• Post category:StudyBullet-15
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Market Research Fundamentals Training Program (Course 2 of 3)

What you will learn

Understanding Market Research Fundamentals: Learners should grasp the foundational concepts of market research, including its purpose, importance, and methods

Analyzing Market Dynamics: Students should be able to identify and analyze factors that influence market behavior like consumer trends, competitor actions etc.

Conducting Market Surveys and Data Collection: You will learn to design and implement effective market surveys, collect data, and use different data sources

Applying Estimation Techniques: The course covers statistical techniques for estimating market size, demand, and potential growth

Forecasting Market Trends: Learners should be able to develop forecasting models to predict future market trends and make informed business decisions

Identifying Business Opportunities: Participants should be able to identify potential business opportunities and gaps in the market based on their research

Business Decision-Making: The course focuses on how market research and forecasting can contribute to making strategic business decisions

Ethical Considerations: Learners may also be educated on ethical considerations and best practices in conducting market research, ensuring data privacy


Unlock the Power of Market Insights: Gain an Edge in the Competitive Business Landscape!

Welcome to “Market – Research | Market Dynamics, Estimation & Forecasting” – a game-changing course designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge to decode market complexities, drive data-informed decisions, and position yourself as a strategic powerhouse in the world of business.

Why Enroll in This Course?

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In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving marketplace, staying ahead of the competition is not just a goal; it’s a necessity. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned professional, or a marketing aficionado, understanding market dynamics and mastering research and forecasting techniques are non-negotiable assets.

  • The Power of Market Research: Explore the world of market research and discover how it acts as a compass, guiding you towards your business goals. Unravel the art of gathering valuable data, tapping into consumer behavior, and interpreting market trends. With these insights, you’ll make informed decisions that resonate with your audience and resonate with success.
  • Forecasting the Future: Peek into the future with the power of data-driven forecasting. Anticipate market trends, identify lucrative opportunities, and brace yourself against potential risks. Become the visionary leader your organization needs to navigate uncertainty and propel it towards unparalleled growth.
  • Empower Your Decision-Making: No more guesswork. No more relying on gut feelings. Empower yourself with concrete evidence and sound analysis. Refine your critical thinking and analytical prowess to confidently lead your team, advise stakeholders, and make strategic choices that will shape your business’s trajectory.
  • Practical Skills for Real-World Success: Forget theoretical jargon and complex equations. This course is all about practical, hands-on learning. From conducting effective surveys to organizing market data and constructing forecasting models – you’ll gain the skills that top industry professionals swear by.
  • Designed for All Skill Levels: Whether you’re a fresh-faced beginner or an experienced professional looking to level up your expertise, our inclusive approach ensures that every learner finds value in this course. We meet you where you are and take you on a transformative journey, step by step.
  • Become a Market Leader: Equip yourself with the tools to become a market leader, an invaluable asset to any organization. Stand out from the crowd and impress with your ability to unravel market mysteries and predict trends with laser precision.
  • The Future Awaits – Enroll Today: Don’t let your business decisions be clouded by uncertainty. Embrace the power of knowledge and drive your success story forward. Enroll now in “Market – Research | Market Dynamics, Estimation & Forecasting” and unleash the potential that awaits you in the dynamic world of business.

Are you ready to seize your competitive advantage?

Join us and embark on a journey that will transform your understanding of markets and your approach to decision-making forever. Your success starts here.




Course Introduction
Program Introduction
Program Introduction: Video
Guidelines to make the best out of this course
Opening Case Study

Module 3: Market Dynamics

Overview and what is covered in this module
Overview and what is covered in this module: Video
What drive market dynamics?
What drive market dynamics?: Video
What are other factor influencing market dynamics?
How do businesses react to changing market dynamics?
How do businesses react to changing market dynamics?: Video
Effective approaches to monitor and track market dynamics
Effective approaches to monitor and track market dynamics: Video
Understanding market dynamics in international trade
Understanding market dynamics in international trade: Video
What are the IT tools that can help here?
What are the IT tools that can help here?: Video
Complimentary copy of the book corresponding to this course 2 of 3
Quiz based on your learning in the area of market dynamics

Module 3: Case Study: Automobile industry in India: Changing Consumer Preference

Overview of the case study
Understanding general trends of changing consumer preferences in Automobiles Ind
Understanding other trends of changing consumer preferences and market dynamics
Findings of the exercise

Module 4: Market Estimation

Overview: Video
Opening Case Study
Opening case study : Video
Tools and Techniques – Market Estimation
Tools and techniques : Approaches for market estimation: Part 1: Video
Tools and techniques : Approaches for market estimation: Part 2: Video
Tools and techniques for market estimation : Primary Research : Video
Tools and techniques for market estimations : Secondary Research : Video
Tools and techniques for market estimation: Quantitative Techniques
Tools and techniques for market estimation: Qualitative Techniques
How to manage data in Market Estimation
Example cum case study
Limitations and challenges
Limitations and challenges: Video
Self Awareness Quiz on Market Estimation

Module 5: Market Forecasting

Overview : Video
Opening Case Study
Accurate and Reliable Market Forecasting And Applications
Accurate and Reliable Market Forecasting And Applications: Video
Role of Market Segmentation
Role of market segmentation: Video
Role of market segmentation: A real life example: NETFLIX
Case Study Cum Assignment: Introduction

Closing Case Study

Understanding market dynamics
Process of data collection used for market forecasting
Tools and techniques used – Quantitative
Tools and techniques – Qualitative
Scenario Planning
Resulting informed strategic decisions – examples
Results and Impact


Concluding Remarks