• Post category:StudyBullet-19
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Inside atomic world the journey of modern Physics

What you will learn

Modern Physics


Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

Atomic Structure

J.J Thompson model

Ernst Rutherford model

Neils Bohr Model

Basics of Nuclear Reactors

Introduction to radiation (alpha,beta,gamma)

Semiconductor & electronic

Basic electronic devices (LED, Solar, Photodiode)

Why take this course?

🌐 Course Title: Let’s Learn Modern Physics

🚀 Headline: Inside the Atomic World: The Journey of Modern Physics

Introduction to the Mystical Atomic Universe
Want to dive into the world of atoms? Are you curious to see what’s inside the tiniest units that make up everything around us? 🌺 Welcome to Modern Physics!

In this course, we’re embarking on a thrilling exploration of the atomic realm and beyond. We’ll delve into the history of atom models, from the classical to the quantum, and uncover the stories of the Nobel Prize-winning physicists who shaped our understanding of the subatomic world.

👉 What You’ll Learn:

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  • The Fundamentals of Atoms: We’ll cover their structures, the mathematics behind their models, and the calculations that bring it all to life.
  • Nuclei and Particles: Understanding protons, neutrons, electrons, and the mass defect within the nucleus.
  • Radiation Basics: Alpha, beta, and gamma radiation – their production, powers, and role in radioactivity.
  • Nuclear Reactors: We’ll dissect fission and fusion processes, learning why they are pivotal to our energy needs.
  • Quantum Theory and Experimentation: Bohr’s postulates, Einstein’s photoelectric effect, and De Broglie’s concept of particle duality.
  • Electronics Fundamentals: A look at semiconductors and basic electronic devices to bridge the gap between physics and technology.

📚 Interactive Learning Experience
We’ve designed this course with a blend of interactive storytelling and engaging formats, ensuring that each lesson is both educational and enjoyable. 🎉

  • Mathematical Foundations: We’ll present mathematical formulas and derivations where necessary, all in a format that’s easy to grasp.
  • Historical Experiments: Relive the groundbreaking discoveries of scientific pioneers through the experiments and models they developed.

🚀 Why Take This Course?
This course is not just about absorbing information; it’s about understanding and being able to present these valuable theories and concepts to your audience. Whether you’re a student, educator, or curious mind, this course will provide you with the foundational knowledge needed to explore advanced topics in modern physics.

📆 Your Learning Commitment
We invite you to join us on this exciting journey through the atomic world. With just 15 minutes of commitment each day, you can start learning today and transform your understanding of modern physics.

🔥 Upcoming Content Alerts
Stay tuned for additional announcements and updates that will enhance your learning experience in the near future.

So, 🎓 are you ready to unlock the mysteries of the atomic world with us? Enroll now and step into the fascinating realm of Modern Physics!
