What you will learn
What are differential equations?
Why are differential equations important for linear circuits?
Why do all linear circuit differential equations behave the same way?
Day 24 of Linear Circuits. One of the biggest stumbling blocks for sophomore engineering and physics students is the use of differential equations in our daily homework problems and exam questions. While an entire course on differential equations could last 30, 40, or 50 hours (or more!), we bring you the most important basics of what differential equations are, how they work, and why they are relevant to our linear circuit lessons. Perhaps most importantly, however, we discover that differential equations don’t have to be that scary, and in fact, the solutions for all differential equations actually have a lot in common with each other. Don’t be afraid – we’ll take it step-by-step. : )
The material covers all of the lecture material from an twenty-fourth lecture in a traditional, sophomore-level linear circuits class.