesn’t always tell the truth…
Be in harmony with yourself, embrace your body and mind
You are NOT a number
Your Criteria is solely your improvement in habitual CHANGE
Exceptions are there only to prove the rule
The benefit from losing weight for your health lies beyond a number on a scale
Since you have to lose weight, you have to lose weight consciously
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Daily Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Extra Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Bonus Athlos
7th Week: 7th Athlos: Emotional or Comfort Eating NO MORE Athlos:
Everything will come together now
Hunger stands below your throat… Cravings stand above it
Trying to control your emotions…
Everything in life comes in cycles. In Dietathlon, they are called PRO cycles
Emotional eating is an addiction. Like a casette, it keeps looping a sad song
What about your own PROs?
At least two of the above conditions together are needed, to trigger a PRO event
When that cassette plays no matter the stage (P,R,O), you can always push “STOP”
You write your OWN song. The scenario YOU want! Just choose positive PRO loops!
Just believe in it and express yourself positively
As long as you keep being positive, it will become your new mindset
Block your negative “P”s, raise those positive “R”s. Then celebrate and repeat!
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Daily Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Extra Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Bonus Athlos
8th Week: 8th Athlos: The will to continue on the right path of your journey
Remember two basic things: where you started from and why you do this
Battery of Decisiveness
Choose Your Pole… there is more to it than positive or negative outcomes
Choose Your Future, Visualize Your Better Self
“Thin Positive”
When moving a mountain, every rock you lift is as important as the last…
Your progress up to now is a great achievement, a unique Athlos, YOUR OWN ATHLOS
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Daily Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Extra Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Bonus Athlos
9th Week: 9th Athlos: A Journey that never ends
Here are your primary goals, your main Athlos to conquer and hold on to forever
A moment of clarity: Losing weight is the secondary outcome…
Looking back at the details
It doesn’t matter where you are on the road as long as you stay on the road
Time to face all your personal Athlos
Humans are perfeclty imperfect… and there is a reason for that…
Some clients of mine call it Mindhacking”
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Daily Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Extra Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Bonus Athlos
10th Week: 10th Athlos: Special… Missions!
Having a strategy to deal with special occasions makes an exceptional Athlos
Holidays and Vacations
Beware of a prolonged gap
Again, its all about a conscious state of mind
You will not enjoy yourself more if you eat and drink carelessly
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Daily Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Extra Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Bonus Athlos
11th Week: 11th Athlos: To maintain is to progress (it regards all your Athlos)
Getting closer and closer to your Ultimate Athlos
Keeping it in your grasp
:Now the puzzle shapes to its final form…
The problem is that weight maintenance offers a lower level of awareness
Losing some more weight might be harder
The big secret is to feel good about it
You may think that I am repeating myself
Using DietAthlon the way it is meant to
Deminish the risk of regaining weight
5 basic keyponts not lose control of
The risk of failure is always an underlying one
Keep pushing; keep fighting for the better you and when the time comes…
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Daily Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Extra Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Bonus Athlos
12th Week: 12th Athlos: Weight Regain? Never Again!
You deserve every right to have come this far.
Let’s play a Role Playing Game
The W.E G.ET (Evaluation of Weight Gain Etiology) formula
W.E G.ET (Evaluation of Weight Gain Etiology) regards lifestyle changes
We all slip from time to time. Winners put out the fire while it is still small
Dear Achiever you have learned a lot by coming so far. Yet…
You’ve learned so much in such a little time and still, so much more lie ahead
The path never ends, it will always teach you
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Daily Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Extra Athlos
Athlopedia: This week’s 7 Bonus Athlos